Yaxchilán, Lintel 24 - K2887 ©Justin Kerr - Click to view high resolution MAYA HIEROGLYPH DICTIONARY
Peter Mathews and Péter Bíró
Drawings by John Montgomery

aj pitzil ol

Meaning(s):  nc.  he of the youthful heart  /  el con el corazón hermosa    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  AJ-pi-tzi-la-OL

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  12-177-507-178-506

Narrow Transcription(s):  #aj pitzil o'[h]l Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:28-Sep-2006

aj tz'ib'AJ-tz'i-b'i Hieroglyph  

Meaning(s):  n.  scribe  /  escribano    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  AJ-tz'i-b'i
  (2)  a-tz'i-b'i

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  12-563a-585
  (2)  228-563a-501

Narrow Transcription(s):  aj tz'i[h]b' Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Linguistic Reconstruction:  Proto-Mayan*tz'ihb'Brown and Wichmann  2004
Proto-Mayan*tz'ihb'Kaufman and Norman  1984
Proto-Ch'olan*aj tz'ihb'Kaufman and Norman 1984  

Last Updated:28-Sep-2006


Meaning(s):  n.  spring maize, young ear of maize  /  elote    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  AN
  (2)  a-AN
  (3)  a-AN-nu
  (4)  a-nu

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  nn
  (2)  228-nn
  (3)  228-nn-265/592
  (4)  228-254/592

Narrow Transcription(s):  a'n Lacadena and Wichmann  2004
aan Houston, Stuart and Robertson  1998

Linguistic Reconstruction:  Proto-Cholan*ajänKaufman and Norman  1984
Proto-Maya*ajnKaufman and Norman  1984

Last Updated:28-Sep-2006

atan(y)a-AT-na Hieroglyph  

Meaning(s):  n.  wife  /  esposa    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  (y)a-AT-na
  (2)  AJ-AT-na
  (3)  (y)a-ta-na

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  125-552-23
  (2)  12-552-23
  (3)  125-103-23

Narrow Transcription(s):  atan Stuart 2005  
#atan Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:28-Sep-2006

b'ah pakal

Meaning(s):  nc.  first shield (wielder?)  /  escudero principal    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  B'AH-pa-ka-la

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  757-586-25-178

Narrow Transcription(s):  #b'aah pakal Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:28-Sep-2006

b'ah uxul

Meaning(s):  nc.  first carver  /  escultor principal    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  B'AH-u-xu-lu

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  757-1-758-568

Narrow Transcription(s):  #b'aah uxul Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:28-Sep-2006


Meaning(s):  nc.  skeleton  /  esqueleto    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  B'AK-JOL

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  570-nn

Narrow Transcription(s):  b'aak-jol Stuart 2005  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  pa.  he/she/it is/was captured  /  el/ella/lo es/fue capturado(a)    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  B'AK-wa-ja

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  570-130-181

Narrow Transcription(s):  #b'aakwaj Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006

b'alun iplaj

Meaning(s):  vp.  he/she banishes  /  el/ella destierra    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  B'ALUN-i-pi-la-ja

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  nn-679-177-178-181

Narrow Transcription(s):  #b'alu'n iplaj Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006

b'alun ipnaj

Meaning(s):  pa.  he/she is/was many times diminished  /  el/ella es/fue muchas veces disminuido/a    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  B'ALUN-i-pi-na-ja

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  mm-679-200/177-23-181

Narrow Transcription(s):  # b'alu'n ipnaj Lacadena and Wichmann  2004

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  adj.  frothy  /  espumoso    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  b'u-lu
  (2)  b'u-b'u-lu

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  21-568
  (2)  21-21-568

Narrow Transcription(s):  b'ub'ul Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  
#b'ub'ul Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Linguistic Reconstruction:  Proto-Cholan*b'u(h)b'Kaufman and Norman 1984  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  vp.  be seated  /  estar sentado(a)    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  b'u-B'UCH

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  21-nn

Narrow Transcription(s):  #b'uch Lacadena and Wichmann  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  top.  the name of Los Alacranes  /  el nombre de Los Alacranes    

Thompson Number(s):  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  vt.  throw, scatter  /  esparcir    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  -CHOK-
  (2)  -CHOK-ko-
  (3)  -CHOK-ka-
  (4)  -cho-ka-
  (5)  -cho-ko-

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  710
  (2)  710-110
  (3)  710-25
  (4)  590-25
  (5)  590-110

Narrow Transcription(s):  -chok- Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  
-chok- Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Linguistic Reconstruction:  Proto-Cholan*chokKaufman and Norman 1984  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  nd.  scatterer  /  esparcidor    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  CHOK-no-ma

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  170-(595-134)-74

Narrow Transcription(s):  #chokno'm Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  pa.  he/she is/was captured  /  el/ella es/fue capturado(a)    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  chu-ka-ja
  (2)  chu-ku-ja

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  (517-87)-25-181
  (2)  (517-87)-[528]-181

Narrow Transcription(s):  #chu[h]kaj Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  pa.  he/she is/was already captured  /  el/ella ya es/fue capturado(a)    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  chu-ku-ji-ya

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  (517-87)-[528]-136-125

Narrow Transcription(s):  #chukjiiy Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006

chum-CHUM- Hieroglyph  CHUM-mu- Hieroglyph  
 (1)                   (2)                   

Meaning(s):  vp.  be seated  /  estar sentado    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  CHUM-
  (2)  CHUM-mu-

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  644
  (2)  644[19v.]

Narrow Transcription(s):  chum- Houston, Robertson, Stuart  2004?
chum- Lacadena and Wichmann  2004

Linguistic Reconstruction:  Proto-Cholan*chumKaufman and Norman 1984  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  vp.  he/she is/was seated  /  el/ella es/fue sentado(a)    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  CHUM-ji-ya
  (2)  CHUM-mu-ji-ya

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  644-136-125
  (2)  644-[19v]-136-125

Narrow Transcription(s):  chu[h]mjiiy Zender  2004
chumjiiy Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  vp.  he/she is/was seated  /  el/ella es/fue sentado(a)    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  CHUM-la-ja
  (2)  CHUM-mu-la-ja

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  644-178-181
  (2)  644-[19v]-178-181

Narrow Transcription(s):  chumlaj Lacadena and Wichmann  2004
chumlaj Houston, Stuart and Roberston 1998  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006

chumlajiyCHUM-la-ji-ya Hieroglyph  CHUM-mu-la-ji-ya Hieroglyph  
 (1)                        (2)                       

Meaning(s):  vp.  he/she was already seated  /  el/ella ya fue senatdo(a)    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  CHUM-la-ji-ya
  (2)  CHUM-mu-la-ji-ya

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  644-178-88/136-125
  (2)  644[19]-178-88/136-125

Narrow Transcription(s):  chumlajiiy Lacadena and Wichmann  2004
chumlajiiy Houston, Stuart and Robertson  1998

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  vp.  he/she was seated  /  el/ella fue sentado(a)    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  CHUM-wa-ni
  (2)  CHUM-mu-wa-ni

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  644-130-116
  (2)  644-[19v]-130-116

Narrow Transcription(s):  chumwaan Lacadena and Wichmann  2004
chumwaan Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006

chumwaniyCHUM-mu-wa-ni-ya Hieroglyph  

Meaning(s):  vp.  he/she was already seated  /  el/ella ya fue sentado(a)    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  CHUM-wa-ni-ya
  (2)  CHUM-mu-wa-ni-ya

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  644-130-116-125
  (2)  644-[19v]-130-116-125

Narrow Transcription(s):  chumwaniiy Lacadena and Wichmann  2004
chumwaniiy Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006

ch'atch'a-ti Hieroglyph  

Meaning(s):  n.  dwarf, hunchback  /  enano    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  ch'a-ti
  (2)  ch'a-ta

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  93-59
  (2)  93-103

Narrow Transcription(s):  ch'aat, ch'at Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  
ch'aat, ch'at Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  n.  staircase, stair, ladder  /  escalón, escalera    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  e-b'u
  (2)  (y)e-b'a

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  741a-21
  (2)  710v/512-501

Narrow Transcription(s):  ehb' Stuart 2005  
e[h]b'uul, (y)e[h]b'aal Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Linguistic Reconstruction:  Proto-Cholan*ehb'Kaufman and Norman  1984
Proto-Mayan*ehb'Kaufman and Norman  1984

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006

ek'EK' Hieroglyph  

Meaning(s):  n.  star  /  estrella    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  EK'
  (2)  e-k'e

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  510
  (2)  542-(517-197)

Narrow Transcription(s):  ek' Stuart 2005  
eek' Lacadena n.d.  

Linguistic Reconstruction:  Proto-Cholan*ek'Kaufman and Norman 1984  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  n.  east  /  este    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  EL-K'IN

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  546-544

Narrow Transcription(s):  elk'in Stuart 2005  
#elk'iin Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  nc.  house-burning  /  el quemar de casa    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  EL-NAH
  (2)  EL-le-NAH
  (3)  EL-le-NAH-hi

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  546-4
  (2)  546-188-4
  (3)  546-188-4-(60-528)

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  vp.  he/she lied down  /  el/ella acosto    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  ha-ma-li-ya

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  (60-1042)-nn-82-125

Narrow Transcription(s):  hamliiy Wichmann 2001  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  pr.  he, she  /  el, ella    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  ha-i

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  (60+1042)-679

Narrow Transcription(s):  #haa Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  
haa Stuart 2005  

Linguistic Reconstruction:  Proto-Mayan*ha?Kaufman and Norman (1984)  
Proto-Mayan*haa'Brown and Wichmann (2004)  
Proto-Cholan*ha?-inKaufman and Norman (1984)  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  pr.  they  /  ellos, ellas    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  ha-o-b'a

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  (60-1042)-280-501

Narrow Transcription(s):  #ha'o'b' Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  
haa'oob' Stuart 2005  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  vp.  he/she inserts/inserted  /  el/ella colga/colgó    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  e-ke-wa-ni

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  741a-220-130-116

Narrow Transcription(s):  [h]ekwaan Wichmann 2001  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  vp.  he/she already inserted  /  el/ella ya colgó    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  e-ke-wa-ni-ya

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  741a-220-130-116-125

Narrow Transcription(s):  [h]ekwaniiy Wichmann 2001  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  vp.  he/she sets/set down  /  el/ella deposita/depositó    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  e-tz'e-wa-ni

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  741a-nn-130-116

Narrow Transcription(s):  [h]etz'waan Biro (pace Stuart 2002)  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  vi.  he/she arrived  /  el/ella llegó    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  HUL-ye

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  nn-nn

Narrow Transcription(s):  huley Stuart, Houston and Roberston 1999  
hul[eh]y Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  prep.  in, within  /  en, dentro    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  i-chi-la

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  679-671-178

Narrow Transcription(s):  ichiil Grube, Lacadena and Martin 2003  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  nd.  in attendance, in the state of being seen  /  en asistencia    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  IL-ji
  (2)  IL-ja
  (3)  IL-a-ja
  (4)  IL-i-a-ja

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  nn-88
  (2)  nn-181
  (3)  nn-228-181
  (4)  nn-[679]-228-181

Narrow Transcription(s):  ilaaj MacLeod 2004  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  pref.  she (female agentive prefix)  /  ella (prefijo agentivo femenino)    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  IX
  (2)  i-IX
  (3)  i-xi

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  1000a
  (2)  679-1000a
  (3)  679-1048

Narrow Transcription(s):  #ix Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  
ix Stuart 2005  

Linguistic Reconstruction:  Proto-Mayan*ixKaufman and Norman (1984)  
Proto-Cholan*ixKaufman nnd Norman (1984)  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  pa.  he/she/it is striked/was striked  /  el/elle, lo es golpeado(a), fue golpeado(a)    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  JATZ'-na-ja

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  nn-23-181

Narrow Transcription(s):  jatz'naj Zender 2004a  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  vp.  to lie face up  /  estar boca arriba    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  ja-wa-

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  181-130

Narrow Transcription(s):  #jaw- Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  
jaw- Houston, Stuart and Roberston 1998  

Linguistic Reconstruction:  Proto-Cholan*jäwKaufman and Norman (`1984)  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  mp.  he/she/it get/got finished  /  el/ella/lo se acaba/ó    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  jo-mo-yi

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  607-580-17

Narrow Transcription(s):  #jomooy Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  
jomoy Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  vp.  he/she/it stoke  /  el/ella/lo apostó    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  jo-po-la-ja

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  607-687-178-181

Narrow Transcription(s):  #joplaj Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  
joplaj Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  pa.  he/she/it is/was encircled  /  el/ella/lo es/fue rodeado(a)    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  JOY-ja

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  684a-181

Narrow Transcription(s):  jo[h]yaj Lacadena 1998  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  nd.  encirclement  /  envolvimiento    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  jo-JOY-ye-la

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  607-684a-710v-178

Narrow Transcription(s):  #joye'l Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  
joyeel Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  vt.  plaster over  /  emplastar    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  ju-su

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  45-216

Narrow Transcription(s):  #-jus- Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006

kal tun

Meaning(s):  nc.  stone effigy  /  efigie de piedra    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  ka-le-TUN

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  25-188-528

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  nd.  he/she who ?  /  el/ella quien ?    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  KAL-ma

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  nn-nn

Narrow Transcription(s):  kaloom Houston, Stuart and Roberston 1998  
#kalo'm Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  vi.  hear  /  escuchar    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  ko-ko-

Narrow Transcription(s):  #kok- Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  
#kok- Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  n.  hearer  /  escuchador    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  ko-ko-ma

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  110-110-74

Narrow Transcription(s):  kokoom Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  
koko'm Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  pa.  he/she/it is/was broken  /  el/ella, lo es/fue quebrado(a)    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  k'a-sa-ja

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  669-630-181

Narrow Transcription(s):  #k'a[h]saj Lacadena 1998  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  pa.  he/she is/was knelt down  /  el/ella es/fue arrodillado(a)    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  K'EB'-b'a-ja

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  nn-501-181

Narrow Transcription(s):  k'e[h]b'aj Lacadena 2004  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  pa.  he/she/it is/was delivered  /  el/ella/lo es/fue entregado(a)    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  k'u-b'a-ja

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  603-501-181

Narrow Transcription(s):  k'u[h]b'aj Lacadena 1998  
k'u[h]b'aj Lacadena 1998  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  pa.  he/she is/was tortured/eaten  /  el/ella es/fue torturado(a)/comido(a)    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  k'u-xa-ja

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  603-508-181

Narrow Transcription(s):  #k'u[h]xaj Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  pa.  he/she is/was already tortured/eaten  /  el/ella ya es/fue torturado(a)/comido(a)    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  k'u-xa-ji-ya

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  603-508-136-125

Narrow Transcription(s):  #k'uxjiiy Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006

lakam tunLAKAM TUN-ni Hieroglyph  

Meaning(s):  nc.  stela  /  estela    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  LAKAM TUN-ni
  (2)  LAKAM-ma-TUN
  (3)  la-ka-ma-TUN-ni

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  262-528-116
  (2)  262-74-528
  (3)  534-25-74-528-116

Narrow Transcription(s):  lakam tuun Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  
lakam tuun Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  n.  east  /  este    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  la-K'IN
  (2)  la-K'IN-ni

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  546-544
  (2)  546-544-116

Narrow Transcription(s):  lak'in Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  
lak'in Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  vp.  he/she climbed up  /  el/ella subió    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  li-pi-ta-ja

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  nn-177-565-181

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  adj.  twisted, bent, flexed  /  encorvado, doblado, torcido    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  lo-che

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  580-148

Narrow Transcription(s):  looch Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  

Linguistic Reconstruction:  Proto-Cholan*lochKaufman and Norman 1984  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006

luk'lu-k'u Hieroglyph  

Meaning(s):  n.  stucco, mud  /  estuco, barro    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  lu-k'u

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  568-603

Narrow Transcription(s):  luk' Lacadena and Wichkmann 2004  
luk' Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  pa.  he/she is/was covered  /  el/ella es/fue cubierto(a)    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  ma-ka-ja
  (2)  ma-MAK-ja

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  74-25-181
  (2)  74-nn-181

Narrow Transcription(s):  #ma[h]kaj Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  n.  shield  /  escudo    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  ma-xu

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  74-756c

Narrow Transcription(s):  ma'x Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  
maax Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  vt.  bury  /  enterrar    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  -mu-ku-
  (2)  -mu-ka-

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  19-528
  (2)  19-738/25

Narrow Transcription(s):  -muk- Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  
-muk- Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Linguistic Reconstruction:  Proto-Mayan*muqKaufman and Norman 1984  
Proto-Cholan*mukKaufman and Norman 1984  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  pa.  he/she is/was buried  /  el/ella es/fue enterrado(a)    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  mu-ka-ja
  (2)  mu-ku-ja

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  19-25-181
  (2)  19-(528)-181

Narrow Transcription(s):  #mu[h]kaj Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  num.  he/she is/was adorned  /  el/ella es/fue adornado(a)    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  na-wa-ja
  (2)  NAH-wa-ja

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  23/1000a-130-181
  (2)  4-130-181

Narrow Transcription(s):  #na[h]waj Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  n.  mirror  /  espejo    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  ne-na
  (2)  NEN

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  nn-23
  (2)  nn

Narrow Transcription(s):  neen Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  
ne'[h]n Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Linguistic Reconstruction:  Proto-Mayan*nehnBrown and Wichmann 2004  
Proto-Mayan*nehn-neenKaufman and Norman 1984  
Proto-Cholan*nehnKaufman and Norman 1984  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  pa.  he/she is/was married  /  el/ella es/fue casado(a)    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  nu-pa-ja

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  151-586-181

Narrow Transcription(s):  #nu[h]paj Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006

och-OCH Hieroglyph  OCH-chi Hieroglyph  
 (1)                   (2)                

Meaning(s):  vi.  enter  /  entrar    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  OCH
  (2)  OCH-chi
  (3)  o-chi

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  207
  (2)  207-671
  (3)  279-671

Narrow Transcription(s):  och Stuart 2005  

Linguistic Reconstruction:  Proto-Mayan*ookBrown and Wichmann 2004  
Proto-Mayan*ookKaufman and Norman 1984  
Proto-Cholan*ochKaufman and Norman 1984  


Last Updated:30-Jun-2006

och-k'ak'OCH-chi-K'AK' Hieroglyph  

Meaning(s):  vi.  fire-enter (dedication verb)  /  entra-fuego (verbo de dedicación)    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  OCH-K'AK'
  (2)  OCH-chi-K'AK'
  (3)  o-chi-K'AK'

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  207-1035/(122-248)/122
  (2)  207-671-(122-248)/122
  (3)  280-671-122

Narrow Transcription(s):  och-k'ahk' Stuart 2005  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  n.  foam  /  espuma    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  o-mo

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  279-582

Narrow Transcription(s):  om Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  
om Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Linguistic Reconstruction:  Proto-Mayan*y-ohmKaufman and Norman 1984  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  nd.  whisk?  /  espumador?    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  o-mi-b'i

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  vt.  choose, select, elect, take possession of, appropriate  /  escoger, elegir    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  pa-chi-

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  586-671

Narrow Transcription(s):  -paach- Houston, Stuart and Robertson  1998
-paach- Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006

pakalPAKAL Hieroglyph  pa-ka-la Hieroglyph  
 (1)                      (3)                    

Meaning(s):  n.  shield  /  escudo    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  PAKAL
  (2)  PAKAL-la
  (3)  pa-ka-la

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  624b
  (2)  624b-178
  (3)  586-25-178

Narrow Transcription(s):  pakal Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  
pakal Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006

paklajpa-ka-la-ja Hieroglyph  

Meaning(s):  vp.  he/she is/was face down  /  el/ella es/fue boca abajo    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  pa-ka-la-ja

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  586-25-178-181

Narrow Transcription(s):  paklaj Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  
paklaj Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  pa.  he/she is/was planted  /  el/ella es/fue plantado(a)    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  pa-k'a-ja

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  586-669-181

Narrow Transcription(s):  #pa[h]kaj Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  nd.  opener  /  el/ella quien abre    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  pa-sa-no-ma

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  586-181-(595-134)-74

Narrow Transcription(s):  pasno'm Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006

patpa-ti Hieroglyph  

Meaning(s):  n.  back, shoulders, skin  /  espalda, espaldas, piel    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  pa-ti

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  586-59

Narrow Transcription(s):  paat Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  
paat Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Linguistic Reconstruction:  Proto-Cholan*patKaufman and Norman 1984  
Proto-Mayan*paatyKaufman and Norman 1984  
Proto-Mayan*paatBrown and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  pa.  he/she/it is/was formed  /  el/ella/lo es/fue formado(a)    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  PAT-ta-ja

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  79/614-181

Narrow Transcription(s):  pa[h]taj Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  vp.  he/she/it makes/made in a position  /  el/ella/lo se forma/ó    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  PAT-la-ja

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  79-178-181

Narrow Transcription(s):  patlaj Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  
patlaj Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006

patwanPAT-wa-ni Hieroglyph  PAT-ta-wa-ni Hieroglyph  
 (1)                       (2)                 

Meaning(s):  vp.  he/she/it makes/made in a position  /  el/ella/lo se forma/ó    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  PAT-wa-ni
  (2)  PAT-ta-wa-ni

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  79-130-116
  (2)  79-113-130-116

Narrow Transcription(s):  patwaan Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  pa.  he/she/it is/was called  /  el/ella/lo es/fue llamado(a)    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  pe-ka-ja

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  759-25-181

Narrow Transcription(s):  pe[h]kaj Beliaev and Davletshin n.d.  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006

petjiyPET-ji-ya Hieroglyph  

Meaning(s):  vid.  he/she/it already makes/made it round  /  el/ella/lo ya hace, hizó redondo    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  PET-ji-ya

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  511-88-125

Narrow Transcription(s):  petjiiy Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  
petjiiy Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  n.  sculptor  /  escultor    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  POL
  (2)  po-POL
  (3)  POL-lo

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  nn
  (2)  687-nn
  (3)  nn-580

Narrow Transcription(s):  pol Montgomery 1995  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  pa.  he/she/ it is is/was sprinkled  /  el/ella/lo es/fue arrojado(a)    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  pu-la-ja

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  266-178-181

Narrow Transcription(s):  pu[h]laj Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  n.  stucco, plaster  /  estuco, emplasto    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  sa-sa

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  630-630

Narrow Transcription(s):  sas Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  
sas Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006

susajsu-sa-ja Hieroglyph  

Meaning(s):  pa.  he/she/it is/was peeled off  /  el/ella/lo es/fue pelado(a)    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  su-sa-ja

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  216-630-181

Narrow Transcription(s):  su[h]saj Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006

tata Hieroglyph  

Meaning(s):  prep.  in, at; by, with; to; on  /  en, por, de, con, sobre    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  ta

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  113/51

Narrow Transcription(s):  ta Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  
ta Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Linguistic Reconstruction:  Proto-Cholan*täKaufman and Norman 1984  
Proto-Mayan*tyaKaufman and Norman 1984  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  nd.  he/she who ?  /  el/ella quien ?    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  ta-jo-ma
  (2)  ta-jo-mo

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  565-607-74
  (2)  565-nn-582

Narrow Transcription(s):  #tajoom Stuart, Houston and Robertson 1998  
#tajo'm Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  vt.  glue, paste, plaster  /  emplastar, estucar, plegar    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  -ta-k'a-

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  113-669

Narrow Transcription(s):  -tak'- Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  
-tak'- Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Linguistic Reconstruction:  Proto-Cholan*täk'Kaufman and Norman 1984  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006

tanTAN Hieroglyph  

Meaning(s):  prep.  in, in the center of  /  en, dentro, en el medio de    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  TAN
  (2)  TAN-na

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  606
  (2)  606-23

Narrow Transcription(s):  ta[h]n Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Linguistic Reconstruction:  Proto-Cholan*tahnKaufman and Norman 1984  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  nd.  stepping  /  escalonamiento    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  te-k'a-ja

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  nn-669-181

Narrow Transcription(s):  #tek'aj Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006

tek'ajte-k'a-ja Hieroglyph  

Meaning(s):  pa.  he/she/it is/was stepped on  /  el/ella/ello es/fue pisado(a)    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  te-k'a-ja

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  580v-669-181

Narrow Transcription(s):  te[h]k'aj   

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006

titi Hieroglyph  

Meaning(s):  prep.  in, at, by, with, o  /  en, dentro, po, con, para    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  ti

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  59

Narrow Transcription(s):  ti Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  
ti Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  pa.  he/she/it is/was appeased  /  el/ella/ello es/fue apaciguado(a)    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  ti-ma-ja

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  59-502-181

Narrow Transcription(s):  ti[h]maj Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  pa.  he/she/it is/was conjured  /  el/ella/lo es/fue conjurado(a)    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  TZAK-ja
  (2)  TZAK-ka-ja

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  nn-181
  (2)  714-181

Narrow Transcription(s):  tza[h]kaj Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  pa.  he/she/it is/was terminated  /  ell/ella/lo es/fue terminado/a    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  TZUTZ-ja
  (2)  tzu-tza-ja
  (3)  tzu-tzu-ja

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  nn/nn-181
  (2)  370-699-181
  (3)  370-370-181

Narrow Transcription(s):  tzu[h]tzaj Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  vid.  will be finished  /  estará terminado    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  TZUTZ-jo-ma

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  nn-607-74

Narrow Transcription(s):  #tzutzjo'm Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  nd.  finisher  /  el/ella quien termina    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  TZUTZ-no-ma

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  nn-(595-134)-74

Narrow Transcription(s):  #tzutzno'm Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006

tz'akTZ'AK Hieroglyph  

Meaning(s):  adj.  whole  /  entero    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  TZ'AK

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  573a

Linguistic Reconstruction:  Proto-Cholan*tz'äkKaufman and Norman 1984  
Proto-Mayan*tz'aqBrown and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  pa.  he/she/it is/was planted  /  el/ella/lo es/fue plantado(a)    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  tz'a-pa-ja

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  68-586-181

Narrow Transcription(s):  tz'a[h]paj Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  n.  writing, painting  /  escritura, pintura    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  tz'i-b'i

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  248-585

Narrow Transcription(s):  tz'ib' Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  
tz'i[h]b' Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Linguistic Reconstruction:  Proto-Cholan*tz'ihb'Kaufman and Norman 1984  
Proto-Mayan*tz'ihb'Kaufman and Norman 1984  
Proto-Mayan*tz'ihb'Brown and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  vtd.  write, paint  /  escribir, pintar    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  tz'i-b'a

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  248-501

Narrow Transcription(s):  -tz'i[h]b'a- Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Linguistic Reconstruction:  Proto-Cholan*tz'ihb'-iKaufman and Norman 1984  
Proto-Mayan*tz'ihb'-aKaufman and Norman 1984  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  nc.  writing, painting  /  escritura, pintura    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  tz'i-b'i-na-ja-la

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  248-585-23/537/1000a-181-178

Narrow Transcription(s):  tz'ib'najal Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  
tz'b'najal Houstron, Stuart and Robertson 1998  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006

u-u Hieroglyph  

Meaning(s):  pr.  he, she, it, they, his, hers, its, their  /  el, ella, ello, su, sus    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  u

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  1-3/6-7/10-11/13/204/232/513/760

Narrow Transcription(s):  u- Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  
u- Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Linguistic Reconstruction:  Proto-Cholan*uKaufman and Norman 1984  
Proto-Mayan*uKaufman and Norman 1984  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  vtd.  he/she capture(s/d) him/her/it  /  el/ella captur(a/o) a el/ella    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  u-B'AK-wa

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  1-570-130

Narrow Transcription(s):  ub'aakaw Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  
ub'aakaw Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  pa.  he/se/it was heard already  /  el/ella/lo ya fue escuchado(a)    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  u-b'u-ji-ya

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  1-(21-743)-136-125

Narrow Transcription(s):  #ub'jiiy Lacadena and Wichmann  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  vtd.  he/she has scattered it  /  el/ella lo ha esparcido    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  u-CHOK-ji

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  1-710-136

Narrow Transcription(s):  uchokooj MacLeod 2004  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  vt.  he/she scatters(ed) it  /  el/ella lo derrama(ó)    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  u-CHOK-wa
  (2)  u-cho-ko-wa

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  1-710-130
  (2)  1-590-110-130

Narrow Transcription(s):  #uchoko'w Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  vt.  he/she captures(ed) it  /  el/ella lo captura(ó)    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  u-chu-ku-wa

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  1-(515-87)-[528]-130

Narrow Transcription(s):  #uchuku'w Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  vt.  he/she/it fasts/ed it  /  el/ella/ello lo ayuna/ó    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  u-ch'a-b'a-wa

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  1-93-501-130

Narrow Transcription(s):  uch'ab'aw Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  vt.  he/she grasps(ed)it  /  el/ella lo agarra(ó)    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  u-CH'AM-wa

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  1-670-130

Narrow Transcription(s):  #ucham[a]w Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  vt.  he/she chnages(ed) it  /  el/ella lo cambia(ó)    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  u-je-le-wa

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  1-(617-69)-188-130

Narrow Transcription(s):  #ujele'w Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  vt.  he/she/it encircles/d it  /  el/ella/lo le envuelve/envolvió    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  u-JOY-wa

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  1-684a-130

Narrow Transcription(s):  ujoyow Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  
ujoyo'w Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  vtd.  he/she has made it happen  /  el/ella lo ha hecho de pasar    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  u-KAB'-ji

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  1-526-136

Narrow Transcription(s):  uchab'iij MacLeod 2004  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  vt.  he/she copulates/engenders(ed) it  /  el/ella lo engendra(ó)    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  u-ko-b'o-wa

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  1-110-510-130

Narrow Transcription(s):  #ukob'o'w Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  vtd.  he/she has wrapped it  /  el/ella lo ha enrollado    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  u-K'AL-ji

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  1-713-136

Narrow Transcription(s):  uk'alaaj MacLeod 2004  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  vt.  he/she ties(ed) it  /  el/ella lo ata(ó)    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  u-K'AL-wa
  (2)  u-k'a-la-wa

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  1-713-130
  (2)  1-669-178-130

Narrow Transcription(s):  #uk'alaw Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  vt.  he/she covers(ed) it  /  el/ella lo cubre(ió)    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  u-ma-ka-wa

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  1-74-25-130

Narrow Transcription(s):  #umakaw Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  vtd.  he/she has gifted it  /  el/ella lo ha regalado    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  u-MAY-yi-ji

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  nn-nn-17-136

Narrow Transcription(s):  umayiij MacLeod 2004  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  vtd.  he/she has already embraced it  /  el/ella ya lo ha abrazado    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  u-me-k'e-ji-ya

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  1-nn-(197-512)-136-125

Narrow Transcription(s):  umek'e(e)jiy MacLeod 2004  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  vt.  he/she has adorned it  /  el/ella lo ha adornado    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  u-na-wa-ji

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  1-1000a-130-136

Narrow Transcription(s):  unawaaj MacLeod 2004  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  vtd.  he/she has formed it  /  el/ella lo ha formado    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  u-PAT-ji

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  1-(79-nn)-136

Narrow Transcription(s):  upataaj MacLeod 2004  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  vt.  he/she/it formes/ed  /  el/ella/lo forma/ó    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  u-pa-ta-wa

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  1-586-113-130

Narrow Transcription(s):  upataw Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  
upataw Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  vtd.  he/she has overturned it  /  el/ella lo ha trastornado    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  u-PAT-ta-b'u-ji
  (2)  u-pa-ta-b'u-ji

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  1-79-113-21-136
  (2)  1-586-113-21-136

Narrow Transcription(s):  upatb'uuj MacLeod 2004  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  vt.  he/she/it adornes/adorned it  /  el/ella/ello lo adorna/ó    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  u-ta-pa-wa

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  1-113-586-130

Narrow Transcription(s):  utapaw Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  
utapaw Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  vt.  he/she/it appeases/ed it  /  el/ella/ello lo apacigua/ó    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  u-ti-mi-wa

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  1-59-807-130

Narrow Transcription(s):  utimiiw Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  vt.  he/she/it conjures/ed it  /  el/ella/ello lo conjura/ó    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  u-TZAK-wa
  (2)  u-tza-ka-wa

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  1-nn-130
  (2)  1-699-25-130

Narrow Transcription(s):  utzakaw Hoouston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  
utzakaw Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  vt.  he/she/it terminates/ed it  /  el/ella/ello lo termina/ó    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  u-TZUTZ-wa

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  1-nn-130

Narrow Transcription(s):  utzutzu'w Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  vtd.  he/she has ordered it  /  el/ella lo ha mandado    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  u-TZ'AK-b'u-ji

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  1-573-21-136

Narrow Transcription(s):  utz'akb'uuj MacLeod 2004  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  vt.  he/she plants/planted it  /  el/ella lo planta/ó    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  u-tz'a-pa-wa

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  1-68-586-130

Narrow Transcription(s):  utz'apaw Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  
utz'apaw Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  vtd.  he/she has already eaten it  /  el/ella ya lo ha comido    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  u-WE'-ji-ya

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  1-(nn-506)-88-125

Narrow Transcription(s):  uwe'e(e)jiiy MacLeod 2004  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  vtd.  carve, sculpt  /  esculpir, grabar    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  -u-xu-lu-
  (2)  (y)u-xu-lu-

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  1-nn-568
  (2)  61-nn-568

Narrow Transcription(s):  -uxul- Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  n.  carving, sculpture  /  escultura, grabado    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  u-xu-lu
  (2)  (y)u-xu-lu
  (3)  (y)u-xu-lu-li

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  1-nn-568
  (2)  61-nn-568
  (3)  61-nn-568-83

Narrow Transcription(s):  uxul, uxuluul Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  
uxul, uxulil Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  n.  the final 5-day period of the 365-day year  /  el último período de 5 días del año de 365 días    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  WAY-HAB'

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  157/728/769-548

Narrow Transcription(s):  Wayhaab' Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  
Wayhaab' Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  vp.  he/she/it raises/ed  /  el/ella/lo levanta/ó    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  WA'-la-ja
  (2)  wa-WA'-la-ja

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  588-178-181
  (2)  130-588-181-178

Narrow Transcription(s):  wa'laj Biro (after Stuart 2005)  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  vp.  he/she/it raises/ed, stands/ed up  /  el/elle/lo levanta/ó, se pone/puso en pie    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  WA'-a-wa-ni

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  588-228-130-116

Narrow Transcription(s):  wa'waan Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  
wa'waan Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  mp.  got wrapped  /  envolverse    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  wo-lo-yi

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  67-580-17

Narrow Transcription(s):  wolooy Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  n.  corner  /  esquina    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  xu-ka-

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  756c-25

Narrow Transcription(s):  xu[h]k- Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Linguistic Reconstruction:  Proto-Mayan*xukKaufman and Norman 1984  
Proto-Cholan*xuhkKaufman and Norman 1984  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  vtd.  he/she has already left it  /  el/ella ya lo ha dejado    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  ya-ka-ta-ji-ya

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  125-25-565-136-125

Narrow Transcription(s):  yaktaajiiy MacLeod 2004  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  vt.  he/she gives/gave it  /  el/ella lo da/dio    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  ya-k'a-wa

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  125-669-130

Narrow Transcription(s):  #yak'aw Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  pa.  he/she/it is/was thrown down  /  el/ella/lo es/fue tirado(a)    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  ya-la-ja

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  125-534-181

Narrow Transcription(s):  ya[h]laj Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  vtd.  he/she has already said it  /  el/ella ya lo ha dicho    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  ya-la-ji-ya

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  125-534-136-125

Narrow Transcription(s):  yalaajiiy MacLeod 2004  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  vtd.  he/she has bathed it  /  el/ella lo ha dado un baño    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  ya-ti-ji

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  125-59-758c

Narrow Transcription(s):  yatiij MacLeod 2004  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006

yilajyi-la-ji Hieroglyph  

Meaning(s):  vtd.  he/she has seen it  /  el/ella lo ha visto    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  yi-IL-ji
  (2)  yi-IL-la-ja
  (3)  yi-la-ji
  (4)  yi-li-a-ji

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  17-nn-88
  (2)  17-nn-178-181
  (3)  17-534-88
  (4)  17-82-743-88

Narrow Transcription(s):  yilaaj MacLeod 2004  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  vt.  he/she see/saw it  /  el/ella lo ve/vio    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  yi-IL-wa
  (2)  yi-li-wa

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  17-nn-130
  (2)  17-82-130

Narrow Transcription(s):  #yiliiw Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  vtd.  he/she has already accompanied it  /  el/ella ya lo ha acompañado    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  yi-ta-ji-ya

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  17-565-136-125

Narrow Transcription(s):  yitaajiiy MacLeod 2004  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  vp.  he/she/it shakes/ed  /  el/ella/lo sacude/ó    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  yu-ku-la-ja

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  61-568-178-181

Narrow Transcription(s):  yuklaj Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  
yuklaj Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:31-Aug-2005


Meaning(s):  vtd.  he/she has drunk it  /  el/ella lo ha bebido    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  yu-UK'-ji

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  61-1070-136

Narrow Transcription(s):  yuk'/uch'uuj MacLeod 2004  

Last Updated:31-Aug-2005


Meaning(s):  vtd.  he/she has carved it  /  el/ella lo ha esculpido    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  yu-xu-li-ji

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  61-756c-568-136

Narrow Transcription(s):  yuxulij MacLeod 2004  

Last Updated:31-Aug-2005


Meaning(s):  vtd.  he/she has carved it  /  el/ella lo ha grabado    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  yu-xu-lu-ji

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  61-756-568-136

Narrow Transcription(s):  yuxuliij MacLeod 2004  

Last Updated:31-Aug-2005


Meaning(s):  pre.  he, she, it, they, his, hers, its, their (prevocalic)  /  el, ella, ello, ellos, ellas, su, suyo, suya (ante vocal)    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  ya-, ye-, yi-, yo-, yu-

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  125, 710v, 17, 115, 61

Narrow Transcription(s):  yV- Houston, Stuart and Robertson  
yV- Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:31-Aug-2005