Projects Funded for Research Year 2003
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Grantee: |
FAMSI #: |
Grant: |
Project Title: |
Arroyo, B. / Escobar, L. | 02087 | $8,300.00 | Edwin M. Shook Archival Collection, Guatemala City, Guatemala | Audet, C. | 02090 | $5,260.00 | Baking Pot Codex Restoration Project, Belize | Barber, S. | 02060 | $3,750.00 | Proyecto Río Verde, 2003: Report on Excavations at Yugüe (Updated 2004) | Batún-Alpuche, A. | 02016 | $9,630.00 | Maya Settlement Patterns and Land Use in Buena Vista, Cozumel, México | Beekman, C. | 02029 | $7,973.00 | Public Architecture: Navajas, Jalisco, México | Blomster, J. | 02044 | $6,744.00 | Diachronic and Synchronic Analyses of Obsidian Procurement in the Mixteca Alta, Oaxaca | Brown, M. | 02066 | $7,000.00 | Ritual Ceramic Use in the Early and Middle Preclassic at the sites of Blackman Eddy and Cahal Pech, Belize | Canuto, M. | 02092 | $9,962.00 | Classic Maya Borders and Frontiers: Excavations at El Paraíso, Copán, Honduras, 2003 Season | Castanzo, R. | 02021 | $8,152.00 | Tepeaca Kiln Project | Chinchilla Mazariegos, O. | 02023 | $10,000.00 | Analysis of Archaeological Artifacts from Cotzumalhuapa, Guatemala | Cyphers, A. | 02095 | $10,000.00 | Laguna de los Cerros: A Terminal Classic Period Capital in the Southern Mexican Gulf Coast | Estrada-Belli, F. | 02093 | $7,000.00 | Archaeological Investigations in the Holmul Region, Petén, Guatemala: Results of the Fourth Season | Foias, A. | 02049 | $8,835.00 | Politics and Economics: Motul de San José, Petén | Fowler, W. | 02091 | $8,000.00 | The End of Pre-Columbian Pipil Civilization, Ciudad Vieja, El Salvador | Golden, C. | 02020 | $9,915.00 | Sierra del Lacandón Regional Archaeology Project | Loughlin, M. | 02058 | $9,950.00 | Recorrido Arqueológico El Mesón | Luke, C. | 02081 | $1,925.00 | Ulúa-Style Marble Vase Project: Dissemination of Results | Malchic Nicolás, M. | 02084 | ** | Viaje de Esquintla, Guatemala a Maya Meetings 2003: Austin, Texas | Maldonado, B. | 02063 | $9,656.00 | Tarascan Copper Metallurgy at the Site of Itziparátzico, Michoacán, México | Mora-Marín, D. | 02047 | $3,500.00 | The Primary Standard Sequence: Database Compilation, Grammatical Analysis, and Primary Documentation | Moriarty, M. | 02061 | $9,750.00 | Investigating an Inland Maya Port: The 2003 Field Season at Trinidad de Nosotros, Petén, Guatemala | Moyes, H. | 02086 | $9,705.00 | Changes and Continuities in Ritual Practice at Chechem Ha Cave, Belize | Muñoz, A. | 02055 | $1,800.00 | The Ceramic Sequence of Piedras Negras, Guatemala: Type and Varieties | Ogata Aguilar, N. | 02100 | $5,000.00 | Investigating the Sacred Cacao Groves of the Maya | Plunket, P. | 02042 | $8,820.00 | Dating Cholula, México | Ramos, J. | 02098 | $10,000.00 | Research on Temple 16: An Ongoing Imagery Reconstruction of Temple 16, Copán, Honduras | Rodríguez Campero, O. | 02070 | $3,000.00 | The Architecture of Petén at Calakmul: A Regional Comparison | Roskamp, H. | 02011 | $8,200.00 | Pre-Hispanic and Colonial Metallurgy in Jicalán, Michoacán, México: An Archaeological Survey | San Román Martín, M. | 02048 | $4,890.00 | The Palenque Ceramics: Activities Report, First Phase | Saturno, W. | 02039 | $10,000.00 | Emergency Conservation: San Bartolo, Guatemala | Schmidt, P. | 02009 | $8,800.00 | Surface Archaeology in the Chilapa-Zitlala Area of Guerrero, México, Season I | Schwarz, K. | 02007 | $1,000.00 | Understanding the Classic to Postclassic Architectural Transformation of Rural Households and Communities in the Quexil-Petenxil Basins, El Petén, Guatemala | Tavárez, D. | 02050 | $8,500.00 | Nicachi Songs: Zapotec Ritual Texts and Postclassic Ritual Knowledge in Colonial Oaxaca | Urcid, J. | 02056 | ** | Ancient Zapotec Religion: A Multi-Disc. Conf, Brandeis Univ. [Oaxaca, México] | Williams, E. | 02006 | $7,120.00 | The Ethnoarchaeology of Salt Production in the Lake Cuitzeo Basin, Michoacán, México | Woodfill, B. | 02083 | $10,000.00 | Archaeological Investigations in the Candelaria Caves and La Lima, Alta Verapaz, Guatemala | Yaeger, J. | 02082 | $9,990.00 | Revisiting the Xunantunich Palace: The 2003 Excavations | Total Grantees: 37 Total Amount: $262,127.00 | **Due to special circumstances, project monies were returned to FAMSI. | Main | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995/1994
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