Image - Cacao Pod Vessel - K6706 © Justin Kerr THE FOUNDATION GRANTING DEPARTMENT
(Ordered by Author Last Name)


Valdés, Juan Antonio     ( in English,  en Español )
Chocolá Archaeological Project, Guatemala (2006)

Valdés, Juan Antonio     ( in English,  en Español )
Congreso Internacional de Mayistas, Guatemala (2000)

van Akkeren, Ruud     ( in English,  en Español )
How Our Mother Beloved Maiden was Saved from an Untimely Death: A christianized version of the Xkik’ tale of the Popol Wuj (2002)

Van Stone, Mark     ( in English,  en Español )
Identifying Individual Hands in the Monuments of K'inich Ahkal Mo' Naab of Palenque (2001)

Vega, Anthony A.     ( in English,  en Español )
Early and Middle Formative: San Lorenzo, Veracruz, México (2007)

Vega, Anthony A.     ( in English,  en Español )
Archaeological Investigations of San Lorenzo’s Northern Alluvial Floodplain (2000)

Venter, Marcie L.     ( in English,  en Español )
Totógal: Investigations of Postclassic Occupation and the Aztec Frontier in the Tuxtla Mountains, Veracruz, México (2005)


Wahl, David     ( in English,  en Español )
Environmental Change and Prehistoric Agriculture in the El Mirador Basin (2005)

Walker, Debra S.     ( in English )
Naachtún, Petén, Guatemala: First Analyses, Guatemala (2012)

Walker, Debra S.     ( in English,  en Español )
Sampling Cerros' Demise: A Radiometric Check on the Elusive Protoclassic, Belize (2005)

Wanyerka, Phillip J.     ( in English,  en Español )
The Southern Belize Epigraphic Project: The Hieroglyphic Inscriptions of Southern Belize (2004)

Webster, David     ( in English,  en Español )
Obsidian Hydration and 14C Dating at Copán, Honduras (2000)

Weeks, John     ( in English,  en Español )
Bibliografía Mesoamericana (1999)

Welch, Daniel     ( in English,  en Español )
The Chacalapan Geophysical Survey, Veracruz, México (2001)

Wells, E. Christian     ( in English )
Determining the Chronological Significance of an Ulúa-style Marble Vase from Northwest Honduras (2007)

Wendt, Carl J.     ( in English,  en Español )
Bitumen Sourcing in the Olmec Region, México (2006)

Wendt, Carl J.     ( in English,  en Español )
Investigations at an Olmec Community (2002)

Whalen, Gretchen     ( in English,  en Español )
An Annotated Translation of a Colonial Yucatec Manuscript: On Religious and Cosmological Topics by a Native Author (2003)

White, Christine D.     ( in English,  en Español )
Teotihuacán at Kaminaljuyú? The Evidence from Oxygen Isotopes in Human Bone (1999)

Whittington, Stephen L.     ( in English,  en Español )
El Mapa de Teozacoalco: An Early Colonial Guide to Cultural Transformations (2003)

Whittington, Stephen L.     ( in English,  en Español )
Analysis of Kaqchikel Skeletons: Iximché, Guatemala (2000)

Whittington, Stephen L.     ( in English,  en Español )
Determination of Late Postclassic Kaqchikel Maya Diet, Disease, and Cause of Death through Analysis of Skeletons from Iximché, Guatemala (1999)

Williams, Eduardo     ( in English,  en Español )
The Ethnoarchaeology of Salt Production in the Lake Cuitzeo Basin, Michoacán, México (2004)

Williams-Beck, Lorraine A.     ( in English,  en Español )
Rethinking Maya Political Geography (2001)

Woodfill, Brent     ( in English,  en Español )
Archaeological Investigations in the Candelaria Caves and La Lima, Alta Verapaz, Guatemala (2005)

Wright, Lori E.     ( in English,  en Español )
Ethnicity and Isotopes at Mayapán (2007)

Wright, Lori E.     ( in English,  en Español )
The Inhabitants of Tikal: A Bioarchaeological Pilot Project (2002)

Wrobel, Gabriel     ( in English )
Temporal Changes in the Mortuary Ritual Use of the Caves Branch Rockshelter, Belize (2008)

Wrobel, Gabriel     ( in English,  en Español )
Morphological Variation Among the Historic Period Maya at Tipu, Belize (2003)

Wyatt, Andrew R.     ( in English,  en Español )
Excavations on Agricultural Terraces: Results of the 2004 Field Season at Chan, Belize (2005)

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