Yaxchilán, Lintel 24 - K2887 ©Justin Kerr - Click to view high resolution MAYA HIEROGLYPH DICTIONARY
Peter Mathews and Péter Bíró
Drawings by John Montgomery

Results 1 - 15 of 191 for "S"
Click on a word below to view details.

a syl.syllabic sign  /  signo sillábico  
ab'at n.servant  /  sirviente
aj tz'ib' n.scribe  /  escribano  
an n.spring maize, young ear of maize  /  elote
-a'l- vt.say  /  decir
b'a syl.syllabic sign  /  signo sillábico  
-b'ah suf.self (reflexive suffix)  /  sufijo reflexivo
b'akjol nc.skeleton  /  esqueleto
b'e syl.syllabic sign  /  signo sillábico
b'i syl.syllabic sign  /  signo sillábico  
b'o syl.syllabic sign  /  signo sillábico  
b'u syl.syllabic sign  /  signo sillábico  
b'ulay? n.small jaguar  /  jaguar pequeño
b'utz' n.smoke  /  humo
cha syl.syllabic sign  /  signo sillábico  

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