MAYA HIEROGLYPH DICTIONARY Peter Mathews and Péter Bíró Drawings by John Montgomery |
Results 1 - 14 of 14 for "E" |
Click on a word below to view details. |
e |
syl. | syllabic sign / signo sillábico | |
eb' |
n. | staircase, stair, ladder / escalón, escalera | |
eb'et |
n. | messenger / mensajero | |
ej |
n. | tooth / diente | |
ek' |
n. | star / estrella | |
el- |
vt. | burn / arder | |
elk'in |
n. | east / este | |
elnah |
nc. | house-burning / el quemar de casa | |
em- |
vi. | go down, descend; come down / bajar, descender | |
emach |
n. | raccoon / mapache | |
emal |
n. | descent / descenso, bajada | |
emey |
vid. | go down / bajarse | |
etej |
n. | work, office / trabajo, oficio | |
etk'ab'a' |
nc. | namesake / homónimo | |
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