Yaxchilán, Lintel 24 - K2887 ©Justin Kerr - Click to view high resolution MAYA HIEROGLYPH DICTIONARY
Peter Mathews and Péter Bíró
Drawings by John Montgomery

Results 31 - 45 of 84 for "A"
Click on a word below to view details.

k'ak'al adj.fiery  /  ardiente
-k'al- vt.bind, wrap, tie on  /  atar, envolver  
k'altun nc.stone-binding  /  atadura de piedra  
k'an adj.yellow  /  amarillo    
k'an n.seat, bench  /  asiento, banco  
k'at n.crosswise  /  atravesado
-k'eb'- vt.kneel down  /  arrodillarse
lakam ha' nc.wide water (Palenque toponym)  /  agua grande (topĆ³nimo de Palenque)
-mach- vt.grab  /  agarrar
mal prep.within  /  adentro
mam n.grandfather, grandson, old man, ancestor  /  abuelo, nieto, viejo, ancestro  
-mek'- vt.embrace, hug, rule  /  abrazar, gobernar
mim n.grandmother  /  abuela
mul- vp.stack, pile up  /  amontonar
mut n.bird  /  ave  

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