MAYA HIEROGLYPH DICTIONARY Peter Mathews and Péter Bíró Drawings by John Montgomery |
Results 1 - 15 of 34 for "M" |
Click on a word below to view details. |
-b'aj- |
vt. | hammer, beat / martillar, batir | |
chalam |
n. | jawbone / mandíbula | |
cham- |
vi. | die / morir | |
chamay |
mp. | got died / morirse | |
chamVl |
nd. | death / muerte | |
chan |
vt. | watch over (alternativerly: own, master) / mirar, ver (alternativamente: tener) | |
chel- |
adj. | high / montado | |
chelet |
adv. | place on / montado | |
eb'et |
n. | messenger / mensajero | |
emach |
n. | raccoon / mapache | |
ixik |
n. | woman / mujer | |
ixim |
n. | maize / maíz | |
ixim te' |
n. | maize-tree / maíz-árbol | |
kab' |
n. | honey, beehive / miel, colmena | |
k'a |
adj. | abundant / mucho | |
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