MAYA HIEROGLYPH DICTIONARY Peter Mathews and Péter Bíró Drawings by John Montgomery |
Results 16 - 30 of 48 for "T" |
Click on a word below to view details. |
kab'al |
adj. | low / terrestre | |
koj- |
vi. | finish? / terminar? | |
kok |
n. | trogon, (small) turtle / tortugua pequeña | |
k'utz |
n. | tobacco / tabaco | |
-k'ux- |
vt. | torture, hurt, eat, grind / torturar, dañar, comer, moler | |
lum |
n. | earth / tierra | |
-mak- |
vt. | cover, close / tapar, cerrar | |
maknom |
nd. | closer, coverer / tapador | |
mas |
n. | goblin, dwarf / trasgo, duende | |
masul |
n. | toponym in the Northeast Peten area (Naachtun?) / topónimo en el área del Petén noreste (¿Naachtun?) | |
muknal |
nc. | tomb, burial place / tumba | |
ox |
num. | three / tres | |
pat |
n. | hat / tocado | |
patan |
n. | tribute, work / tributo, cargo | |
peten |
nd. | land, island / tierra, isla | |
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