MAYA HIEROGLYPH DICTIONARY Peter Mathews and Péter Bíró Drawings by John Montgomery |
Results 1 - 15 of 90 for "C" |
Click on a word below to view details. |
ah- |
vi. | conquer / conquistar | |
ahal |
nd. | conquest / conquista | |
ahin |
n. | crocodile, caiman / cocodrilo | |
-al |
n. | child of mother / hijo de madre | |
-b'a |
suf. | causative suffix of positional verbs with rounded vowels / sufijo causativo de verbos posicionales con vocales redondas | |
b'ahtz'am |
nc. | clown / payazo | |
-b'ak- |
vtd. | capture / capturar | |
b'ak |
n. | child / niƱo | |
b'ak |
n. | captive / cautivo | |
b'ob' |
n. | coyote / coyote | |
-b'u |
suf. | causative suffix of positional verbs with unrounded vowels / sufijo causativo de verbos posicionales con vocales no-redondas | |
b'uk |
n. | clothing, clothes / blusa, ropa, vestido | |
Chahuk Nah |
n. | Chahuk Nah (proper name of building) / Chahuk Nah (nombre de edificio) | |
Chak |
n. | Chak (Rain God) / Chak (Dios de la Lluvia) | |
Chak Chel |
n. | Chak Chel (name of a goddess) / Chak Chel (nombre de una diosa) | |
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