Projects Funded for Research Year 1999
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Grantee: |
FAMSI #: |
Grant: |
Project Title: |
Ajpacajá Tum, F. | 98062 | $7,500.00 | Preparation of a K'ichee' Choltziij Dictionary | Barnhart, E. | 98063 | $16,800.00 | The Palenque Mapping Project | Bove, F. | 98001 | $13,630.00 | Archaeology of the Guatemala Pacific Coast | Browder, J. | 98044 | $8,000.00 | A Multispectral Imaging of the Tepantitla Murals at Teotihuacán | Estrada-Belli, F. | 98010 | $9,575.00 | Archaeological Investigations at Holmul, Guatemala. Report of the First Field Season | Guderjan, T. | 98029 | $6,000.00 | Sampling Botanical Remains at Blue Creek, Belize | Hirth, K. | 98054 | $9,990.00 | The Conference on Ancient Mesoamerican Obsidian Blade Production | Houston, S. | 98055 | $20,000.00 | Among the River Kings: Archaeological Research at Piedras Negras, Guatemala | Kristan-Graham, C. | 98022 | $1,820.00 | The Architecture of Statecraft at Ancient Tula | Lorenzen, K. | 98047 | $6,060.00 | Late Postclassic Shrine Complexes at El Naranjal, Quintana Roo, México | Manahan, K. | 98038 | $5,830.00 | After the Fall: Examining the nature of the Classic Maya collapse of Copán, Honduras (Updated 2000) | Masson, M. | 98021 | $6,260.00 | PostClassic Political Cycles in Chetumal, México | Mathews, J. | 98027 | $3,894.00 | The Long Winding Road: Regional Maya Sacbe, Yucatán Peninsula, México | McClung de Tapia, E. | 98024 | $10,000.00 | Prehispanic Life in a Man-made Island Habitat in Chignahuapan Marsh, Santa Cruz Atizapan, State of México, México | Mock, S. | 98036 | $10,500.00 | The Northern Belize Coastal Project | Montgomery, J. | 99105 | $5,000.00 | John Montgomery Drawings Collection | Montoya, J. | 98060 | $4,100.00 | Terracotta Figurines from the Pyramid of the Moon at Teotihuacán, México | Morales, A. | 98050 | $9,250.00 | Stucco Relief from Structure XIX, Palenque | Neff, H. | 98061 | $11,500.00 | Production and Distribution of Plumbate Pottery | Pinkston, C. | 98040 | $2,635.00 | Tracing Louis H. Ayme’s Explorations in Oaxaca, México, 1884-1885 | Prufer, K. | 99003 | $1,375.00 | Analysis and Conservation of a Wooden Figurine Recovered from Xmuqlebal Xheton Cave in Southern Belize, C.A. | Redmond, E. | 98019 | $7,550.00 | Excavations at El Palenque, San Martín Tilcajete | Saunders, N. | 98056 | $5,220.00 | Obsidian Mirrors and Tezcatlipoca in Conquest and Post-Conquest México | Sharer, R. | 98005 | $34,750.00 | Early Copán Acrópolis Program 1999 Field Season | Shelby, T. | 98037 | $4,495.00 | The Polychrome Stucco Façade of Structure N10-28, Lamanai, Belize | Shoemaker, D. | 98032 | $6,800.00 | El Mapa de Teozacoalco | Stuart, G. | 99104 | $1,386.00 | Archaeological Palynology of Teuchitlán | Tabarev, A. | 98002 | $1,500.00 | Course of Lectures, Ancient Mesoamerica, Russia | Turkon, P. | 98066 | $1,300.00 | Macrobotanical Study: Zacatecas, México | Weeks, J. | 98008 | ** | Maya Copper Metallurgy, Guatemala | Weeks, J. | 98065 | $10,000.00 | Bibliografía Mesoamericana | Whittington, S. | 99002 | $2,500.00 | Analysis of Kaqchikel Skeletons: Iximché, Guatemala | Williams-Beck, L. | 98058 | $3,500.00 | Rethinking Maya Political Geography | Total Grantees: 33 Total Amount: $248,720.00 | **Due to special circumstances, project monies were returned to FAMSI. | Main | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995/1994
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