Yaxchilán, Lintel 24 - K2887 ©Justin Kerr - Click to view high resolution MAYA HIEROGLYPH DICTIONARY
Peter Mathews and Péter Bíró
Drawings by John Montgomery

ee Hieroglyph  

Meaning(s):  syl.  syllabic sign  /  signo sillábico    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  e

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  542/741a

Last Updated:25-Oct-2006


Meaning(s):  n.  staircase, stair, ladder  /  escalón, escalera    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  e-b'u
  (2)  (y)e-b'a

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  741a-21
  (2)  710v/512-501

Narrow Transcription(s):  ehb' Stuart 2005  
e[h]b'uul, (y)e[h]b'aal Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Linguistic Reconstruction:  Proto-Cholan*ehb'Kaufman and Norman  1984
Proto-Mayan*ehb'Kaufman and Norman  1984

Last Updated:26-Jun-2005


Meaning(s):  n.  messenger  /  mensajero    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  (y)e-b'e-ta
  (2)  (y)e-b'e-te

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  710v-nn-113
  (2)  710v-nn-518c

Narrow Transcription(s):  eb'et Stuart 2005  
eb'e't, eb'et Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Linguistic Reconstruction:  Proto-Cholan*eb'etKaufman and Norman  1984
Proto-Mayan*ab'-aatyKaufman and Norman  1984

Last Updated:27-Jun-2005


Meaning(s):  n.  tooth  /  diente    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  [y]e-je

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  512-69

Narrow Transcription(s):  eh Stuart 2005  
ej Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Linguistic Reconstruction:  Proto-Cholan*ehKaufman and Norman  1984
Proto-Mayan*eehKaufman and Norman  1984

Last Updated:27-Jun-2005

ek'EK' Hieroglyph  

Meaning(s):  n.  star  /  estrella    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  EK'
  (2)  e-k'e

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  510
  (2)  542-(517-197)

Narrow Transcription(s):  ek' Stuart 2005  
eek' Lacadena n.d.  

Linguistic Reconstruction:  Proto-Cholan*ek'Kaufman and Norman 1984  

Last Updated:27-Jun-2005


Meaning(s):  vt.  burn  /  arder    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  EL
  (2)  EL-le

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  546v
  (2)  546v-188

Narrow Transcription(s):  el Stuart 2005  
#el- Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:27-Jun-2005


Meaning(s):  n.  east  /  este    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  EL-K'IN

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  546-544

Narrow Transcription(s):  elk'in Stuart 2005  
#elk'iin Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:27-Jun-2005


Meaning(s):  nc.  house-burning  /  el quemar de casa    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  EL-NAH
  (2)  EL-le-NAH
  (3)  EL-le-NAH-hi

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  546-4
  (2)  546-188-4
  (3)  546-188-4-(60-528)

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  vi.  go down, descend; come down  /  bajar, descender    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  EM-mi
  (2)  e-mi

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  227-173
  (2)  542-173

Narrow Transcription(s):  e[h]mi Zender 2005  

Linguistic Reconstruction:  Proto-Mayan*ehmBrown and Wichmann 2004  
Proto-Mayan*ehmKaufman and Norman 1984  
Proto-Cholan*ehmKaufman and Norman 1984  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  n.  raccoon  /  mapache    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  EM-ma
  (2)  EM-ma-cha

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  nn-nn
  (2)  nn-nn-668

Narrow Transcription(s):  emach Stuart 2005  

Linguistic Reconstruction:  Proto-Cholan*ehmächKaufman and Norman 1984  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  n.  descent  /  descenso, bajada    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  (y)e-ma-la

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  512/1071-74-178

Narrow Transcription(s):  emal Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  
#e[h]mal Zender 2005  

Linguistic Reconstruction:  Proto-Cholan*ehm-älKaufman and Norman (1984)  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  vid.  go down  /  bajarse    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  EM-ye

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  nn-710v

Narrow Transcription(s):  e[h]mey Zender 2005  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  n.  work, office  /  trabajo, oficio    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  ETE'
  (2)  ETE'-TE'
  (3)  ETE'-TE'-je

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  514
  (2)  514-87
  (3)  514-87-69

Narrow Transcription(s):  e[b']tej MacLeod n.d.  

Linguistic Reconstruction:  Proto-Cholan*eb't-elKaufman and Norman (1984)  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006


Meaning(s):  nc.  namesake  /  homónimo    

Thompson Number(s):  

Last Updated:30-Jun-2006