Yaxchilán, Lintel 24 - K2887 ©Justin Kerr - Click to view high resolution MAYA HIEROGLYPH DICTIONARY
Peter Mathews and Péter Bíró
Drawings by John Montgomery

papa Hieroglyph  

Meaning(s):  syl.  syllabic sign  /  signo sillábico    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  pa

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  586/649

Last Updated:21-Sep-2005


Meaning(s):  vt.  choose, select, elect, take possession of, appropriate  /  escoger, elegir    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  pa-chi-

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  586-671

Narrow Transcription(s):  -paach- Houston, Stuart and Robertson  1998
-paach- Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:22-Aug-2005


Meaning(s):  n.  skin  /  piel    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  pa-chi

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  586-671

Narrow Transcription(s):  paach Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  
paach Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:22-Aug-2005


Meaning(s):  vp.  be face down  /  ser boca abajo    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  pa-ka-

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  586-25

Narrow Transcription(s):  pak- Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  
pak- Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Linguistic Reconstruction:  Proto-Mayan*paqKaufman and Norman 1984  
Proto-Mayan*paqBrown and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:22-Aug-2005

pakab'pa-ka-b'a Hieroglyph  

Meaning(s):  n.  lintel  /  dintel    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  pa-ka-b'a

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  586-25-501

Narrow Transcription(s):  pakab' Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  
pakab' Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:22-Aug-2005

pakalPAKAL Hieroglyph  pa-ka-la Hieroglyph  
 (1)                      (3)                    

Meaning(s):  n.  shield  /  escudo    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  PAKAL
  (2)  PAKAL-la
  (3)  pa-ka-la

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  624b
  (2)  624b-178
  (3)  586-25-178

Narrow Transcription(s):  pakal Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  
pakal Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:22-Aug-2005

pakaxpa-ka-xa Hieroglyph  

Meaning(s):  vi.  return  /  volver    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  pa-ka-xa
  (2)  pa-ka-xi

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  586-25-508/144
  (2)  586-25-1048

Narrow Transcription(s):  pakxi MacLeod 1995  

Last Updated:22-Aug-2005


Meaning(s):  vtd.  to put face down  /  poner boca abajo    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  -pa-ka-b'u-

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  586-738/25-(21-743v?)

Narrow Transcription(s):  -pakb'u- Stuart, Houston and Robertson 1999  
-pakb'u- Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:22-Aug-2005


Meaning(s):  nc.  lintel  /  dintel    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  pa-ka-b'u-TUN-ni

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  586-738-(21-743v?)-528-116

Narrow Transcription(s):  pakb'u tuun Stuart, Houston and Robertson 1999  

Last Updated:22-Aug-2005

paklajpa-ka-la-ja Hieroglyph  

Meaning(s):  vp.  he/she is/was face down  /  el/ella es/fue boca abajo    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  pa-ka-la-ja

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  586-25-178-181

Narrow Transcription(s):  paklaj Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  
paklaj Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:22-Aug-2005

-pak'--pa-k'a- Hieroglyph  

Meaning(s):  vt.  plant, form (from clay), mold, hoist  /  plantar, sembrar, formar    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  -pa-k'a-

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  586-669

Narrow Transcription(s):  -pak'- Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  
-pak'- Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Linguistic Reconstruction:  Proto-Cholan*päkKaufman and Norman 1984  

Last Updated:28-Sep-2006


Meaning(s):  pa.  he/she is/was planted  /  el/ella es/fue plantado(a)    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  pa-k'a-ja

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  586-669-181

Narrow Transcription(s):  #pa[h]kaj Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:28-Sep-2006


Meaning(s):  n.  child  /  niño    

Thompson Number(s):  

Last Updated:28-Sep-2006


Meaning(s):  vi.  come out  /  salir    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  PAS

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  (544-561v-526)/(208/222-526)

Narrow Transcription(s):  pas- Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  
pas- Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Linguistic Reconstruction:  Proto-Cholan*pas (earlier *pahs)Kaufman and Norman 1984  

Last Updated:28-Sep-2006


Meaning(s):  vt.  open, dawn  /  abrir, amanecer    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  -pa-sa-
  (2)  -PAS-

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  586-630
  (2)  (544-561v-526)/(208/222-526)

Narrow Transcription(s):  -pas- Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  
-pas- Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:28-Sep-2006


Meaning(s):  adv.  on next day  /  al dia siguiente, al otro dia    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  PAS

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  (544-561v-526)/(208/222-526)

Narrow Transcription(s):  pas Houston, Stuart and Roberston 1998  
pas Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:28-Sep-2006

pas kab'

Meaning(s):  nc.  earth-opening? (referring to birth?)  /  ¿abriendo-tierra? (¿refiere al nacer?)    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  PAS-ka-b'a

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  222-25-501

Narrow Transcription(s):  pas k ab' Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  
pas kab' Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:28-Sep-2006

pasajpa-sa Hieroglyph  

Meaning(s):  nd.  opening  /  abertura, salida    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  PAS
  (2)  pa-sa-ja
  (3)  pa-sa

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  (208-526)
  (2)  586-630-181
  (3)  586-630

Narrow Transcription(s):  pasaj Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  
pasaj Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:28-Sep-2006


Meaning(s):  pa.  it is/was opened  /  lo/la es/fue abierto(a)    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  pa-sa-ja

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  586-630-181

Narrow Transcription(s):  pa[h]saj Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:28-Sep-2006

pasilpa-si-li Hieroglyph  

Meaning(s):  nd.  door, opening  /  puerta, abertura    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  pa-si-li

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  586-57-82/83

Narrow Transcription(s):  pasil Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  
pasil Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:28-Sep-2006


Meaning(s):  nd.  opener  /  el/ella quien abre    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  pa-sa-no-ma

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  586-181-(595-134)-74

Narrow Transcription(s):  pasno'm Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:28-Sep-2006

patpa-ti Hieroglyph  

Meaning(s):  n.  back, shoulders, skin  /  espalda, espaldas, piel    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  pa-ti

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  586-59

Narrow Transcription(s):  paat Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  
paat Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Linguistic Reconstruction:  Proto-Cholan*patKaufman and Norman 1984  
Proto-Mayan*paatyKaufman and Norman 1984  
Proto-Mayan*paatBrown and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:28-Sep-2006

patpa-ti Hieroglyph  

Meaning(s):  adv.  after, later  /  detrás, después    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  pa-ti

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  586-59

Narrow Transcription(s):  paat Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  
paat Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:28-Sep-2006


Meaning(s):  n.  hat  /  tocado    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  pa-ta

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  586-113

Narrow Transcription(s):  pat Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  
pat Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:28-Sep-2006


Meaning(s):  vp.  form, build (put it into a position)  /  formarse, hacerse    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  PAT-
  (2)  pa-ta-

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  79/614
  (2)  585-565

Narrow Transcription(s):  pat- Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  
pat- Lacadena and Wichmann  

Last Updated:28-Sep-2006


Meaning(s):  vt.  form, build  /  formar, hacer    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  -PAT-
  (2)  -PAT-ta-
  (3)  -pa-ta-

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  79
  (2)  79-565
  (3)  586-113

Narrow Transcription(s):  -pat- Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  
-pat- Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:28-Sep-2006


Meaning(s):  pa.  he/she/it is/was formed  /  el/ella/lo es/fue formado(a)    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  PAT-ta-ja

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  79/614-181

Narrow Transcription(s):  pa[h]taj Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:28-Sep-2006

patanpa-ta-na Hieroglyph  

Meaning(s):  n.  tribute, work  /  tributo, cargo    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  pa-ta-na
  (2)  pa-ta

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  586-113-23
  (2)  586-113

Narrow Transcription(s):  patan Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  
patan Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Linguistic Reconstruction:  Proto-Cholan*patanKaufman and Norman  
Proto-Mayan*pahtaanKaufman and Norman 1984  

Last Updated:28-Sep-2006


Meaning(s):  vp.  he/she/it makes/made in a position  /  el/ella/lo se forma/ó    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  PAT-la-ja

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  79-178-181

Narrow Transcription(s):  patlaj Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  
patlaj Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:28-Sep-2006

patwanPAT-wa-ni Hieroglyph  PAT-ta-wa-ni Hieroglyph  
 (1)                       (2)                 

Meaning(s):  vp.  he/she/it makes/made in a position  /  el/ella/lo se forma/ó    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  PAT-wa-ni
  (2)  PAT-ta-wa-ni

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  79-130-116
  (2)  79-113-130-116

Narrow Transcription(s):  patwaan Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:28-Sep-2006


Meaning(s):  ap.  it got formed  /  se lo formó    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  PAT-ta-wi

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  (79-614)-113-117

Narrow Transcription(s):  #pataaw Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  
patwi Carrasco, Hull and Wald 2004  

Last Updated:28-Sep-2006


Meaning(s):  n.  16th Classic Maya Month  /  16o mes del periodo Clásico    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  pa-xi
  (2)  pa-xa

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  586-1948
  (2)  586-508/114

Narrow Transcription(s):  Paax, Pax Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  
Paax, Pax Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:28-Sep-2006


Meaning(s):  nd.  leader  /  guía    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  pa-ya-la
  (2)  pa-ya

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  586-125-178
  (2)  586-125

Narrow Transcription(s):  payal Houston, Stuart and robertson 1998  
payal Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:28-Sep-2006

pa'pa Hieroglyph  

Meaning(s):  n.  food  /  comida    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  pa

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  586

Last Updated:28-Sep-2006

pa'pa Hieroglyph  

Meaning(s):  n.  wall, mural, fortress  /  pared, muralla, fortaleza    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  pa
  (2)  pa-a

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  586/649
  (2)  586/649-228

Narrow Transcription(s):  pa' Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  
pa' Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  

Last Updated:28-Sep-2006


Meaning(s):  n.  cleft, split  /  hendedura, grieta    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  pa-a

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  586-228

Narrow Transcription(s):  pa' Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  
pa' Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:28-Sep-2006


Meaning(s):  n.  Pa'chan (Yaxchilan Emblem Glyph)  /  Pa'chan (glifo emblema de Yaxchilan)    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  PA'CHAN
  (2)  PA'CHAN-na

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  562
  (2)  562-23

Narrow Transcription(s):  Pa'chan Martin 2004  

Last Updated:28-Sep-2006


Meaning(s):  n.  creek, lagoon, stream  /  arroyo, laguna    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  pa-a-la

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  586-228-178

Narrow Transcription(s):  pa'al Lacadena and Wichmann  2004

Last Updated:28-Sep-2006


Meaning(s):  syl.  syllabic sign  /  signo sillábico    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  pe

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  759

Last Updated:28-Sep-2006


Meaning(s):  vt.  call, order  /  llamar, ordenar    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  -pe-ka-

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  759-25

Narrow Transcription(s):  -pek- Beliaev and Davletshin n.d.  

Linguistic Reconstruction:  Proto-Cholan*pehk-äKaufman and Norman 1984  

Last Updated:28-Sep-2006


Meaning(s):  pa.  he/she/it is/was called  /  el/ella/lo es/fue llamado(a)    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  pe-ka-ja

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  759-25-181

Narrow Transcription(s):  pe[h]kaj Beliaev and Davletshin n.d.  

Last Updated:28-Sep-2006

petPET Hieroglyph  

Meaning(s):  adj.  round  /  redondo    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  PET
  (2)  PET-te

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  511
  (2)  511-518c

Narrow Transcription(s):  pet Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  
pet Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Linguistic Reconstruction:  Proto-Cholan*petKaufman and Norman 1984  
Proto-Mayan*petyKaufman and Norman 1984  
Proto-Mayan*peehtyBrown and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:28-Sep-2006


Meaning(s):  vid.  make it round  /  hacerse redondo    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  PET-ja
  (2)  PET-ta-ja

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  511-181
  (2)  511-113-181

Narrow Transcription(s):  petaj Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:28-Sep-2006


Meaning(s):  nd.  land, island  /  tierra, isla    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  PET-ne

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  511-120

Narrow Transcription(s):  peten Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  
peten Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  

Last Updated:28-Sep-2006

petjiyPET-ji-ya Hieroglyph  

Meaning(s):  vid.  he/she/it already makes/made it round  /  el/ella/lo ya hace, hizó redondo    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  PET-ji-ya

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  511-88-125

Narrow Transcription(s):  petjiiy Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  
petjiiy Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:28-Sep-2006

pipi Hieroglyph  

Meaning(s):  syl.  syllabic sign  /  signo sillábico    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  pi

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  177/200

Last Updated:28-Sep-2006


Meaning(s):  adj.  bright  /  liso, brillante    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  pi-ja
  (2)  pi-ni

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  200-181
  (2)  200-116

Last Updated:28-Sep-2006

pib' nah

Meaning(s):  nc.  sweatbath  /  baño de vapor    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  pi-b'i-NAH

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  177-585-4

Narrow Transcription(s):  pib'naah Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  
pib'naah Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:28-Sep-2006


Meaning(s):  vt.  perforate  /  agujerear, pinchar    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  -pi-chi-

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  177-671

Narrow Transcription(s):  -pich- Houston, Sturat and Robertson 1998  
-pich- Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:28-Sep-2006


Meaning(s):  n.  skirt  /  falda    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  PIK-ki
  (2)  pi-ki

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  nn-102
  (2)  200-102

Narrow Transcription(s):  pik Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  
pik Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Linguistic Reconstruction:  Proto-Cholan*pikKaufman and Norman  

Last Updated:28-Sep-2006


Meaning(s):  ncl.  counts of 8,000  /  cuenta de 8,000    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  pi-ki

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  200-102

Narrow Transcription(s):  -pik Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  
-pik Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Linguistic Reconstruction:  Proto-Cholan*pikKaufman and Norman 1984  

Last Updated:28-Sep-2006


Meaning(s):  n.  "period of 144,000 days ("b'aktun")"  

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  PIK
  (2)  pi

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  nn
  (2)  200

Narrow Transcription(s):  pik Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  
pik Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:28-Sep-2006


Meaning(s):  ncl.  count of time periods  /  cuenta de periodos de tiempo    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  -pi-si

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  200-57

Narrow Transcription(s):  -pis Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  
-pis Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:28-Sep-2006

pitzpi-tzi Hieroglyph  

Meaning(s):  adj.  beautiful  /  hermoso(a)    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  pi-tzi

Narrow Transcription(s):  #pitz Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:28-Sep-2006

pitzpi-tzi Hieroglyph  

Meaning(s):  n.  ballgame  /  juego de pelota    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  pi-tzi

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  177-507

Narrow Transcription(s):  pitz Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  
pitz Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:28-Sep-2006


Meaning(s):  vid.  play ball  /  jugar a la pelota    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  pi-tzi-ja
  (2)  pi-tza-ja

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  177-507-181
  (2)  177-699-181

Narrow Transcription(s):  pitziij- Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:28-Sep-2006

pitzilpi-tzi-la Hieroglyph  

Meaning(s):  nd.  ball player  /  jugador de pelota    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  pi-tzi-la

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  177-507-178

Narrow Transcription(s):  pitziil, pitzil Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  
pitziil, pitzil Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:28-Sep-2006


Meaning(s):  n.  hat, headdress  /  tocado, sombrero    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  pi-xo-la

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  177-536-178

Narrow Transcription(s):  pixoom Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  
pixo'm Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Linguistic Reconstruction:  Proto-Cholan*pixKaufman and Norman 1984  
Proto-Mayan*pixKaufman and Norman 1984  

Last Updated:28-Sep-2006

popo Hieroglyph  

Meaning(s):  syl.  syllabic sign  /  signo sillábico    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  po

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  687

Last Updated:28-Sep-2006


Meaning(s):  vt.  wash  /  lavar    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  -po-ko-

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  687-110

Narrow Transcription(s):  -pok- Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  
-pok- Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Linguistic Reconstruction:  Proto-Cholan*pokKaufman and Norman 1984  

Last Updated:28-Sep-2006


Meaning(s):  nd.  bowl for washing  /  plato para lavarse    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  po-ko-lo

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  687-110-580

Narrow Transcription(s):  pokol Boot 1997  

Last Updated:28-Sep-2006

pokol che'b'

Meaning(s):  nc.  ceramic washbowl for quill pens  /  cerámica para lavar cepillos    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  po-ko-lo-che-e-b'u
  (2)  po-ko-lo-che-b'u

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  687-110-580-148-542-21
  (2)  687-110-580-148-21

Narrow Transcription(s):  pokol che'ehb' Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:28-Sep-2006


Meaning(s):  n.  sculptor  /  escultor    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  POL
  (2)  po-POL
  (3)  POL-lo

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  nn
  (2)  687-nn
  (3)  nn-580

Narrow Transcription(s):  pol Montgomery 1995  

Last Updated:28-Sep-2006

pompo Hieroglyph  

Meaning(s):  n.  incense, copal  /  incienso, copal    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  po-mo
  (2)  po

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  687-582
  (2)  687

Narrow Transcription(s):  pom Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  
pom Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Linguistic Reconstruction:  Proto-Cholan*pomKaufman and Norman 1984  

Last Updated:28-Sep-2006


Meaning(s):  n.  mat  /  petate    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  po-po

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  687-687

Narrow Transcription(s):  po[h]p Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Linguistic Reconstruction:  Proto-Cholan*pohpKaufman and Norman 1984  
Proto-Mayan*pohpKaufman and Norman 1984  
Proto-Mayan*pohpBrown and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:28-Sep-2006


Meaning(s):  n.  1st Postclassic Maya Month  /  1o mes del período Clásico    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  po-po

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  687-687

Narrow Transcription(s):  Po[h]p Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  
Po[h]p Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:28-Sep-2006


Meaning(s):  vt.  to roast  /  asar    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  po-po

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  687-687

Narrow Transcription(s):  #-po[h]p- Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Linguistic Reconstruction:  Proto-Cholan*pohp-iKaufman and Norman 1984  

Last Updated:28-Sep-2006


Meaning(s):  adj.  roasted  /  asado/a    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  po-po-la

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  687-687-178

Last Updated:28-Sep-2006


Meaning(s):  syl.  syllabic sign  /  signo sillábico    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  pu

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  266

Last Updated:28-Sep-2006


Meaning(s):  n.  spine, sting, goad  /  aguijón    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  PUK-ki

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  nn-102

Narrow Transcription(s):  puuk Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  
puuk Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:28-Sep-2006


Meaning(s):  vt.  scatter, distribute  /  derramar, esparcir    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  PUK-ki

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  nn-102

Narrow Transcription(s):  -puuk- Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  
-puuk- Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:28-Sep-2006


Meaning(s):  vt.  sprinkle  /  tirar, arrojar    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  -pu-la-

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  266-178

Narrow Transcription(s):  -pul- Lacaden and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:28-Sep-2006


Meaning(s):  pa.  he/she/ it is is/was sprinkled  /  el/ella/lo es/fue arrojado(a)    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  pu-la-ja

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  266-178-181

Narrow Transcription(s):  pu[h]laj Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:28-Sep-2006


Meaning(s):  vid.  burn (him/her/it)!  /  que se quema (el/ella/lo)!    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  pu-lu

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  266-568

Narrow Transcription(s):  pulu Carrasco, Hull and Wald n.d.  

Last Updated:28-Sep-2006

puluypu-lu-yi Hieroglyph  

Meaning(s):  mp.  got burned  /  quemarse    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  PUL-yi
  (2)  pu-lu-yi

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  nn-17
  (2)  266-568-17

Narrow Transcription(s):  #puluuy Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Linguistic Reconstruction:  Proto-Cholan*pulKaufman and Norman 1984  

Last Updated:28-Sep-2006


Meaning(s):  n.  (sewing) needle  /  aguja    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  pu-tz'i

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  266-248

Narrow Transcription(s):  puutz' Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  
puutz' Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:28-Sep-2006

putz' b'ak

Meaning(s):  nc.  bone needle (for sewing)  /  aguja de hueso    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  pu-tz'i-b'a-ki

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  266-248-501-102

Narrow Transcription(s):  puutz' b'aak Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  
puutz' b'aak Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:28-Sep-2006


Meaning(s):  n.  blowgun  /  cerbatana    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  pu-wa

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  266-130

Narrow Transcription(s):  pu'w (or puw) Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:28-Sep-2006


Meaning(s):  n.  snail  /  caracol    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  pu-yi

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  266-17

Narrow Transcription(s):  puuy Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  
puuy Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Linguistic Reconstruction:  Proto-Cholan*puyKaufman and Norman 1984  
Proto-Mayan*puurKaufman and Norman 1984  

Last Updated:28-Sep-2006


Meaning(s):  n.  cattail reed  /  caña    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  pu

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  266

Narrow Transcription(s):  puj Stuart 2000  

Linguistic Reconstruction:  Proto-Cholan*pujKaufman and Norman 1984  

Last Updated:28-Sep-2006