Image - Cacao Pod Vessel - K6706 © Justin Kerr THE FOUNDATION GRANTING DEPARTMENT
(Ordered by Author Last Name)


Aguilera, Miguel Astor     ( in English,  en Español )
Survey of Talking Cross Shrines in Yucatán and Quintana Roo (2002)

Ahlfeldt, Jennifer F.     ( in English,  en Español )
Structure 10L-22 Sculpture Reconstruction Project, Copán, Honduras (2005)

Ahlfeldt, Jennifer F.     ( in English,  en Español )
The Temple 22 Façade Reconstruction Project, Copán, Honduras (2003)

Ajpacajá Tum, Florentino Pedro     ( in English,  en Español )
K'ichee' Choltziij Dictionary (2003)

Amador, Fabio Esteban     ( en Español )
Atlas Arqueológico de la Región de Oriente de El Salvador (2009)

Amith, Jonathan D.     ( in English,  en Español )
Nahuatl Cultural Encyclopedia: Botany and Zoology, Balsas River, Guerrero, México (2007)

Amith, Jonathan D.     ( in English,  en Español )
Cultural and Pedagogical Lexicography of Modern Náhuatl (2002)

Amlin, Patricia     ( in English,  en Español )
Film: The Five Suns: A Sacred History of México (2004)

Amrhein, Laura     ( in English,  en Español )
An Iconographic and Historic Analysis of Terminal Classic Maya Phallic Imagery (2003)

Anaya Hernández, Armando     ( in English,  en Español )
The Redención del Campesino Valley Archaeological Survey (2005)

Anaya Hernández, Armando     ( in English,  en Español )
The Pomoná Kingdom and its Hinterland (2002)

Andrews, Anthony P.     ( in English )
Proyectos Costa Maya and Ciudad Caucel: Archaeological Survey of Northwestern Yucatán: Ceramic and Lithic Analysis (2008)

Andrews, Bradford     ( in English,  en Español )
Stone Tools and the Elite Political Economy at Epiclassic (A.D. 650-900) Xochicalco (2002)

Aoyama, Kazuo     ( in English,  en Español )
Craft Specialization and Elite Domestic Activities: Microwear Analysis of Lithic Artifacts from Aguateca, Guatemala (1999)

Aponte , Sharon      ( in English,  en Español )
Tikal Digital Access Project (2003)

Ardren, Traci     ( in English,  en Español )
Regional Investigations at the Cupul Province Trading Center of Xuenkal: Proyecto Arqueológico Xuenkal (2007)

Arnold III, Philip J.     ( in English,  en Español )
Isla Agaltepec: Postclassic Occupation in the Tuxtla Mountains, Veracruz, México (2003)

Arroyo, Barbara     ( in English,  en Español )
The Naranjo Rescue Project: New Data from the Preclassic Guatemala (2007)

Arroyo, Barbara & Escobar, Luisa     ( in English,  en Español )
Edwin M. Shook Archival Collection, Guatemala City, Guatemala (2004)

Arroyo, Barbara     ( in English,  en Español )
Early Formative Interaction on the Pacific Coast of Guatemala (2003)

Audet, Carolyn M.     ( in English,  en Español )
Baking Pot Codex Restoration Project, Belize (2005)

Austin, Patricia     ( in English,  en Español )
Belize Ritual Caves Project (2000)

Aviles, Maria     ( in English,  en Español )
The Archaeology of Early Formative Chalcatzingo, Morelos, México (2000)


Baez Urincho, Fernando     ( in English,  en Español )
Building Four: a Palace in Tula Grande, the Lodging of the Toltec King (2010)

Ball, Joseph     ( in English,  en Español )
The Late Classic Palace Polychromes of Cahal Pech, Belize (2002)

Barber, Sarah B.     ( in English,  en Español )
Proyecto Río Verde, 2003: Report on Excavations at Yugüe (Updated 2004) (2004)

Barnes, William     ( in English,  en Español )
Icons of Empire: Royal Presentation and the Conception of Rule in Aztec México (2003)

Barnhart, Edwin L.     ( in English,  en Español )
The Palenque Mapping Project, Final Report (1998-2000) (2001)

Barnhart, Edwin L.     ( in English,  en Español )
The Palenque Mapping Project (2000)

Barnhart, Edwin L.     ( in English,  en Español )
The Palenque Mapping Project (1999)

Barrientos Quezada, Tomás Jose     ( in English,  en Español )
Hydraulic Systems in Central Cancuén: Ritual, Reservoir, and/or Drainage? (2008)

Bassie, Karen     ( in English,  en Español )
Jolja' Cave Project, México (2002)

Batún-Alpuche, Adolfo Iván      ( in English,  en Español )
Maya Settlement Patterns and Land Use in Buena Vista, Cozumel, México (2004)

Beaubien, Harriet F.     ( in English,  en Español )
Textile-Clay Laminates: A special-use material in ancient Mesoamerica (2003)

Beekman, Christopher     ( in English,  en Español )
Public Architecture: Navajas, Jalisco, México (2004)

Beliaev, Dmitri     ( in English,  en Español )
Regional Survey in the Central Mixteca Alta, Oaxaca, México (2002)

Bellas, Monica L.     ( in English,  en Español )
The Body in the Mixtec Codices: Birth, Purification, Transformation and Death (1999)

Benitez, Alexander Villa     ( in English,  en Español )
Late Classic and Epiclassic Obsidian at Santa Cruz Atizapan, Toluca Valley, México (2003)

Benz, Bruce F.     ( in English,  en Español )
The Origins of Mesoamerican Agriculture: Reconnaissance and Testing in the Sayula-Zacoalco Lake Basin (2002)

Berdan, Frances F.     ( in English,  en Español )
The Technology of Ancient Mesoamerican Mosaics: An Experimental Investigation of Alternative Super Glues (2007)

Blomster, Jeffrey P.     ( in English,  en Español )
Diachronic and Synchronic Analyses of Obsidian Procurement in the Mixteca Alta, Oaxaca (2004)

Blosser, Bret     ( in English,  en Español )
Alternative Constructions of Religious Expertise in a Huichol Community, Jalisco, México (2000)

Bolles, David     ( in English )
Combined Dictionary-Concordance of the Yucatecan Mayan Language (Updated 2003) (2001)

Bonor, Juan Luis     ( in English,  en Español )
Caves Branch: Archaeological Field Study Reports (2002)

Borgstede, Greg     ( in English,  en Español )
The Terminal Classic to Postclassic Transition in the Western Highlands, Guatemala (2007)

Borgstede, Greg     ( in English,  en Español )
Settlement Patterns and Variation in the Western Highlands, Guatemala (2002)

Bove, Frederick J.     ( in English,  en Español )
Archaeology of the Guatemala Pacific Coast (2002)

Brady, James E.     ( in English,  en Español )
Ultraviolet and Infrared Filming of the Naj Tunich Inscriptions (2004)

Braswell, Geoffrey E.     ( in English,  en Español )
Pusilhá Archaeological Project (2002)

Braswell, Geoffrey E.     ( in English,  en Español )
Northern Yucatán Obsidian Finds–Mérida and Chichén Itzá (2002)

Browder, Jennifer     ( in English,  en Español )
A Multispectral Imaging of the Tepantitla Murals at Teotihuacán (2002)

Brown, Linda A.     ( in English,  en Español )
Planting the Bones: An Ethnoarchaeological Exploration of Hunting Shrines and Deposits around Lake Atitlán, Guatemala (2006)

Brown, M. Kathryn     ( in English,  en Español )
Ritual Ceramic Use in the Early and Middle Preclassic at the sites of Blackman Eddy and Cahal Pech, Belize (2007)

Brown, M. Kathryn     ( in English,  en Español )
Investigations of Middle Preclassic Public Architecture at the site of Blackman Eddy, Belize (2001)

Buikstra, Jane E.     ( in English,  en Español )
Radiography at Copán (2003)

Bullock, Meggan M.     ( in English,  en Español )
The Effects of Urbanism on Health and Demography of Late Postclassic Residents of Cholula, México (2007)

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