MAYA HIEROGLYPH DICTIONARY Peter Mathews and Péter Bíró Drawings by John Montgomery |
Results 1 - 15 of 58 for "Y" |
Click on a word below to view details. |
ya |
syl. | syllabic sign / signo sillábico | |
yab' |
n. | abundance / abundancia | |
Yab'nal |
n. | Yab'nal (Chichen Itza toponym) / Yab'nal (topónimo de Chichen Itza ) | |
-yaj |
ad. | derives nouns from positionals / se deriva sustantivos de verbos posicionales | |
yaj |
adv. | at the same time? / ¿el mismo tiempo? | |
yajaw |
adj. | 'vassal', subordinate ruler / 'vasallo', gobernante subordinado | |
yajaw k'ak' |
n. | servant of the fire / sirviente del fuego | |
yajaw te' |
n. | spear-lord? / ¿señor de la lanza? | |
yaktajiy |
vtd. | he/she has already left it / el/ella ya lo ha dejado | |
yak'aw |
vt. | he/she gives/gave it / el/ella lo da/dio | |
-yal- |
vt. | throw, demolish / tirar, demolir | |
yalaj |
pa. | he/she/it is/was thrown down / el/ella/lo es/fue tirado(a) | |
yaljiy |
vtd. | he/she has already said it / el/ella ya lo ha dicho | |
yatij |
vtd. | he/she has bathed it / el/ella lo ha dado un baño | |
yax |
adj. | green/blue, first, precious, sacred / azul/verde, primero(a), perecioso(a), sagrado(a) | |
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