Yaxchilán, Lintel 24 - K2887 ©Justin Kerr - Click to view high resolution MAYA HIEROGLYPH DICTIONARY
Peter Mathews and Péter Bíró
Drawings by John Montgomery

Results 106 - 120 of 150 for "E"
Click on a word below to view details.

uchokoj vtd.he/she has scattered it  /  el/ella lo ha esparcido
uchokow vt.he/she scatters(ed) it  /  el/ella lo derrama(ó)
uchukuw vt.he/she captures(ed) it  /  el/ella lo captura(ó)
uch'ab'aw vt.he/she/it fasts/ed it  /  el/ella/ello lo ayuna/ó
uch'amaw vt.he/she grasps(ed)it  /  el/ella lo agarra(ó)
ujelew vt.he/she chnages(ed) it  /  el/ella lo cambia(ó)
ujoyow vt.he/she/it encircles/d it  /  el/ella/lo le envuelve/envolvió
ukab'aj vtd.he/she has made it happen  /  el/ella lo ha hecho de pasar
ukob'ow vt.he/she copulates/engenders(ed) it  /  el/ella lo engendra(ó)
uk'alaj vtd.he/she has wrapped it  /  el/ella lo ha enrollado
uk'alaw vt.he/she ties(ed) it  /  el/ella lo ata(ó)
umakaw vt.he/she covers(ed) it  /  el/ella lo cubre(ió)
umayij vtd.he/she has gifted it  /  el/ella lo ha regalado
umek'jiy vtd.he/she has already embraced it  /  el/ella ya lo ha abrazado
unawaj vt.he/she has adorned it  /  el/ella lo ha adornado

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