Link to enlarge Masculine head from Palenque Chiapas after Michel Zabé WHO'S WHO IN THE CLASSIC MAYA WORLD
Peter Mathews

Individuals found for 'K''

K'an Joy Chitam IPAL 005An early king of Palenque (born AD 490, ruled AD 529-565)
K'awil Mo'TNA 015A captive taken by K'inich B'aknal Chak, king of Tonina (captured in AD 692)
K'inich Janab' Pakal IPAL 011Palenque's greatest king (born AD 603, ruled AD 615-683)
K'inich Kan B'alam IIPAL 012King of Palenque (born AD 635, ruled AD 684-702)
K'uk' B'alam IPAL 001The founder(?) of Palenque's royal line (born AD 397, ruled AD. ca. 431-435[?])

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