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570 records searched.

Results 1 - 15 of 19 for "rain"
Key:  SMI 215065
Actual Location:  Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C., United States.
Collection:  E.O. Matthews. Acquired by the Museum on 19 March 1902.
Registration:  215065
Provenance:  Zaachila, Oaxaca (provenance based on a similarity with piece MNA 6-836).
Measurements:  42 x 26 cm.
Color:  Grey clay with a clay coating of another color. Traces of red paint.
Chronology:  MA IIIB (Boos 1964: 38); Peche 500 - 600 AD
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Reference:  Boos 1964: 38, plate XXXVI.
Comments:  Boos thinks that the object in the right hand symbolizes rain and the drawing on the pedestal, water (Boos 1964: 38). See MNA 6-836 for a piece identical to this one.

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Key:  AMNH 164/322763
Actual Location:  American Museum of Natural History, New York, United States.
Collection:  Marshall H. Saville
Registration:  164/322763
Provenance:  Cuilapan, Oaxaca.
Measurements:  68.5 cm.
Color:  Light grey clay
Chronology:  Peche 500 - 600 AD
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Reference:  Saville 1904: 58; Boos 1968a: vol. III, 27, plate X.
Comments:  Discovered by Saville in 1902. He found it in front of a tomb in Cuilapan (Saville 1904: 59). The hands have been restored for the object's exhibition.
Glyphs:  Glyph C in the headdress. The pectoral shows the glyph for "open corn grain", combined with glyph E.

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Key:  ROM 1452
Actual Location:  Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, Canada.
Collection:  Constantino Rickards
Registration:  HM 1452
Provenance:  Unknown
Measurements:  9 cm.
Color:  Grey clay.
Chronology:  Xoo 600 - 800 AD
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Comments:  Demijohn with two pouring handles.
Glyphs:  Glyph C in the headdress and above it , three glyphs for corn grain.

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Key:  ROM 182
Actual Location:  Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, Canada.
Collection:  Constantino Rickards
Registration:  HM 182
Provenance:  Unknown
Measurements:  11.5 cm.
Color:  Grey clay.
Chronology:  Xoo 600 - 800 AD
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Comments:  Globular pot with two pouring handles.
Glyphs:  Glyph C in the headdress and above it, five glyphs for corn grain.

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Key:  ROM 184
Actual Location:  Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, Canada.
Collection:  Constantino Rickards
Registration:  HM 184
Provenance:  Unknown
Measurements:  11.5 cm.
Color:  Grey clay.
Chronology:  Xoo 600 - 800 AD
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Comments:  Globular pot with two pouring handles.
Glyphs:  Glyph C in the headdress and above it, five glyphs for corn grain.

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Key:  ROM 1946
Actual Location:  Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, Canada.
Collection:  Constantino Rickards
Registration:  HM 1946
Provenance:  Monte Albán, Oaxaca.
Measurements:  34 cm.
Color:  Grey clay.
Chronology:  Niza 100 BC - 200 AD
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Comments:  This piece is fragmented.
Glyphs:  Glyph C in the headdress (broken). The hairpin glyph decorates the cape (rain?).

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Key:  MNA 6-636
Actual Location:  National Anthropology Museum, Mexico City, Mexico.
Collection:  Fernando Sologuren #414
Registration:  6-636
Provenance:  Zautla, Oaxaca.
Measurements:  30 cm.
Chronology:  MA IIIB (Boos 1966b: 349); Peche 500 - 600 AD
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Reference:  Caso and Bernal 1952: 136-137, fig. 233; Boos 1966b: 349, fig. 323.
Comments:  Compare with CB 8 and MFR 3745.
Glyphs:  Glyph J in the headdress flanked by two glyphs for corn grain.

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Key:  MFR 1786
Actual Location:  Frissell Museum, Mitla, Mexico.
Collection:  Howard Leigh
Registration:  1786
Provenance:  Ocotlán, Oaxaca.
Measurements:  23 cm.
Color:  Grey clay.
Chronology:  MA IIIA (Boos 1966b: 217); Pitao 350 - 500 AD
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Reference:  Boos 1966: 217, fig. 199; Paddock 1966:138, fig. 131.
Comments:  The central element of the headdress is broken, but it has probably the same shape as the one presented in piece MCO 1991-t/14 (cf. Sellen 2002: 142, fig. 4.107), i.e., the glyph for corn field.
Glyphs:  Two glyphs for corn grain in the headdress. The glyph for corn field in the headdress and the pectoral.

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Key:  MFR 7754
Actual Location:  Frissell Museum, Mitla, Mexico.
Collection:  Howard Leigh
Registration:  7754
Provenance:  Unknown
Measurements:  19 cm.
Color:  Light grey clay
Chronology:  MA IIIB (Boos 1966b: 282); Pitao 350 - 500 AD
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Reference:  Boos 1966b: 282, fig. 261a.
Comments:  An arm and the side pieces of the headdress are missing.
Glyphs:  The glyph for corn grain in the headdress.

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Key:  MFR 3745
Actual Location:  Frissell Museum, Mitla, Mexico.
Collection:  Howard Leigh
Registration:  MFR cc-1760 / INAH 3745
Provenance:  Huitzo, Oaxaca.
Measurements:  34 x 34 x 24 cm.
Color:  Orange
Chronology:  MA IIIB (Boos 1966b: 82); Pitao 350 - 500 AD
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Reference:  Boos 1966b: 82, fig. 61; Paddock 1966: 139, fig. 133.
Comments:  Part of the headdress is broken, but maybe it was a glyph C. The information provided by Boos on this piece, in terms of its provenance and registration number, is incorrect. Compare with MNA 6-636 and CB 8.
Glyphs:  Four glyphs for corn grain in the headdress.

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Key:  SMI 115002
Actual Location:  Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C., United States.
Collection:  Louis H. Ayme
Registration:  115002 acc. 16107
Provenance:  Zaachila, Oaxaca.
Measurements:  20 cm.
Color:  Dark grey clay
Chronology:  Peche 500 - 600 AD
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Reference:  Boos 1968a: vol. III, 22, plate I
Comments:  Compare with UPM 29-41-707, MFR s/n 6, ROM 1936, MCO 0679 and KERR 6460.
Glyphs:  Glyph C in the headdress. The glyph for corn grain decorating the throne's back.

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Key:  MCO 0679
Actual Location:  Museum of Cultures of Oaxaca, Oaxaca, Mexico.
Registration:  10-1043225 INAH / cm.ROA 0679
Provenance:  Mound YW, well 1, offering 2, No. 8, Monte Albán, Oaxaca.
Measurements:  23 cm.
Chronology:  Early MA IIIB (Caso 1938: 19); Peche 500 - 600 AD
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Reference:  Caso 1938: 19, fig. 27; Caso & Bernal 1952: 47, fig. 64; Caso et al. 1967: 125, fig. 79.
Comments:  The shapes in the throne have been opened on the sides and it seems this was done on purpose to be able to decorate the piece with feathers, plants or other objects. In the upper part of the throne, there are also holes to allow the decoration of the piece. Caso says that this piece was found as an offering to Stelae 16 (Caso 1938: 19). Skulls of birds and a "very dark" soil were found inside the piece (Caso, Bernal y Acosta 1967: 127). This piece was found next to another urn (see MNA Mont. Y.W.of.2-2). Both were covered with broken pieces of earthenware and flat stones to protect them. Compare with ROM 1936, MFR s/n 6, SMI 115002, UPM 29-41-707 and KERR 6460.
Glyphs:  Glyph C in the headdress. The glyph for corn grain in the throne's dossal.

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Key:  MNA Ent. VI-7
Actual Location:  National Anthropology Museum, Mexico City, Mexico.
Provenance:  Burial VI-7, Monte Albán, Oaxaca.
Measurements:  8 cm.
Chronology:  Xoo 600 - 800 AD
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Reference:  Caso and Bernal 1952: 42, fig. 52a.
Glyphs:  Glyph C in the headdress. Five reproductions of the glyph for corn grain.

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Key:  MNA 6-6708
Actual Location:  National Anthropology Museum, Mexico City, Mexico.
Registration:  8-6
Provenance:  La Mixteca, Oaxaca.
Measurements:  13 x 11. 3 cm.
Color:  Brown clay.
Chronology:  MA IV (Eubanks 1999: 128-129); Xoo 600 - 800 AD
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Reference:  Eubanks 1999: 128-129, fig. 102-103.
Comments:  Pot with two pouring handles. The handles have the shape of an ear of corn. Possibly the ends with circles in the headdress, which are mostly broken, represent grains of corn as shown by other vessels of this type. Compare with MFR 4279 and MNA 6-682.
Glyphs:  Glyph C in the headdress.

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Key:  MNA 6-6443
Actual Location:  National Anthropology Museum, Mexico City, Mexico (exhibited).
Registration:  6-6443
Provenance:  Tomb 103, no. 33, Monte Albán, Oaxaca.
Measurements:  35 x 24 cm.
Color:  Dark grey clay totally painted with red pigment, except for the conical hat whic
Chronology:  MA IIIB (Caso and Bernal 1952: 252); Peche 500 - 600 AD
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Reference:  Caso 1938: 72 & 74, fig. 91; Caso & Bernal 1952: 119-120, figs. 185-186; Romero 1958: 220, plate XLVI; Gendrop 1970: 139, fig. 160; Carmona 1995: 165, fig. 4.
Comments:  This piece was excavated by Caso in their sixth field season (1937) and was found at a few centimeters from the South wall of the tomb. There were three other effigy vessels in the chamber and two burials (see pieces MNA t/103 1 and 3). Caso and Bernal (1952: 119) use this piece as an archetype of the effigy vessels known as "companions" (accompanying pieces).
Glyphs:  Pectoral (glyph for corn field) decorated with glyphs for corn grain.

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