Site: Nasca | Clados Number: 192 | Culture: Nasca | Description: double spout bottle, C-09767, M.N.A.A.H.-Lima. | Chronological Era: Early Intermediate Period (EIP), Nasca 4 Phase. | Iconographic Features: Masked Mythical Being (Anthropomorphic Mythical Being) depicted with feline head, snake body (signifer), and human body depicted in frontal position. Snake body with trophy heads attached to its border and with manioc (yuca) enclosed. Trophy heads with cotton and maize plants growing out of the mouth. End of the signifer in the shape of a feline head with maize growing out of the mouth. The Masked Mythical Being holds an anthropomorphized pepino-ají-maize stalk. Two rats appear close to the feet indicating the moment of harvest. The border of the tunic is decorated with manioc (yuca). Cotton plants are attached to the head of the Masked Mythical Being. One of a pair of cup bowls. | Related Themes: Click link to see related item(s) CL 191 | |
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