MAYA HIEROGLYPH DICTIONARY Peter Mathews and Péter Bíró Drawings by John Montgomery |
Results 31 - 45 of 112 for "C" |
Click on a word below to view details. |
ch'en |
n. | cave, well / cueva, pozo | |
halab'? |
n. | ballcourt / cancha de juego de pelota | |
halaw? |
n. | ballcourt / cancha de juego de pelota | |
hek |
vp. | hang up, be stuck, insert / colgar, trabarse, insertar | |
ho' |
num. | five / cinco | |
ich |
n. | chile / chile | |
ikatz |
n. | load, bundle / cargo, bulto | |
ikitz |
n. | load, bundle / cargo, bulto | |
iximte'l |
adj. | maize-tree-like / como el maíz-árbol | |
-iy |
suf. | deictic clitic-already, long ago / clitico deictico-ya, hace mucho tiempo | |
jol |
n. | head / cabeza | |
jolom |
nd. | skull? / calavera? | |
jub' |
n. | conch, conch trumpet / caracol, trompeta del caracol | |
juch |
n. | conch shell / concha | |
jukub' |
n. | canoe / canoa | |
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