Image - Cacao Pod Vessel - K6706 © Justin Kerr THE FOUNDATION GRANTING DEPARTMENT
(Ordered by Author Last Name)


Paillés Hernández, María de la Cruz     ( in English,  en Español )
Las Bocas, Puebla, Archaeological Project (2007)

Palka, Joel W.     ( in English,  en Español )
La Nueva Conquista: Cross-cultural Interaction and Lacandón Maya Culture Change in the 19th-century Guatemalan Lowlands (1999)

Paredes Maury, Sofia     ( in English,  en Español )
Surviving in the Rainforest: The Realities of Looting in the Rural Villages of El Petén, Guatemala (1999)

Pendergast, David M.     ( in English,  en Español )
Salvage Excavation of the Alamilla/Gomez Property, San Pedro, Ambergris Caye, Belize (2003)

Pérez de Heredia Puente, Eduardo J.     ( in English,  en Español )
Chen K’u: The Ceramic of the Sacred Cenote at Chichén Itzá, Study of the Ceramic Fragments of the Explorations Conducted in the 60’s (2008)

Pérez de Lara, Jorge     ( in English,  en Español )
Photographic Documentation of Monuments with Epi-Olmec Script/Imagery (2006)

Pérez Galindo, Mónica Alejandra     ( in English,  en Español )
Dieseldorff Collection: Ceramic Corpus of the Terminal Classic Originating from Molds (2007)

Pérez Negrete, Miguel     ( in English,  en Español )
The Temple of the New Fire at the Huixachtécatl (Hill of the Star) (2006)

Pérez Pérez, Julia     ( in English,  en Español )
Terrace Agriculture in Cerro San Lucas, Teotihuacan Valley (2008)

Pérez Rodríguez, Verónica     ( in English,  en Español )
Specialized Craft Production and Social Complexity in Formative Mixteca Alta, México (2005)

Pérez Rodríguez, Verónica     ( in English,  en Español )
Household Intensification in the Mixtec Cacicazgo: Excavation of a House and Terraced Fields (2003)

Pérez Vaíl, Eduardo     ( in English,  en Español )
Oral History of Concepción Chiquirichapa and San Martín Sacatepéquez, Guatemala (2000)

Pinkston, Cynthia     ( in English,  en Español )
Tracing Louis H. Ayme’s Explorations in Oaxaca, México, 1884-1885 (2002)

Plunket, Patricia     ( in English,  en Español )
Dating Cholula, México (2005)

Pohl, Mary     ( in English,  en Español )
Olmec Civilization at San Andrés, Tabasco, México (2005)

Pohl, Mary     ( in English,  en Español )
Economic Foundations of Olmec Civilization in the Gulf Coast Lowlands of México (2001)

Polyukhovych, Yuriy     ( in English,  en Español )
Travel Support: Maya Hieroglyphic Forum, Ukraine to U.S.A. (2007)

Ponciano , Erick     ( in English,  en Español )
Kaminaljuyú Archaeological Project: A Study of the Ancient City of the Southern Guatemalan Highlands: New Perspectives (2002)

Popenoe de Hatch, Marion     ( in English,  en Español )
Paleoclimatic Variation in the Valley of Guatemala during Precolumbian Times (2001)

Powis, Terry G.     ( in English,  en Español )
An Archaeological Investigation of the Origins of Cacao Drinking: The Ceramic Evidence from the Gulf Coast and Pacific Coast of México (2007)

Powis, Terry G.     ( in English,  en Español )
The Preclassic Whole Vessels of Lamanai, Belize (2001)

Prufer, Keith M.     ( in English,  en Español )
The Uxbenká Archaeological Project (UAP) 2006 Field Season (2007)

Prufer, Keith M.     ( in English,  en Español )
Report of the Uxbenká Archaeological Project (UAP) - 2005 Field Season (2005)

Prufer, Keith M.     ( in English,  en Español )
Analysis and Conservation of a Wooden Figurine Recovered from Xmuqlebal Xheton Cave in Southern Belize, C.A. (2002)

Pugh, Timothy     ( in English,  en Español )
An Archaeological Investigation of Mayapán-Style Ceremonial Groups in the Central Petén (1999)

Pyburn, Anne K.     ( in English,  en Español )
Archaeological Reconnaissance at Chau Hiix (2007)

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