MAYA HIEROGLYPH DICTIONARY Peter Mathews and Péter Bíró Drawings by John Montgomery |
Results 1 - 15 of 48 for "T" |
Click on a word below to view details. |
a- |
pre. | you, your, yours / tu, tuyo, tuya, tuyos, tuyas | |
ak |
n. | turtle / tortuga | |
a'nab' |
n. | title (without translation) / título (sin traducción) | |
chitin |
nd. | sweatbath / temazcal | |
chiwoj |
n. | tarantula / tarántula | |
chuch |
n. | loom, cloth / tela, ropa | |
-ch'am- |
vt. | take, grab, receive / tener, tomar, recibir | |
ch'ok |
adj. | unripe, young / tierno, menor en edad | |
ch'ok |
n. | title which designates heirs to the throne (not exclusively) / título que designa herederos al trono (no en todos casos) | |
etej |
n. | work, office / trabajo, oficio | |
heklib' |
nd. | (vertical) panel / tablero (vertical) | |
ichan |
n. | mother's brother / tío, hermano de madre | |
jay |
n. | clay bowl / tazón de barro | |
-joch'- |
vt. | drill, perforate / taladrar, perforar | |
kab' |
n. | earth / tierra | |
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