MAYA HIEROGLYPH DICTIONARY Peter Mathews and Péter Bíró Drawings by John Montgomery |
Results 31 - 45 of 80 for "P" |
Click on a word below to view details. |
patwi |
ap. | it got formed / se lo formó | |
Pax |
n. | 16th Classic Maya Month / 16o mes del periodo Clásico | |
payal |
nd. | leader / guía | |
pa' |
n. | food / comida | |
pa' |
n. | wall, mural, fortress / pared, muralla, fortaleza | |
pa' |
n. | cleft, split / hendedura, grieta | |
Pa'chan |
n. | Pa'chan (Yaxchilan Emblem Glyph) / Pa'chan (glifo emblema de Yaxchilan) | |
pa'l |
n. | creek, lagoon, stream / arroyo, laguna | |
pe |
syl. | syllabic sign / signo sillábico | |
pek-? |
vt. | call, order / llamar, ordenar | |
pekaj |
pa. | he/she/it is/was called / el/ella/lo es/fue llamado(a) | |
pet |
adj. | round / redondo | |
petaj |
vid. | make it round / hacerse redondo | |
peten |
nd. | land, island / tierra, isla | |
petjiy |
vid. | he/she/it already makes/made it round / el/ella/lo ya hace, hizó redondo | |
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