Projects Funded for Research Year 2005
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Grantee: |
FAMSI #: |
Grant: |
Project Title: |
Ardren, T. | 05064 | $10,000.00 | Regional Investigations at the Cupul Province Trading Center of Xuenkal: Proyecto Arqueológico Xuenkal | Barrientos Quezada, T. | 05082 | $10,000.00 | Hydraulic Systems in Central Cancuén: Ritual, Reservoir, and/or Drainage? | Brown, L. | 05012 | $6,275.00 | Planting the Bones: An Ethnoarchaeological Exploration of Hunting Shrines and Deposits around Lake Atitlán, Guatemala | Carballo, D. | 05018 | $9,000.00 | Proto-Urban Social Transformations and Community Organization at La Laguna, Tlaxcala During the Late Pre-Classic | Castellanos Cabrera, J. | 05039 | $9,950.00 | Buenavista-Nuevo San José, Petén, Guatemala, Another village from the Middle Preclassic (800-400 B.C.) | Cerón Rojas, F. | 05052 | $1,375.00 | The Foundation, Settlement, and Political Dynamics in La Montaña de Guerrero, Mexico (14th-16th Century) | Chávez Balderas, X. | 05054 | $8,725.00 | Human Sacrifice and Mortuary Treatments in the Great Temple of Tenochtitlán | Cheetham, D. | 05021 | $8,935.00 | Cantón Corralito: Objects from a Possible Gulf Olmec Colony | Córdova Tello, G. | 05049 | $6,320.00 | Suchil River Valley Archaeological Project, Zacatecas and Durango, 2005 Season | Davila, R. | 05058 | $9,800.00 | Inventing the Ancient Maya: Travelers, Explorers, and Scholars in the 19th Century | Ek, J. | 05061 | $9,266.00 | The Champotón Regional Settlement Survey: Results from the 2005 Field Season, México | Ensor, B. | 05024 | $7,925.00 | Late Classic-Epi-Classic Ceramic Chronology at Islas de Los Cerros, Tabasco, México | Fialko, V. | 05005 | $10,000.00 | Archaeological Research and Rescue Project at Naranjo: Emerging Documentation in Naranjo's, Palacio de la Realeza, Petén, Guatemala | Fitzsimmons, J. | 05047 | $9,000.00 | Kings of Jaguar Hill: Monuments and Caches at Zapote Bobal | Foley, J. | 05059 | $9,964.00 | Correlating Archaeological and Epigraphic Evidence at La Sufricaya, Holmul, Petén | French, K. | 05076 | $4,253.00 | Palenque Hydro-Archaeology Project | Halperin, C. | 05045 | $3,820.00 | Investigating Classic Maya Ritual Economies: Figurines from Motul de San José, Guatemala | Haskell, D. | 05036 | $9,626.00 | Investigating the Expansion and Consolidation of the Tarascan State: Fieldwork at Erongarícuaro, Michoacán, México | Hill, J. | 05080 | $3,000.00 | Publication: Piedra Negras Archaeology, 1931-1939 | Knight, C. | 05066 | $8,347.00 | Palo Errado Patterned Wetland Mapping Project, Veracruz, Mexico | Levine, M. | 05031 | $5,872.00 | The Tututepec Archaeological Project (TAP): Residential Excavations at Yucu Dzaa, a Late Postclassic Mixtec Capital on the Coast of Oaxaca, México | Love, M. | 05051 | $9,775.00 | The Context and Associations of Monument 3 from La Blanca, Guatemala | McKillop, H. | 05032 | $9,400.00 | GIS of the Maya Canoe Paddle Site, K'ak' Naab' | Milbrath, S. | 05025 | $5,151.00 | Mayapán's Effigy Censers: Iconography, Context, and External Connections | Pérez de Lara, J. | 05084 | $6,310.00 | Photographic Documentation of Monuments with Epi-Olmec Script/Imagery | Pérez Pérez, J. | 05028 | $4,355.00 | Terrace Agriculture in Cerro San Lucas, Teotihuacan Valley | Prufer, K. | 05070 | $9,944.00 | Report of the Uxbenká Archaeological Project (UAP) - 2005 Field Season | Rochette, E. | 05069 | $10,000.00 | Investigating Jade Prestige Goods Production, Middle Motagua Valley, Guatemala | Scherer, A. | 05027 | $9,120.00 | Archaeological Reconnaissance at Tixan: Explorations in the Southern Sierra del Lacandón National Park, Petén, Guatemala | Sellen, A. | 05016 | $3,840.00 | Re-evaluation of the Early Archaeological Collections from Oaxaca: A Trip to the Seler Archives in Berlin | Serafin, S. | 05033 | $3,700.00 | Bioarchaeological Investigation of the Ancient Population Structure of Mayapán | Smith-Oka, V. | 05063 | $4,000.00 | Traditional Medicine Among the Nahua: Contemporary and Ancient Medicinal Plants | Tabarev, A. | 05040 | $3,200.00 | Olmec Culture: Textbook for Russian Universities | Téllez Lozano, V. | 05083 | $6,204.00 | The Reorganization of the Huichol Ceremonial Precinct (Tukipa) of Guadalupe Ocotán, Nayarit, México | Vargas Gonzalez, A. | 05085 | $8,300.00 | Asentamientos Prehispánicos en la Tierra Caliente Michoacán, México | Wright, L. | 05068 | $7,875.00 | Ethnicity and Isotopes at Mayapán | Zborover, D. | 05038 | $6,550.00 | The Chontalpa Historical Archaeology Project, Oaxaca | Total Grantees: 37 Total Amount: $269,177.00 | Main | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995/1994
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