Link to enlarge Masculine head from Palenque Chiapas after Michel Zabé WHO'S WHO IN THE CLASSIC MAYA WORLD
Peter Mathews
Janab' Ajaw    A Palenque lord, grandson of K'inich Janab' Pakal I (born ca. AD 680, died before AD 742)PAL 029


Bernal Romero, Guillermo
  2000Palenque (Tok Tan o Baak): secuencia dinástica.
Arqueología Mexicana 45: 26-27.
González Cruz, Arnoldo, and Guillermo Bernal Romero
  2000Grupo XVI de Palenque: Conjunto arquitectónico de la nobleza provincial.
Arqueología Mexicana 45: 20-25.
Stuart, David
  2000Las nuevas inscripciones del Templo XIX, Palenque.
Arqueología Mexicana 45: 28-33.
  2004History, mythology, and royal legitimization at Palenque's Temple 19.
In: Courtly Art of the Ancient Maya. (by Mary Miller and Simon Martin): 261-264.
London: Thames and Hudson.

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