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570 records searched.

Results 106 - 120 of 186 for "pitao"
Key:  MNA Sist. t/121, no. 19
Actual Location:  National Anthropology Museum, Mexico City, Mexico.
Provenance:  System of tomb 121, courtyard 2, no. 19, Monte Albán, Oaxaca.
Measurements:  26 cm.
Chronology:  MA IIIA (Caso and Bernal 1952:36); Pitao 350 - 500 AD
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Reference:  Caso and Bernal 1953: 36, fig. 38.
Comments:  Caso and Bernal think that the piece had a bifid tongue.
Glyphs:  Glyph Z in the headdress.

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Key:  SLAM 240:1978
Actual Location:  Saint Louis Art Museum, Saint Louis, Missouri, United States.
Collection:  Bill Pearson (Los Angeles); Morton D. May
Registration:  240:1978 / former loan number 1967.163
Provenance:  Unknown
Measurements:  24 cm.
Chronology:  Pitao 350 - 500 AD
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Reference:  Drawing based on a photo from Shaplin.
Comments:  The mask in the headdress corresponds to the Xicani.
Dating:  Shaplin and Zimmerman, 1978, TL no. 22 (580 rads - authentic).

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Key:  MARI 35.6058
Actual Location:  Mesoamerican Research Institute, Tulane University, New Orleans (exhibition).
Collection:  Major H.S. Bryan. Acquired on 12/07/37.
Registration:  35.6058 / M.26.7
Provenance:  Ocotlán, Oaxaca.
Measurements:  12.3 x 14.1 cm.
Color:  Grey clay stained with a brown-colored oxidation.
Chronology:  Pitao 350 - 500 AD
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Glyphs:  The mask and attire correspond to glyph X.

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Key:  MARI 35-5989
Actual Location:  Mesoamerican Research Institute, Tulane University, New Orleans (warehouse).
Collection:  Major H.S. Bryan. Acquired on 12/07/37.
Registration:  35-5989 / M.26.7
Provenance:  Unknown
Measurements:  6.2 x 10.4 cm.
Color:  Light grey clay
Chronology:  Pitao 350 - 500 AD
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Comments:  Fragment of a Tlaloc's head.

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Key:  MARI 35-5998
Actual Location:  Mesoamerican Research Institute, Tulane University, New Orleans (warehouse).
Registration:  M 26.4 / 35-5998
Provenance:  Tlacolula, Oaxaca.
Measurements:  11.5 cm.
Color:  Grey clay
Chronology:  Pitao 350 - 500 AD
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Key:  MNA 6-6061
Actual Location:  National Anthropology Museum, Mexico City, Mexico (exhibited).
Registration:  6-6061/ 103241
Provenance:  Entrance to tomb 58, Monte Albán, Oaxaca.
Color:  White with traces of red pigment.
Chronology:  Late MA IIIB (Caso and Bernal 1952:254); Pitao 350 - 500 AD
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Reference:  Caso and Bernal 1952: 254-255, fig. 400.
Comments:  This object is very similar to SMI195806 and MFVV 55163 given that the figure wears a collar of human maxillae. The figure also grasps a trophy head in the left hand, characteristic that can be seen on SMI195806 but hanging around the neck. The right hand of the figure is holding a small ball, and the head is stylized to appear like a ball. All these features suggest a connection with ball playing. For other possible representations of ball players see: MFR 1233, SMI 19506, DAM 1971.0350, SLAM 171:1979, SMA 1.

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Key:  SOTH 1994.118
Actual Location:  Unknown
Collection:  Sotheby Parke Bennet Auction, 15 November 1994.
Provenance:  Unknown
Measurements:  26 cm.
Color:  Traces of red pigment.
Chronology:  Pitao 350 - 500 AD
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Reference:  Auction's catalog, Sotheby's 1994: fig. 118.
Comments:  Human figure sitting on a box with the name of a place engraved.
Glyphs:  Glyph V in the headdress.

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Key:  SMI 115161
Actual Location:  Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C., United States.
Collection:  Louis Ayme. Acquired by the Museum on 29 July 1885.
Registration:  Cat. 115161; Acc. # 16290.
Provenance:  San Pedro El Alto, District of Tlaxiaco, Oaxaca.
Measurements:  24 x 17.5 cm.
Color:  Piece covered with a bright red pigment.
Chronology:  Pitao 350 - 500 AD
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Reference:  Boos 1966: 31, fig. 4; Whitecotton 1985: 181.
Comments:  Effigy of Cocijo.
Glyphs:  A glyph C in the headdress.

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Key:  MFR 1224
Actual Location:  Frissell Museum, Mitla, Mexico
Registration:  Cat. 1224
Chronology:  Pitao 350 - 500 AD
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Comments:  Cocijo effigy. This piece has a contraparte in the Royal Ontario Museum (see ROM 1953) and the Ethnographic Museum of Berlin (see EMB 26836)
Glyphs:  5 dots in the headdress. Object is missing the corresponding glyph.

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Key:  MNA 6-2000
Actual Location:  National Anthropology Museum, Mexico City, Mexico.
Registration:  6-2000
Provenance:  Xoxocotlán, Oaxaca.
Measurements:  19 cm.
Chronology:  Pitao 350 - 500 AD
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Reference:  Caso and Bernal 1952: 236, fig. 380.
Comments:  Two glasses adhered to the front of the effigy. Also see: MFR 2487, MFR 7748, MDO 40, MNA 6-2001, MNA 6-235, MNA, 6-257, EMB 28355, GM 83.1.89.

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Key:  MNA 6-235
Actual Location:  National Anthropology Museum, Mexico City, Mexico.
Registration:  6-235
Provenance:  Cuilapan, Oaxaca.
Measurements:  15 cm.
Chronology:  Pitao 350 - 500 AD
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Reference:  Caso and Bernal 1952: 232, fig. 371.
Comments:  Two glasses adhered to the effigy's back. Also see: MFR 2487, MFR 7748, MDO 40, MNA 6-2000, MNA 6-2001, MNA 6-257, EMB 28355, GM 83.1.89.

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Key:  MFR 7410
Actual Location:  Frissell Museum, Mitla, Mexico.
Registration:  MFR 7410 / INAH 2742
Provenance:  Zaachila, Oaxaca.
Measurements:  21.5 x 23.5 x 20.5 cm.
Color:  Grey clay
Chronology:  Pitao 350 - 500 AD
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Comments:  Human figure with butterfly head piece. This piece is similar to MNA 6-827, MEG 23.6.303 and EMB 31107.

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Key:  MFR 1984
Actual Location:  Frissell Museum, Mitla, Mexico.
Registration:  MFR1984 / INAH 2498
Provenance:  Ixtepec, Oaxaca.
Measurements:  11.5 x 13.3 x 4.5 cm.
Color:  Grey clay
Chronology:  Pitao 350 - 500 AD
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Comments:  Fragment showing Tlaloc's face superimposed on the glyph for corn field.

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Key:  AMNH 30/136
Actual Location:  American Museum of Natural History, New York, United States
Collection:  Manuel Martínez Gracida 1894; Eduard Seler 1896
Registration:  30/136, acc. 1896-20
Provenance:  San Lázaro Zautla, Oaxaca.
Measurements:  34 x 28 cm.
Color:  White sandstone with traces of red pigment.
Chronology:  Pitao 350 - 500 AD
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Reference:  Drawing by Sabino Soriano, in the unpublished work of Manuel Martínez Gracida, second volume, Stone Idols and Statues, 1910: plate 72.
Comments:  Described as "stone statue" and made of basalt. According to Martínez Gracida, this statue was found in a grave, in the year 1894. It was Etla's Political Chief, Agustín Robles Arenas, who gave it to him as a present. The head joins to the body via a hole in each part.
Glyphs:  Mask of glyph U.

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Key:  SOLO 1
Actual Location:  Unknown
Collection:  Fernando Sologuren #481
Provenance:  Huitzo, Etla, Oaxaca.
Measurements:  28 x 16.5 cm.
Color:  Dark brown.
Chronology:  Xoo 600 - 800 AD
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Reference:  Drawing by Sabino Soriano in the unpublished work of Manuel Martínez Gracida, second volume "Wood Statues" 1910: plate 78; Peñafiel 1893: plate 23; Bauer's photo circa 1900, in König and Kröfges 2001: 131, S14.
Comments:  Wood effigy with bearded human figure. A human face sticking out of the mouth. This piece was described by Sologuren as "Wooden Idol" and by Peñafiel as "Wood Idol from Zompantle". According to the work of Martínez Gracida (1910) it represents "Pitao Cozaana" and he adds that the piece was found in the house of José Trápaga, in Huitzo, in 1890, who later gave it to Fernando Sologuren as a present. The same author also draws our attention to the fact that the piece looks old because it is badly gnawn by moths.

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