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Results 16 - 30 of 40 for "tani"
Key:  BM 1946/AM/19/5
Actual Location:  British Museum, London, England.
Registration:  1946/AM/19/5
Provenance:  Tyllo, Oaxaca.
Measurements:  32 cm.
Color:  Cream with light grey coating.
Chronology:  Peche 500 - 600 AD
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Reference:  Boos 1966b: 406, fig. 374.
Comments:  The figure is holding a non-identified object in the hands. However, it could be a bag of incense. It wears a mouth jaguar mask and has rosettes in the headdress. There is also a plaited cord in the headdress, on the left side.

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Key:  STAVEN 1
Actual Location:  Private collection, San Ángel, Mexico City, Mexico.
Collection:  Kurt Stavenhagen
Provenance:  Unknown
Measurements:  24 cm.
Chronology:  Transition (Boos 1966b: 168); Tani 200 - 350 AD
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Reference:  Boos 1966b: 168, fig. 149.
Glyphs:  Glyph C in the headdress. Above glyph C, glyph J (corn).

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Key:  MNA 6-3315
Actual Location:  National Anthropology Museum, Mexico City, Mexico.
Registration:  15-6
Provenance:  Building 1, Mound 1, Offering 3-1, Monte Albán, Oaxaca.
Measurements:  32 cm.
Chronology:  Transition period (Caso and Bernal 1952: 35); Tani 200 - 350 AD
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Reference:  Caso and Bernal 1952: 35, fig. 36.
Comments:  According to Caso and Bernal this vessel was found in a stratigraphical exploration, on a stucco floor that sealed the last level of Period II. They still see traits from Period II, but were not specific about what those are. The commas and circles decorating the cape were interpreted by them as representations of "chalchihuite" beads (green stones). This piece is probably missing details in the headdress.

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Key:  MNA 6-6029
Actual Location:  National Anthropology Museum, Mexico City, Mexico.
Registration:  29-6
Provenance:  Mound of tomb 41, Monte Albán, Oaxaca.
Measurements:  32 cm.
Color:  Grey clay covered with red pigment.
Chronology:  Transition period (Caso and Bernal 1953: 250); Tani 200 - 350 AD
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Reference:  Caso and Bernal 251: fig. 394; Richness of Ancient Mexico, Lafayette Galleries, 1994, p. 6, fig. 5.
Comments:  Caso and Bernal (1952: 250) say: "The three numerals found under the pectoral may be the ones accompanying the glyph in the headdress, which we have not been able to read, maybe because the style of this figure differs from the style we know in Monte Albán and other places of the Valley. They look more like the style we have called "San Lorenzo Albarradas", of which Linné published an urn we have already studied". (Examples in Linné, 1938: plates 14, 21). Tomb 41 dates from MA-IIIB-IV.
Glyphs:  Glyph L (Loo) in the face. Three numerals under the pectoral (3L).

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Key:  MNA 6-33
Actual Location:  National Anthropology Museum, Mexico City, Mexico.
Registration:  Cat. 6-33 / 10-61321 INAH
Provenance:  Tomb 1, No. 5, Loma Larga, Oaxaca.
Measurements:  aprox. 21 cm.
Color:  Coated in red pigment.
Chronology:  Transition period (Caso and Bernal 1952:187); Tani 200 - 350 AD
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Reference:  Caso 1936: 18-19, photo without number; Caso & Bernal 1952: 188-195, fig. 317; Paddock 1966: 130, fig. 94.
Comments:  Caso and Bernal designate this piece as an example of the category "Old God Called 5 F".
Glyphs:  The mask of glyph U in the headdress. This piece corresponds to glyph X.

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Key:  MNA 6-4854
Actual Location:  National Anthropology Museum, Mexico City, Mexico.
Registration:  6-54
Provenance:  Courtyard of tomb 137a, no. 1, Monte Albán, Oaxaca.
Measurements:  57.6 x 62 cm.
Color:  Brown clay with black, red and yellow paint.
Chronology:  Transition period (Caso and Bernal 1952: 196); Tani 200 - 350 AD
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Reference:  Caso & Bernal 1952: 192, fig. 324; Covarrubias 1957: plate XXXIV; Paddock 1966: 124, fig. 81; Gendrop 1970: plate XVIa.
Comments:  A piece is missing on the figure's forehead, which was probably the handle of the knot used to tie up the turban. This artefact was found next to a fragment of a small jar, Tlaloc style, from the "Altiplano" or High Plateau, illustrated in Caso and Bernal 1952: 37, fig. 40.
Glyphs:  This piece corresponds to glyph X.

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Key:  MNA 6-37
Actual Location:  National Anthropology Museum, Mexico City, Mexico.
Registration:  6-37
Provenance:  Entrance 1, no. 8, found in cove 42, under building 43 of the K-System Courtyard, Mitla, Oaxaca.
Measurements:  18 cm.
Color:  Grey clay with a red pigment coating.
Chronology:  MA IIIA (Caso and Bernal 1952: 101); Tani 200 - 350 AD
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Reference:  Caso 1936: 13-14, numberless photo; Caso and Bernal 1952: 101, fig. 167.
Comments:  Caso and Bernal use this piece to define category "Bow God in Headdress". According to Caso, the urn was attached to the pectoral or loincloth, but fell off (Caso 1936: 13). The piece was found with two more (Nos. 6 and 9): one with a serpent's mouth mask and the other, with a headdress featuring the Cocijo and glyph C. The rest of the offering was also very rich in ceramics. There were two skeletons in the burial.

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Key:  MNA Ent. IV-56, no. 4
Actual Location:  National Anthropology Museum, Mexico City, Mexico (exhibited).
Provenance:  Burial IV-56, no. 4, Monte Albán, Oaxaca.
Measurements:  20 cm.
Chronology:  Transition (Caso and Bernal 1952: 153); Tani 200 - 350 AD
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Reference:  Caso and Bernal 1952: 153, fig. 262
Comments:  This piece was found with another similar, but not identical piece (Caso and Bernal 1952: 151, fig. 151).
Glyphs:  Glyph C is probably missing from the headdress. See ROM 653 as a point of comparison.

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Key:  TEO 2
Actual Location:  University of the Americas, Cholula, Puebla, Mexico.
Provenance:  Well W1N9-W2N9, layer 2, Oaxacan neighborhood, Teotihuacan, Mexico.
Measurements:  13 cm.
Chronology:  Transition MA II-IIIA (Rattray 1987: 245); Tani 200 - 350 AD
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Reference:  Rattray 1987: 245, 245 & 246, fig. 1.
Comments:  This piece was found in a tomb in Teotihuacan, associated with the bones of three individuals. Two of these burials were primary and the third, maybe secondary. The rest of the offering was typically Teotihuacan. Rattray says: "It is certain that the urn was already incomplete when the burial took place (1987: 245) [...] This urn corresponds to the perfect Monte Albán style, completely made of clay from the Valley of Mexico (Sayre and Harbottle 1979, Catalog no. 1: 202).
Glyphs:  An early variation of glyph C in the headdress.

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Key:  UPM NA6359
Actual Location:  University of Pennsylvania Museum, Philadelphia, United States.
Collection:  Fernando Sologuren
Registration:  NA6359
Provenance:  Unknown
Chronology:  Tani 200 - 350 AD
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Reference:  Boos 1966b: 264, fig. 242.
Comments:  This piece is shown in a photo of the Sologuren Collection (Ibero-American Institute, Seler Collection, Box 70, Mixtec or Zapotec "Alterhümer III"). How the piece ended up in this museum is unknown, but it was probably through an exchange.
Glyphs:  A glyph C in the headdress.

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Key:  RSM 1948.287
Actual Location:  Royal Scottish Museum, Edinburgh, Scotland.
Collection:  Vice-Earl Cowdray
Registration:  1948.287
Provenance:  Santa Inés, Oaxaca.
Measurements:  26 x 17 cm.
Color:  Grey clay with traces of red pigment.
Chronology:  Tani 200 - 350 AD Pitao 350 - 500 AD
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Reference:  Boos 1966: 218, fig. 200.
Comments:  The human figure is wearing a mask with feline traits.

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Key:  KRIEG 1
Actual Location:  Denver, Colorado, United States.
Collection:  Private collecion of M.F. Krieg.
Provenance:  Tlaxiaco, Oaxaca.
Measurements:  25 cm.
Color:  Dark grey clay with a white coating over red.
Chronology:  Tani 200 - 350 AD
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Reference:  Boos 1966: 263, fig. 241.
Glyphs:  Glyph C in the headdress.

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Key:  MFR 2892
Actual Location:  Frissell Museum, Mitla, Mexico.
Collection:  Darío Quero
Registration:  INAH 2892 / MFR 13013
Provenance:  Unknown
Measurements:  27 x 16.3 x 12 cm.
Color:  Dark grey clay with traces of red pigment.
Chronology:  Tani 200 - 350 AD
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Reference:  Boos 1966: 212, fig. 192
Comments:  The catalog information provided by Boos (1966: 212) is incorrect.
Glyphs:  A glyph C in the headdress.

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Key:  MFR 3160
Actual Location:  Frissell Museum, Mitla, Mexico.
Collection:  Howard Leigh (1950)
Registration:  INAH 3160 / MFR 1348
Provenance:  Unknown
Measurements:  30 x 18.3 x 14.5 cm.
Color:  Grey clay with traces of red pigment.
Chronology:  Tani 200 - 350 AD
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Reference:  Boos 1966: 48, fig. 26; Boos 1966: plate II.
Comments:  It wears a Cocijo mask.
Glyphs:  A glyph C in the headdress.

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Key:  MCO 10-361255
Actual Location:  Museum of Cultures of Oaxaca, City of Oaxaca, Mexico (exhibited).
Registration:  INAH 10-361255
Provenance:  Tomb 14, Monte Albán (Winter et al. 1991).
Measurements:  15 x 13 cm.
Color:  Light grey clay with traces of red pigment.
Chronology:  Transition (Winter, 1994: 62); Tani 200 - 350 AD
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Reference:  Treasures of the Regional Museum of Oaxaca, 1994: 62, plate 17.
Glyphs:  Glyph for corn field in the headdress.

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