MAYA HIEROGLYPH DICTIONARY Peter Mathews and Péter Bíró Drawings by John Montgomery |
Results 16 - 30 of 37 for "W" |
Click on a word below to view details. |
-kok- |
vt. | watch, guard / guardar | |
lakam ha' |
nc. | wide water (Palenque toponym) / agua grande (topónimo de Palenque) | |
mal |
prep. | within / adentro | |
matz |
n. | wise man / hombre sabio | |
miyatz |
n. | wise man / hombre sabio | |
ochk'in |
n. | west / oeste | |
omib' |
nd. | whisk? / espumador? | |
pa' |
n. | wall, mural, fortress / pared, muralla, fortaleza | |
-pok- |
vt. | wash / lavar | |
sab'in |
n. | weasel / comadreja | |
sak |
adj. | white / blanco | |
sakal |
adj. | white / blanco | |
sihom |
n. | winter maize crop / tornamilpa | |
tzutzjom |
vid. | will be finished / estará terminado | |
tz'ak |
adj. | whole / entero | |
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