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570 records searched.

Results 46 - 60 of 73 for "cocijo"
Key:  SLAM 504:1978
Actual Location:  Saint Louis Art Museum, Saint Louis, Missouri, United States.
Collection:  Valetta Malinowska; Morton D. May.
Registration:  504:1978 / former loan number 1970.98
Provenance:  Unknown
Measurements:  22.5 cm.
Chronology:  Niza 100 BC - 200 AD
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Reference:  Parsons 1980: 131, fig. 197.
Comments:  This piece is part of a series of four identical objects. The human figure is wearing a Cocijo mask.
Glyphs:  Glyph C in the headdress (early version).

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Key:  SMI 115161
Actual Location:  Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C., United States.
Collection:  Louis Ayme. Acquired by the Museum on 29 July 1885.
Registration:  Cat. 115161; Acc. # 16290.
Provenance:  San Pedro El Alto, District of Tlaxiaco, Oaxaca.
Measurements:  24 x 17.5 cm.
Color:  Piece covered with a bright red pigment.
Chronology:  Pitao 350 - 500 AD
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Reference:  Boos 1966: 31, fig. 4; Whitecotton 1985: 181.
Comments:  Effigy of Cocijo.
Glyphs:  A glyph C in the headdress.

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Key:  MFR 1224
Actual Location:  Frissell Museum, Mitla, Mexico
Registration:  Cat. 1224
Chronology:  Pitao 350 - 500 AD
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Comments:  Cocijo effigy. This piece has a contraparte in the Royal Ontario Museum (see ROM 1953) and the Ethnographic Museum of Berlin (see EMB 26836)
Glyphs:  5 dots in the headdress. Object is missing the corresponding glyph.

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Key:  MFR 1441
Actual Location:  Frissell Museum, Mitla, Mexico.
Registration:  MFR 1441 / INAH 3187
Provenance:  Unknown
Measurements:  36 x 22 cm.
Color:  Grey clay with traces of red pigment.
Chronology:  Xoo 600 - 800 AD
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Comments:  In general, this type of "box-with-lid" piece wears a Cocijo mask, but, in this case, the mask is a type 2. There are two pieces in this series, the other one has number 1440.
Glyphs:  Glyph V in the central part of the box.

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Key:  KERR 6460
Actual Location:  Unknown
Collection:  It comes from a photo collection by Justin Kerr, from FAMSI's website.
Registration:  Photo number 6460
Provenance:  Unknown
Measurements:  17.3 cm.
Chronology:  Peche 500 - 600 AD
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Reference:  http://research.famsi.org/kerrportfolio.html
Comments:  Cocijo enthroned. Compare with ROM 1936, MFR s/n 6, SMI 115002, UPM 29-41-707 and MCO 0679.
Glyphs:  Glyph C in the headdress. Glyphs for corn grain decorate the throne.

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Key:  KERR 6455
Actual Location:  Unknown
Collection:  It comes from a photo collection by Justin Kerr, from FAMSI's website.
Registration:  Photo number 6455
Provenance:  Unknown
Measurements:  22.9 cm.
Chronology:  Peche 500 - 600 AD
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Reference:  http://research.famsi.org/kerrportfolio.html
Comments:  Effigy of Cocijo.
Glyphs:  Glyph C in the headdress. Glyph E above the conic cap, on both sides. The glyph for corn field in the pectoral.

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Key:  DAM 1977.186
Actual Location:  Denver Art Museum, Denver , Colorado, United States.
Provenance:  Unknown
Measurements:  aprox. 70 cm.
Chronology:  Peche 500 - 600 AD
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Comments:  Great urn of Cocijo.
Glyphs:  Glyph C in the headdress.

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Key:  DAM 1974.0328
Actual Location:  Denver Art Museum, Denver , Colorado, United States.
Provenance:  Unknown
Chronology:  Tani 200 - 350 AD
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Comments:  Urn of Cocijo.

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Key:  UCMA 6-6477
Actual Location:  University of Colima, Archaeological Museum, Manzanillo, Mexico.
Collection:  Probably a loan from the National Anthropology Museum.
Registration:  INAH 10-81263 / MNA cat. 6-6477 / number 560 written in black on the glass.
Provenance:  Unknown (Zaachila?)
Measurements:  aprox. 23 cm.
Color:  Beige clay.
Chronology:  Pitao 350 - 500 AD
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Comments:  The phalanges adorning both sides of the head can be seen in other pieces coming from Zaachila. The piece is missing the pectoral and the phalanx on the left side has been reconstructed. The mask worn by the figure is a Cocijo.
Glyphs:  Glyph C in the headdress. Two glyphs for corn (broken) on both sides of glyph C.

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Key:  MH 78.1.1620
Actual Location:  Musée de l'Homme (Museum of Man), Paris, France.
Collection:  Alphonse Pinart
Registration:  78.1.1620
Provenance:  Unknown
Measurements:  11.5 x 12.7 cm.
Color:  Grey clay
Chronology:  Pitao A.C. 200 - A.C. 500
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Reference:  Boos 1966: 233, fig. 212.
Comments:  Cocijo mask in the headdress.
Glyphs:  The mask and attire correspond to glyph X.

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Key:  SMI 115157
Actual Location:  Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C., United States.
Registration:  Cat. 115157
Provenance:  Unknown
Color:  Brown clay with traces of red pigment.
Chronology:  Pitao 350 - 500 AD
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Comments:  The piece is broken. The various parts of this piece are on different shelves, in the museum's warehouse. Cocijo mask in the headdress.
Glyphs:  The mask and attire correspond to glyph X.

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Key:  UD 2
Actual Location:  Unknown
Provenance:  Unknown
Chronology:  Peche 500 - 600 AD
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Reference:  http://www.rose-hulman.edu/-delacova/zapotecs/zapotec.gif
Glyphs:  Cocijo face with glyph C in the headdress. In the upper part, there is a numeral, but the glyph it refers to is unknown. The glyph for corn field in the pectoral. In the central part of this glyph, a human face.

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Key:  EMB 26836
Actual Location:  Ethnographic Museum (Ethnologisches Museum), Berlin, Germany.
Collection:  Edward Seler 1905.
Registration:  IV Ca 26836
Provenance:  Xoxocotlán, Oaxaca.
Measurements:  53.6 x 14 cm.
Color:  Grey clay
Chronology:  Pitao 350 - 500 AD
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Reference:  Schuler-Schömig 1970: 45, plate 35. Exhibited at the Mesoamerica Hall of the Ethnographic Museum of Berlin, Germany.
Comments:  Effigy of Cocijo. This piece probably has a counterpart at the Royal Museum of Ontario (see ROM 1953), and an almost identical head in the Frissell Museum in Mitla (see MFR 1224).
Glyphs:  Three dots can be seen in the headdress, but there are indications that there were originally five. The relevant glyph is missing.
Dating:  TL by Goedicke et al. 1992, test No. 35: authentic (TL's date: A.C. 1273-1343).

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Key:  EMB 11395
Actual Location:  Ethnographic Museum (Ethnologisches Museum), Berlin, Germany.
Collection:  Edward Seler 1890
Registration:  IV Ca. 11395
Provenance:  Unknown
Measurements:  24 x 23 cm.
Color:  Grey clay
Chronology:  Pitao 350 - 500 AD
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Reference:  Schuler-Schömig 1970: 88, plate 120.
Comments:  Human figure with Cocijo mask.
Glyphs:  The glyph for cloud, shaped as an S, decorates the arms.
Dating:  TL by Goedicke et al, 1992, test No. 120: authentic (TL's date: A.C. 659-803).

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Key:  EMB 39743
Actual Location:  Ethnographic Museum (Ethnologisches Museum), Berlin, Germany.
Collection:  E. Johannssen 1927
Registration:  IV Ca. 39743
Provenance:  Monte Albán, Oaxaca.
Measurements:  47.5 x 13.7 cm.
Color:  Dark grey clay.
Chronology:  Niza 100 BC - 200 AD
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Reference:  Schuler-Schömig 1970: 30, plate 1.
Comments:  Early representation of a Cocijo. Although the TL study by Goedicke et al. 1992 maintain that this object is a fake, my opinion, based on the object's iconography and signs of wear and breakage, is that the piece is authentic.
Glyphs:  The glyph C in the headdress is one of its kind.
Dating:  TL by Goedicke et al. 1992, test no. 1: not authentic (no date).

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