Yaxchilán, Lintel 24 - K2887 ©Justin Kerr - Click to view high resolution MAYA HIEROGLYPH DICTIONARY
Peter Mathews and Péter Bíró
Drawings by John Montgomery

Results 1 - 15 of 71 for "U"
Click on a word below to view details.

u- pr.he, she, it, they, his, hers, its, their  /  el, ella, ello, su, sus  
u syl.syllabic sign  /  signo sillábico  
ub' vt.to hear  /  oir
ub'akaw vtd.he/she capture(s/d) him/her/it  /  el/ella captur(a/o) a el/ella
ub'jiy pa.he/se/it was heard already  /  el/ella/lo ya fue escuchado(a)
ub'te n.tribute  /  tributo  
Uchan n.Uchan (Calakmul area toponym)  /  Uchan (topónimo en el área de Calakmul)
uchokoj vtd.he/she has scattered it  /  el/ella lo ha esparcido
uchokow vt.he/she scatters(ed) it  /  el/ella lo derrama(ó)
uchukuw vt.he/she captures(ed) it  /  el/ella lo captura(ó)
uch'ab'aw vt.he/she/it fasts/ed it  /  el/ella/ello lo ayuna/ó
uch'amaw vt.he/she grasps(ed)it  /  el/ella lo agarra(ó)
uh n.necklace, collar, bead  /  collar, joya
uh n.moon  /  luna
Uh Ixik n.Uh Ixik (name of goddess)  /  Uh Ixik (nombr de diosa)

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