MAYA HIEROGLYPH DICTIONARY Peter Mathews and Péter Bíró Drawings by John Montgomery |
Results 1 - 15 of 51 for "F" |
Click on a word below to view details. |
ajch'ama[k] |
n. | fox / zorro(a) | |
b'ah |
n. | face, self, image, first / cara, su mismo/misma, imagen, primero/primera | |
b'ah che'b' |
nc. | first painter/brusher / pintor principal | |
b'ah lom sajal |
nc. | first spear sajal / sajal de primer lanza | |
b'ah pakal |
nc. | first shield (wielder?) / escudero principal | |
b'ah sajal |
nc. | first sajal / primer sajal | |
b'ah tok' |
n. | first dart (lord) / (señor) primero de pedernal | |
b'ah uxul |
nc. | first carver / escultor principal | |
b'ub'ul |
adj. | frothy / espumoso | |
-b'ut'- |
vt. | fill / llenar | |
chan |
num. | four / cuatro | |
chanlajun |
num. | fourteen / quatorze | |
chay |
n. | fish / pescado | |
chit |
n. | father, patron / padre, patrón | |
-ch'ab'- |
vt. | fast / ayunar | |
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