Image - Cacao Pod Vessel - K6706 © Justin Kerr THE FOUNDATION GRANTING DEPARTMENT
Projects Funded for Research Years 1994 and 1995

To view report, click on project title.

Grantee: FAMSI #: Grant: Project Title:
Amlin, P.94041$7,000.00Film: The Five Suns: A Sacred History of México
Aviles, M.94047$9,000.00The Archaeology of Early Formative Chalcatzingo, Morelos, México
Bellas, M.94019$5,000.00The Body in the Mixtec Codices: Birth, Purification, Transformation and Death
Carrelli, C.94036$5,000.00Masonry Construction Systems at the Acrópolis, Copán, Honduras
Culbert, T.94033$3,482.00Ancient Maya Wetland Agriculture
Danien, E.93002$5,000.00Travel Support Maya Weekend-Philadelphia
Dunning, N.94048$5,990.00Ancient Maya Environmental Adaptations and Impacts: The Paleoecology of Laguna Tamarindito, Petén, Guatemala
Feinman, G.94016$7,755.00Systematic Settlement Survey Surrounding Guirún, Oaxaca, México
Guderjan, T.94007$3,050.00Documentation of the Blue Creek Jade Shaft
Hassig, R.94049**Weapons and War in Mesoamerica
Josserand , J.94017$9,000.00Chol Ritual Language
Kaplan, J.94040$3,600.00The Kaminaljuyú Miraflores II Ground-Penetrating Radar Subproject
Keeler, P.94003$5,000.00Maya Meetings at Texas: Travel Expenses
Maffi, L.94026$8,000.00A Tzeltal Maya Dictionary
Mezzatesta, M.93000$50,000.00Publication: Painting the Maya Universe: Royal Ceramics of the Classic Period
Morales, A.94025$7,469.00Recording New Inscriptions of Palenque
Orr, H.93003$4,085.00The Danzantes of Building L at Monte Albán
Reilly, F.94031$8,686.33Olmec-style Iconography
Rodríguez Cano, L.94013$5,061.00The Ñuiñe System of Writing in the Lower Mixteca, México
Schávelzon, D.94028$5,000.00Historia de la arqueología de Teotihuacán
Sharer, R.94010$8,550.00Excavation of Early Classic Architecture at Copán, Honduras
Whittington, S.94030$7,526.00Determination of Late Postclassic Kaqchikel Maya Diet, Disease, and Cause of Death through Analysis of Skeletons from Iximché, Guatemala
Braswell, G.95004$5,000.00Northern Yucatán Obsidian Finds–Mérida and Chichén Itzá
Hironymous, M.95058$2,800.00The Historical Geography of Santa María Ixcatlan, Oaxaca
Looper, M.95015$7,600.00Documentation of Sculptures at Quiriguá, Guatemala
Manzanilla, L.95007$10,000.00Teotihuacan: Underworld Study
Montejo, V.95017$8,000.00Diccionario de la Lengua Maya Popb'al Ti' (Español)
Noguez, X.95020$2,800.00Facsimile Edition of Mapa de Oztoticpac
Orr, H.95008$3,500.00Pictographs of Piedra San Vicente, Coastal Oaxaca, México
Pyburn, A.95033$3,000.00Archaeological Reconnaissance at Chau Hiix
Robertson, M.95001$4,900.00Chichén Itzá: The Palace of the Sculptured Columns
Salgado González, S.95044$4,000.00The Expanding Southwestern Frontier of Mesoamerica
Sanders, W.95047$2,900.00Tepetlaoztoc Project: Archaeological Investigations
Schaefer, S.95010$5,000.00Huichol Woven Designs: Documenting the Encoded Language of an Ancient Mesoamerican Art form
Sedat, D.95061$4,500.00Conservation Training Program: Copán, Honduras
Sharer, R.95060$9,000.00Excavation of Early Classic Architecture at Copán, Honduras
Webster, D.95006$7,600.00Obsidian Hydration and 14C Dating at Copán, Honduras
Wright, L.95050$8,000.00The Inhabitants of Tikal: A Bioarchaeological Pilot Project
Total Grantees: 38

Total Amount: $261,854.33

**Due to special circumstances, project monies were returned to FAMSI.

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