Maya glyph for "daykeeper" DATE CONVERSION
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Friday, July 26, 2024 CE is
Long Count:
0Julian Date:  July 13, 2024 CE
Calendar Round:  1 Men 18 Xul
Year Bearer:  13 Kab'an
Lord of Night:    G5
13 Bak'tunbaktun glyphkatun glyph0 K'atun
11 Tuntun glyphwinal glyph13 Winal
15 K'inkin glyph1 Men
  G518 Xul

Direction: Och K'in - West (Oeste)
Color: Ek' - Black (Negro)

819 day count: (728) 1 Manik' 0 Yaxk'in

Julian Day #: 2,460,518
Maya Day #: 1,876,235
Lunar Age: 20.13 day(s)
Aztec Calendar Round: 1 Cuauhtli 18 Quecholli
Mixtec Calendar Round: 1 Xa (Eagle) 18 Flint

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