Projects Funded for Research Year 2000
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Grantee: |
FAMSI #: |
Grant: |
Project Title: |
Aguilera, M. | 99034 | $3,500.00 | Survey of Talking Cross Shrines in Yucatán and Quintana Roo | Amrhein, L. | 20001 | $467.00 | An Iconographic and Historic Analysis of Terminal Classic Maya Phallic Imagery | Barnhart, E. | 99101 | $16,800.00 | The Palenque Mapping Project, Final Report (1998-2000) | Benz, B. | 99074 | $6,112.00 | The Origins of Mesoamerican Agriculture: Reconnaissance and Testing in the Sayula-Zacoalco Lake Basin | Chinchilla Mazariegos, O. | 99053 | $15,000.00 | Archaeological Research at Cotzumalhuapa, Guatemala | Elson, C. | 99055 | $4,968.00 | Excavations at Los Mogotes, San Martín Tilcajete, Oaxaca | Fletcher, L. | 99106 | $2,200.00 | Publication: Las Ruinas de Calakmul, Campeche, México: Un lugar central y su paisaje cultural | Florescano, E. | 99011 | $7,000.00 | Quetzalcóatl. Metaphors and Images | Gasco, J. | 99035 | $8,000.00 | Ancient Xoconochco: Occupational History | Góngora Salas, A. | 99040 | $9,148.00 | Northeastern Yucatán Project: Archaeological Survey in the Northeastern Corner of Yucatán, México | Gossen, G. | 99014 | $7,500.00 | Four Creations of True People: Tzotzil Maya Account of the Human Experience | Gutiérrez, G. | 99060 | $6,000.00 | Archaeology and Ethnohistory in the La Montaña of Guerrero: Patterns in the Political and Territorial Expansion of a Tlapaneco-Mixteco Polity in Post-Classic Mesoamerica | Headrick, A. | 99039 | $9,980.00 | Reconstructing Teotihuacán's Political Structure, Mexico | Hinojosa, S. | 99018 | ** | Vocational Directives among Maya Bonesetters in Two Guatemalan Communities | Houston, S. | 99028 | $18,000.00 | In the Land of the Turtle Lords: Archaeological Investigations at Piedras Negras, Guatemala | Hull, K. | 99036 | $3,141.00 | Cosmological and Ritual Language in Ch'orti' | Johnston, K. | 99072 | ** | Earliest Maya: Antecedents to Complex Society: Chaak Ak'al, Guatemala | Joyce, A. | 99012 | $13,800.00 | Household Archaeology in Coastal Oaxaca, México | Larios Villalta, C. | 99026 | $8,500.00 | Architectural Restoration Criteria in the Maya Area | Love, M. | 99042 | $4,700.00 | The Analysis of Archaeological Materials from El Ujuxte, Guatemala | Maca, A. | 99081 | $4,800.00 | Foothill Settlement and Urban Planning at Late Classic Copán, Honduras | Milbrath, S. | 99025 | $3,000.00 | Research for book on Ancient Mexican Astronomy | Monaghan, J. | 99031 | $4,661.00 | The Indigenous Nobility and the Reinscription of Mesoamerican Codices | Mora-Marín, D. | 99049 | $1,948.00 | Late Preclassic Inscription Documentation Project | O'Mansky, M. | 99089 | $5,000.00 | Cancuén Regional Archaeological Project | Paillés Hernández, M. | 99041 | $7,800.00 | Las Bocas, Puebla, Archaeological Project | Pohl, M. | 99069 | $7,500.00 | Economic Foundations of Olmec Civilization in the Gulf Coast Lowlands of México | Popenoe de Hatch, M. | 99030 | $6,500.00 | Paleoclimatic Variation in the Valley of Guatemala during Precolumbian Times | Powis, T. | 99057 | $3,500.00 | The Preclassic Whole Vessels of Lamanai, Belize | Robinson , E. | 99052 | $6,510.00 | Multi-spectral Imaging of La Casa de las Golondrinas Rock Paintings | Sachse, F. | 99009 | $5,100.00 | Xinka Lexicography and Morphology | Scott, S. | 99100 | $14,457.00 | Publication: The Terracotta Figurines from Sigvald Linné's Excavations at Teotihuacán, México | Sharer, R. | 99102 | $33,000.00 | Early Copán Acropolis Program 2000 Field Season | Shaw, J. | 99016 | $6,000.00 | Final Report of the 2000 Yo'okop Field Season: Initial Mapping and Surface Collections | Smyth, M. | 99017 | $8,500.00 | Teotihuacán in the Puuc Region: Investigating an Early Foreign Presence at Chac II | Van Stone, M. | 99027 | $2,500.00 | Identifying Individual Hands in the Monuments of K'inich Ahkal Mo' Naab of Palenque | Weeks, J. | 98065 | $8,896.00 | Bibliografía Mesoamericana | Welch, D. | 99024 | $4,864.00 | The Chacalapan Geophysical Survey, Veracruz, México | Wendt, C. | 99068 | $8,000.00 | Investigations at an Olmec Community | Total Grantees: 39 Total Amount: $287,352.00 | **Due to special circumstances, project monies were returned to FAMSI. | Main | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995/1994
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