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Results 1 - 7 of 7 for "huipil"
Key:  MNA 6-78
Actual Location:  National Anthropology Museum, Mexico City, Mexico (exhibited).
Registration:  6-78; INAH 10-3199
Provenance:  Cistern IV, Monte Albán, Oaxaca.
Measurements:  14.4 x 12 cm.
Color:  Orange and grey.
Chronology:  MA IIIA (Caso and Bernal 1952: 297); Pitao 350 - 500 AD
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Reference:  Caso and Bernal 1952: 174, fig. 297; Paddock 1966: 132, fig. 106; Funerary furniture (Mobilier funéraire) fig. 5; The richness of Ancient Mexico (Les richesses de l'Ancien Mexique), 1994: 6, fig. 4.
Comments:  Caso and Bernal (1952: 174) designate this piece as MA-IIIA because the rim of the vase is wide and turned outwards like in the "flower vases" that were characteristic of the time. Because the efigie is wearing a "huipil" it probably represents a female impersonator.
Glyphs:  Human figure with an owl's head or glyph F and, in the chest, numeral 1 (1 F).

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Key:  MNA 6-4852
Actual Location:  National Anthropology Museum, Mexico City, Mexico.
Registration:  6-52
Provenance:  Antechamber of tomb 103, no. 1, Monte Albán, Oaxaca.
Measurements:  37 cm.
Color:  According to Caso's description, huipil: yellow with red tassel; face: red; hair
Chronology:  MA IIIB (Caso and Bernal 1952: 252); Peche 500 - 600 AD
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Reference:  Caso 1938: 69, 70, 71, fig. 88; Caso & Bernal 1952: 288, fig. 437; Romero 1958: 210, plate XLV; Gendrop 1970: 138, fig. 159b.
Comments:  The piece was found in the antechamber of tomb 103, which was excavated by Caso during the sixth period (1937). Next to this piece, a pot with double pouring handle, decorated with a Cocijo head in front and with a black, polished cylindrical glass was found, as well as some fragments of earthenware bowls with fresco polychrome decorations. The tomb was dated MA IIIA-IIIB. See the other two effigy vessels of this tomb under MNA t/103 Nos. 2 and 3.

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Key:  MNA 6-6473
Actual Location:  National Anthropology Museum, Mexico City, Mexico (exhibited).
Collection:  Guillermo de Heredia?
Registration:  6-6473
Provenance:  Jamiltepec, Oaxaca.
Measurements:  aprox. 20 cm.
Chronology:  Peche 500 - 600 AD
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Comments:  The provenance of this piece is known thanks to a photo kept at the Historical Archives of the National Anthropology Museum, box #12, no. 611. The photo shows the missing part: the left hand and foot. The exhibited piece has been restored on the same side, confirming that it is the same piece. It is possible that this piece belonged to the Heredia Collection. The huipil dress indicates that it must represent a woman. Similar pieces published in Caso and Bernal 1952: 281-281, figs. 428, 429, 430.

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Key:  MSMA 1
Actual Location:  Regional Museum of Oaxaca, City of Oaxaca, Mexico (exhibited).
Provenance:  Tomb 214, access highway to Monte Albán, Oaxaca.
Color:  Grey clay with traces of stucco.
Chronology:  Xoo 600 - 800 AD
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Reference:  Urcid 2005: 41.
Comments:  Found in an excavation in 1995. It represents a woman dressed in a "huipil", sitting on a box engraved with the glyph for hill. The woman is wearing a jaguar's head piece.

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Key:  MFR 1346
Actual Location:  Frissell Museum, Mitla, Mexico.
Collection:  Howard Leigh
Registration:  INAH 3247 / MFR 1346
Provenance:  Unknown
Measurements:  21.5 x 16 x 14.5 cm.
Color:  Light grey clay
Chronology:  MA IIIB (Leigh 1949); Pitao 350 - 500 AD
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Reference:  Boos 1964: plate 38; Boos 1966: 102.
Comments:  The dress (huipil) and way the figure is kneeling indicates that it is a woman.
Glyphs:  The eye mask corresponds to glyph V.

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Key:  EMB 11157
Actual Location:  Ethnographic Museum (Ethnologisches Museum), Berlin, Germany.
Collection:  Edward Seler 1890
Registration:  IV Ca.11157
Provenance:  Zaachila, Oaxaca
Measurements:  29.3 x 14 cm.
Color:  Grey clay
Chronology:  Xoo 600 - 800 AD
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Reference:  Seler 1904a: 354, plate 85 c; Seler 1904b, plate XXXIII; Schuler-Schömig 1970: 126, plate 188.
Comments:  According to the information published by Edward Seler, he himself witnessed the excavation of this piece in Zaachila, which came out with other pieces next to a ceramics dowry.
Glyphs:  Non-identified glyph engraved in the "huipil".
Dating:  TL by Goedicke et al. 1992, test No. 188: authentic (TL's date: A.C. 867-1005).

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Key:  AMNH 30.6331
Actual Location:  American Museum of Natural History, New York, United States
Collection:  Marshall H. Saville
Registration:  30/6331
Provenance:  Mound 7, Xoxocotlán, Oaxaca
Color:  Greyware with traces of red pigment. White stucco on the backside of the object.
Chronology:  Xoo 600 - 800 AD
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Reference:  Saville 1904: 56
Comments:  Seated figure placed upon a square tablet of clay, indicating that this object could have been the lid for a box. Given that the figure wears a huipil decorated with beads, is sitting on the knees, and also sports a braided headdress, we can infer that the sex of the person is female. The tube that supports the effigy is broken at the back and there is a thick application of stucco, thus it is possible that the artifact was once placed inside a niche. A large part of the braided headdress is missing.

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