MAYA HIEROGLYPH DICTIONARY Peter Mathews and Péter Bíró Drawings by John Montgomery |
Results 46 - 57 of 57 for "M" |
Click on a word below to view details. |
mukaj |
pa. | he/she is/was buried / el/ella es/fue enterrado(a) | |
muknal |
nc. | tomb, burial place / tumba | |
mukuy |
n. | dove, pigeon / paloma, pichón | |
mul- |
vp. | stack, pile up / amontonar | |
mut |
n. | omen / fama | |
mut |
n. | bird / ave | |
Mutul |
n. | Mutul (Tikal toponym) / Mutul (topónimo de Tikal) | |
mutul |
n. | knot of hair / bollo | |
Muwan |
n. | 15th Classic Maya Month / 15o mes del periodo Clásico | |
muwan |
n. | (mythical bird) sparrow-hawk / (ave mítico) gavilán | |
muwa[k] |
n. | tidings / nuevas, fama | |
muyal |
n. | cloud / nube | |
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