MAYA HIEROGLYPH DICTIONARY Peter Mathews and Péter Bíró Drawings by John Montgomery |
u | | | (1) |
| Meaning(s): | syl. syllabic sign / signo sillábico |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) u |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 1/2/3/6/7/10/11/13/204/232/760 |
u- | | | (1) |
| Meaning(s): | pr. he, she, it, they, his, hers, its, their / el, ella, ello, su, sus |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) u |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 1-3/6-7/10-11/13/204/232/513/760 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | u- | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 | | u- | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
| Linguistic Reconstruction: | Proto-Cholan | *u | Kaufman and Norman 1984 | | Proto-Mayan | *u | Kaufman and Norman 1984 |
ub' | | | |
| Meaning(s): | vt. to hear / oir |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) u-b'u |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 1-(21+743) |
Narrow Transcription(s): | ub' | | Stuart 2005 |
| Linguistic Reconstruction: | Proto-Cholan | *ub'-i | Kaufman and Norman 1984 | | Proto-Mayan | *ab'-i | Kaufman and Norman 1984 |
ub'akaw | | | |
| Meaning(s): | vtd. he/she capture(s/d) him/her/it / el/ella captur(a/o) a el/ella |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) u-B'AK-wa |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 1-570-130 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | ub'aakaw | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 | | ub'aakaw | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
ub'jiy | | | |
| Meaning(s): | pa. he/se/it was heard already / el/ella/lo ya fue escuchado(a) |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) u-b'u-ji-ya |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 1-(21-743)-136-125 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | #ub'jiiy | | Lacadena and Wichmann |
ub'te | | | (1) |
| Meaning(s): | n. tribute / tributo |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) (y)u-b'u-te |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 61-21-518c |
Narrow Transcription(s): | ub'te' | | Stuart 2005 |
Uchan | | | |
| Meaning(s): | n. Uchan (Calakmul area toponym) / Uchan (topónimo en el área de Calakmul) |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) u-CHAN-ni | | (2) u-cha-ni |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 1-764-116 | | (2) 1-(520-299)-116 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | Uchaan | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 | | Uchaan | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
uchokoj | | | |
| Meaning(s): | vtd. he/she has scattered it / el/ella lo ha esparcido |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) u-CHOK-ji |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 1-710-136 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | uchokooj | | MacLeod 2004 |
uchokow | | | |
| Meaning(s): | vt. he/she scatters(ed) it / el/ella lo derrama(ó) |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) u-CHOK-wa | | (2) u-cho-ko-wa |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 1-710-130 | | (2) 1-590-110-130 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | #uchoko'w | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
uchukuw | | | |
| Meaning(s): | vt. he/she captures(ed) it / el/ella lo captura(ó) |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) u-chu-ku-wa |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 1-(515-87)-[528]-130 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | #uchuku'w | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
uch'ab'aw | | | |
| Meaning(s): | vt. he/she/it fasts/ed it / el/ella/ello lo ayuna/ó |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) u-ch'a-b'a-wa |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 1-93-501-130 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | uch'ab'aw | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
uch'amaw | | | |
| Meaning(s): | vt. he/she grasps(ed)it / el/ella lo agarra(ó) |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) u-CH'AM-wa |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 1-670-130 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | #ucham[a]w | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
uh | | | |
| Meaning(s): | n. moon / luna |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) UH |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) nn |
Linguistic Reconstruction: | Proto-Cholan | *uh | Kaufman and Norman 1984 |
uh | | | |
| Meaning(s): | n. necklace, collar, bead / collar, joya |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) UH | | (2) (y)u-UH | | (3) (y)u-UH-(li) |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) nn | | (2) 61-nn | | (3) 61-nn-83 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | uuh | | Stuart 2005 | | uh | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
| Linguistic Reconstruction: | Proto-Mayan | *u?h | Kaufman and Norman 1984 | | Proto-Mayan | *uuh | Brown and Wichmann 2004 | | Proto-Cholan | *uy or uhy | Kaufman and Norman 1984 |
Uh Ixik | | | |
| Meaning(s): | n. Uh Ixik (name of goddess) / Uh Ixik (nombr de diosa) |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) UH-IXIK | | (2) UH-IXIK-ki |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) nn-1000a | | (2) nn-1000a-102 |
uhaj | | | |
| Meaning(s): | nd. necklace / joya |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) UH-ja | | (2) u-ha-ja |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) nn-181 | | (2) 1-(60-1042)-181 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | uhaj | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 | | uhaj | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 | | u'haj | | Zender 2004b |
uht- | | | |
| Meaning(s): | vi. happen, occur / ocurrir, acontecer |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) UH-ti- | | (2) u-ti- |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) nn-59 | | (2) 513-59 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | uht | | Stuart 2005 |
| Linguistic Reconstruction: | Proto-Mayan | *ut | Brown and Wichmann 2004 | | Proto-Cholan | *uht | Kaufman and Norman 1984 | | Proto-Mayan | *ut | Kaufman and Norman 1984 |
uhtiy | | | (1) |
| Meaning(s): | vi. it already happened / ya occurió |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) u-ti-ya |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 513-59-125 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | utiiy | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 | | utiiy | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
ujelew | | | |
| Meaning(s): | vt. he/she chnages(ed) it / el/ella lo cambia(ó) |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) u-je-le-wa |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 1-(617-69)-188-130 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | #ujele'w | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
ujoyow | | | |
| Meaning(s): | vt. he/she/it encircles/d it / el/ella/lo le envuelve/envolvió |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) u-JOY-wa |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 1-684a-130 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | ujoyow | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 | | ujoyo'w | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
ukab'aj | | | |
| Meaning(s): | vtd. he/she has made it happen / el/ella lo ha hecho de pasar |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) u-KAB'-ji |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 1-526-136 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | uchab'iij | | MacLeod 2004 |
ukob'ow | | | |
| Meaning(s): | vt. he/she copulates/engenders(ed) it / el/ella lo engendra(ó) |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) u-ko-b'o-wa |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 1-110-510-130 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | #ukob'o'w | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
ukul | | | |
| Meaning(s): | nd. abundance of ? (uk) / abundancia de ? (uk) |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) -u-ku- | | (2) -u-ku-la- | | (3) UK?-la |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 1-528 | | (2) 1-528-178 | | (3) nn-178 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | uku'[u]l | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
ukum | | | |
| Meaning(s): | n. dove, pigeon / paloma |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) u-ku-mu |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 1-528-19 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | ukum | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 | | ukum | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
Examples |
| Last Updated: | 29-Aug-2005 |
uk'- | | | |
| Meaning(s): | vt. drink / beber |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) UK'- |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 1070 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | uk' | | Stuart 2005 | | uk' | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
| Linguistic Reconstruction: | Proto-Cholan | *uch'-e | Kaufman and Norman 1984 | | Proto-Mayan | *uk' | Kaufman and Norman 1984 | | Proto-Mayan | *uk' | Kaufman and Norman 1984 |
uk'alaj | | | |
| Meaning(s): | vtd. he/she has wrapped it / el/ella lo ha enrollado |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) u-K'AL-ji |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 1-713-136 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | uk'alaaj | | MacLeod 2004 |
uk'alaw | | | |
| Meaning(s): | vt. he/she ties(ed) it / el/ella lo ata(ó) |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) u-K'AL-wa | | (2) u-k'a-la-wa |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 1-713-130 | | (2) 1-669-178-130 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | #uk'alaw | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
uk'es | | | |
| Meaning(s): | nd. trompet-shell / trompeta de caracol |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) (y)u-k'e-sa |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 61-(197-512)-630 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | uk'es | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 | | uk'ees | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 |
uk'ib' | | | |
| Meaning(s): | n. drinking vessel / copa para beber |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) u-k'i-b'i | | (2) (y)u-k'i-b'i | | (3) (y)u-UK'-b'i | | (4) (y)u-UK' | | (5) (y)u-UK' |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 1-77-585 | | (2) 61-77-585 | | (3) 61-1070/nn-585 | | (4) 61-1070/nn | | (5) 61-1070/nn |
Narrow Transcription(s): | uk'ib' | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 | | uk'ib' | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 |
uk'un | | | |
| Meaning(s): | ap. got drunk / beberse |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) u-UK'-ni |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 1-1070v-116 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | uk'ni | | Carrasco, Hull and Wald 2004 |
ul | | | |
| Meaning(s): | n. atole / atole |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) u-lu |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 513-568 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | ul | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 | | ul | | Stuart 2005 |
| Linguistic Reconstruction: | Proto-Mayan | *uul | Kaufman and Norman 1984 | | Proto-Cholan | *ul | Kaufman and Norman 1984 |
ulum | | | |
| Meaning(s): | n. turkey (hen) / pavo |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) u-lu-mu |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 1-568-19 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | ulum | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 | | ulum | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
umakaw | | | |
| Meaning(s): | vt. he/she covers(ed) it / el/ella lo cubre(ió) |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) u-ma-ka-wa |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 1-74-25-130 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | #umakaw | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
umayij | | | |
| Meaning(s): | vtd. he/she has gifted it / el/ella lo ha regalado |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) u-MAY-yi-ji |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) nn-nn-17-136 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | umayiij | | MacLeod 2004 |
umek'jiy | | | |
| Meaning(s): | vtd. he/she has already embraced it / el/ella ya lo ha abrazado |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) u-me-k'e-ji-ya |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 1-nn-(197-512)-136-125 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | umek'e(e)jiy | | MacLeod 2004 |
unawaj | | | |
| Meaning(s): | vt. he/she has adorned it / el/ella lo ha adornado |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) u-na-wa-ji |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 1-1000a-130-136 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | unawaaj | | MacLeod 2004 |
unen | | | |
| Meaning(s): | n. child of father / hijo de padre |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) u-2ne | | (2) (y)u-ne |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 1-120-120 | | (2) 61-nn |
Narrow Transcription(s): | unen | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 | | unen | | Stuart 2005 |
| Linguistic Reconstruction: | Proto-Cholan | *une... | Kaufman and Norman 1984 |
uniw | | | |
| Meaning(s): | n. avocado / aguacate |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) UNIW |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 559/696 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | uniiw | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 | | uniiw | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
| Linguistic Reconstruction: | Proto-Mayan | *oong | Kaufman and Norman 1984 | | Proto-Cholan | *un | Kaufman and Norman 1984 |
Uniw | | | |
| Meaning(s): | n. 14th Classic Maya Month / 14o mes del período Clásico |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) UNIW-wa | | (2) UNIW-wi | | (3) UNIW-ni-wa |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 559-130 | | (2) 559-117 | | (3) 559-116-130 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | Uniiw | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 | | Uniiw | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 |
upataj | | | |
| Meaning(s): | vtd. he/she has formed it / el/ella lo ha formado |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) u-PAT-ji |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 1-(79-nn)-136 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | upataaj | | MacLeod 2004 |
upataw | | | |
| Meaning(s): | vt. he/she/it formes/ed / el/ella/lo forma/ó |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) u-pa-ta-wa |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 1-586-113-130 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | upataw | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 | | upataw | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
upatb'uj | | | |
| Meaning(s): | vtd. he/she has overturned it / el/ella lo ha trastornado |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) u-PAT-ta-b'u-ji | | (2) u-pa-ta-b'u-ji |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 1-79-113-21-136 | | (2) 1-586-113-21-136 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | upatb'uuj | | MacLeod 2004 |
usij | | | |
| Meaning(s): | n. vulture / zopilote |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) u-si-ja | | (2) u-si |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 1-57-181 | | (2) Jan-57 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | usiij | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
ut | | | |
| Meaning(s): | n. face / cara |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) UT | | (2) UT-tu |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 618/650 | | (2) 618-89 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | 'ut | | Zender 2004b |
ut | | | |
| Meaning(s): | n. eye, face; fruit / ojo, cara; fruta |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) WUT?-tu | | (2) u-WUT?-tu |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) nn-89 | | (2) 1-nn-89 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | w?ut | | |
| Linguistic Reconstruction: | Proto-Mayan | *haty | Kaufman and Norman 1984 | | Proto-Cholan | *(h)ut | Kaufman and Norman 1984 |
utapaw | | | |
| Meaning(s): | vt. he/she/it adornes/adorned it / el/ella/ello lo adorna/ó |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) u-ta-pa-wa |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 1-113-586-130 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | utapaw | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 | | utapaw | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
utimiw | | | |
| Meaning(s): | vt. he/she/it appeases/ed it / el/ella/ello lo apacigua/ó |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) u-ti-mi-wa |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 1-59-807-130 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | utimiiw | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
utom | | | |
| Meaning(s): | vi. it will happen / lo pasará |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) u-to-ma |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 513-44-142 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | #u[h]to'm | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 | | utoom | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 |
utup | | | |
| Meaning(s): | n. his/her/its earflare / su orejera |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) u-tu-pa | | (2) u-tu-TUP | | (3) u-tu-pi | | (4) u-TUP |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 1-89-586 | | (2) 1-89-nn | | (3) 1-89-200 | | (4) 1-nn |
Narrow Transcription(s): | u tuup | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 | | utu[u]'p | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
utus | | | |
| Meaning(s): | nd. face / cara |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) UT-si |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 650-57 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | 'utis | | Zender 2004b |
utz | | | |
| Meaning(s): | adj. good / bueno |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) u-tzi | | (2) (y)u-tzi |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 1-507 | | (2) 61-507 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | uutz | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 | | uutz | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 |
| Linguistic Reconstruction: | Proto-Mayan | *utz | Kaufman and Norman 1984 | | Proto-Cholan | *utz | Kaufman and Norman 1984 |
utzakaw | | | |
| Meaning(s): | vt. he/she/it conjures/ed it / el/ella/ello lo conjura/ó |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) u-TZAK-wa | | (2) u-tza-ka-wa |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 1-nn-130 | | (2) 1-699-25-130 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | utzakaw | | Hoouston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 | | utzakaw | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
utzil | | | |
| Meaning(s): | nd. goodness / bondad |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) u-tzi-li | | (2) (y)u-tzi-li |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 1-507-24 | | (2) 61-507-24 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | utzil | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 | | utzil | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 |
utzutzuw | | | |
| Meaning(s): | vt. he/she/it terminates/ed it / el/ella/ello lo termina/ó |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) u-TZUTZ-wa |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 1-nn-130 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | utzutzu'w | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
utz'akb'uj | | | |
| Meaning(s): | vtd. he/she has ordered it / el/ella lo ha mandado |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) u-TZ'AK-b'u-ji |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 1-573-21-136 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | utz'akb'uuj | | MacLeod 2004 |
utz'apaw | | | |
| Meaning(s): | vt. he/she plants/planted it / el/ella lo planta/ó |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) u-tz'a-pa-wa |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 1-68-586-130 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | utz'apaw | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 | | utz'apaw | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
uwe'jiy | | | |
| Meaning(s): | vtd. he/she has already eaten it / el/ella ya lo ha comido |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) u-WE'-ji-ya |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 1-(nn-506)-88-125 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | uwe'e(e)jiiy | | MacLeod 2004 |
ux | | | |
| Meaning(s): | num. three |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) UX |
Linguistic Reconstruction: | Proto-Mayan | *oox-ib' | Kaufman and Norman1984 | | Proto-Cholan | *ux | Kaufman and Norman 1984 |
Ux Lut K'uh | | | |
| Meaning(s): | n. Ux Lut K'uh (epithet of the Palenque Triad) / Ux Lut K'uh (epíteto de la Tríada de Palenque) |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) UX-lu-ti-K'UH |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) III-568-59-35 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | Ux Luut K'uh | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 | | Ux Luut K'uh | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
Ux Witik | | | |
| Meaning(s): | n. Ux Witik (Copan toponym) / Ux Witik (topónimo de Copan) |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) UX-wi-ti-ki |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) III-117-59-102 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | Ux Witik | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 | | Ux Witik | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 |
Ux Witz | | | |
| Meaning(s): | n. Ux Witz (Copan toponym) / Ux Witz (topónimo de Copan) |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) UX-WITZ | | (2) UX-WITZ-tzi |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) III-529 | | (2) III-529-507 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | Ux Witz | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 | | Ux Witz | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 |
Ux Witz Ha' | | | |
| Meaning(s): | n. Ux Witz Ha' (Caracol toponym) / Ux Witz Ha' (Topónimo de Caracol) |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) UX-WITZ-tzi-a |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) III-529-507-228 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | Ux Witz [H]a' | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 | | Ux Witz [H]a' | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
uxlajun | | | |
| Meaning(s): | num. thirteen / trece |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) UX-[LAJUN] |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) XIII |
Narrow Transcription(s): | u[h]xlaju'n | | Zender 2004 |
Uxlajun Chan Kuy | | | |
| Meaning(s): | n. Uxlajun Chan Kuy (name of God L's bird) / Uxlajun Chan Kuy (nombre del ave del Dios L) |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) UXLAJUN-CHAN-na-KUY |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) XIII-561-23-nn |
Narrow Transcription(s): | U[h]xlaju'n Chan Kuy | | Zender 2004 |
Uxte' Ha' | | | |
| Meaning(s): | n. Uxte' Ha' (name of god) / Uxte' Ha' (nombre de dios) |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) UX-TE'-HA' |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) III-87-566 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | Uxte' Ha' | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 | | Uxte' Ha' | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 |
Uxte' Tun | | | |
| Meaning(s): | n. Uxte' Tun (Calakmul toponym) / Uxte' Tun (topónimo de Calakmul) |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) UX-TE'-TUN-ni |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) III-87-528-116 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | Uxte' Tuun | | Houston Stuart and Robertson 1998 | | Uxte' Tuun | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
uxul | | | |
| Meaning(s): | n. carving, sculpture / escultura, grabado |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) u-xu-lu | | (2) (y)u-xu-lu | | (3) (y)u-xu-lu-li |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 1-nn-568 | | (2) 61-nn-568 | | (3) 61-nn-568-83 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | uxul, uxuluul | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 | | uxul, uxulil | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 |
-uxul- | | | |
| Meaning(s): | vtd. carve, sculpt / esculpir, grabar |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) -u-xu-lu- | | (2) (y)u-xu-lu- |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 1-nn-568 | | (2) 61-nn-568 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | -uxul- | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
uxulnajal | | | |
| Meaning(s): | nc. carving, sculpture / grabado, escultura |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) (y)u-xu-lu-na-ja-la |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 61-nn-568-1000a/23-181-178 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | uxulnajal | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
uxulwajal | | | |
| Meaning(s): | nc. carving, sculpture / grabado, escultura |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) (y)u-xu-wa-ja-la |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 61-nn-130-181-178 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | uxulwajal | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
uyub' | | | |
| Meaning(s): | n. auditor / auditor |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) u-yu-b'u |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 1-61-21 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | uyub' | | Houston, Stuart and robertson 1998 | | uyub' | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |