MAYA HIEROGLYPH DICTIONARY Peter Mathews and Péter Bíró Drawings by John Montgomery |
Results 1 - 15 of 84 for "A" |
Click on a word below to view details. |
Aj K'ak' O' Chak |
n. | Aj K'ak' O Chak (God, especially in Yaxchilan) / Aj K'ak' O Chak (Dios, especialmente en Yaxchilan) | |
aj k'uhun |
n. | worshipper / adorador | |
Ak'e |
n. | Ak'e (Main Sign of Emblem Glyph around Bonampak) / Ak'e (Signo principal del glifo emblema alrededor de Bonampak) | |
alay |
adv. | hereby, thus / asi | |
b'ah |
n. | gopher / ardillón | |
b'ah ch'o |
n. | gopher rat / ardillón de rata | |
b'akVl |
nd. | abundance of herons, / abundancia de garzas | |
chab' |
n. | bee, beehive, honey / abeja, colmena, miel | |
che |
adv. | thus / asi | |
che' |
n. | tree / árbol | |
che'n |
part. | so, so it says (alternative: I say/said) / asi, asi se dicen (alternativamente: yo digo/dije) | |
chum tun |
n. | tun seating / asiento de tun | |
chumub' |
n. | seat / asiento | |
chumul |
n. | be seated / asentarse | |
chuwen |
n. | artist? / artista? | |
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