Image - Cacao Pod Vessel - K6706 © Justin Kerr THE FOUNDATION GRANTING DEPARTMENT
(Ordered by Author Last Name)


Kalyuta, Anastasia     ( in English,  en Español )
Household and Estate of a Mexica Lord: Información de doña Isabel de Moctezuma, México (2008)

Kaplan, Jonathan     ( in English,  en Español )
The Kaminaljuyú Miraflores II Ground-Penetrating Radar Subproject (1999)

Kaufman, Terrence & Justeson, John     ( in English,  en Español )
A Preliminary Mayan Etymological Dictionary (2003)

Kennedy Thornton, Erin     ( in English )
Zooarchaeological and Isotopic Perspectives on Ancient Maya Economy and Exchange (2008)

Knight, Charles Leonard Frederick      ( in English,  en Español )
Palo Errado Patterned Wetland Mapping Project, Veracruz, Mexico (2007)

Kristan-Graham, Cynthia     ( in English,  en Español )
The Architecture of Statecraft at Ancient Tula (2000)

Krochock, Ruth J.     ( in English,  en Español )
Recording the Political History of Chichén Itzá: Photography of the Denison Rubbings and Archival Research at the Peabody Museum (2010)

Kroefges, Peter C.     ( in English,  en Español )
Archaeological Survey in the Coastal Chontalpa de Oaxaca, México (2003)

Kruger, Robert P.     ( in English,  en Español )
San Carlos Rural Olmec Household Project (2000)


Lacadena García-Gallo, Alfonso     ( in English,  en Español )
The Glyphic Corpus from Ek’ Balam, Yucatán, México (2004)

Larios Villalta, Carlos R.     ( in English,  en Español )
Architectural Restoration Criteria in the Maya Area (2005)

Lentz, David L.     ( in English,  en Español )
Ancient Maya Plant Use Activities and Agroforestry at Tikal, Guatemala (2006)

Levine, Marc N.     ( in English,  en Español )
The Tututepec Archaeological Project (TAP): Residential Excavations at Yucu Dzaa, a Late Postclassic Mixtec Capital on the Coast of Oaxaca, México (2007)

Liendo Stuardo, Rodrigo     ( en Español )
Proyecto Arqueológico Chinikihá, Temporada 2006, Informe de Actividades (2007)

Ligorred Perramon, Josep     ( in English,  en Español )
T’Hó: The Ancestral Mérida (2005)

Lizama-Aranda, Lilia Lucía      ( in English,  en Español )
Salvamento Arqueológico en Dzibilchaltún, Yucatán, México (2003)

Lohse, Jon C.     ( in English )
In Search of the Preceramic: 2006 Season Investigations at Actun Halal, Belize (2007)

Looper, Matthew G.     ( in English,  en Español )
Documentation of Sculptures at Quiriguá, Guatemala (2001)

López Mestas Camberos, Lorenza     ( in English,  en Español )
Green Stones in Central Jalisco (2008)

Lorenzen, Karl James     ( in English,  en Español )
Late Postclassic Shrine Complexes at El Naranjal, Quintana Roo, México (2000)

Loughlin, Michael L.     ( in English,  en Español )
Recorrido Arqueológico El Mesón (2004)

Love, Michael     ( in English,  en Español )
The Context and Associations of Monument 3 from La Blanca, Guatemala (2006)

Love, Michael     ( in English,  en Español )
The Analysis of Archaeological Materials from El Ujuxte, Guatemala (2001)

Luke, Christina     ( in English,  en Español )
Ulúa-Style Marble Vase Project: Dissemination of Results (2003)

Lunagómez Reyes, Roberto     ( in English,  en Español )
Archaeological Investigations at Medias Aguas, Veracruz, México (2005)

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