| Also Known As | |
Aahc-Kan | Lounsbury 1974; Greene Robertson et al. 1976; Greene Robertson 1983; Kelley 1985 | Ah K'an | Schele 1980, 1983, 1986 | Ac-Kan | Schele 1986; Schele and Freidel 1990 | Ac Kan | Bassie-Sweet 1991 | Ah Lawal Mat | Mathews 1991 | Aac K'an | de la Garza 1992 | Ah Ne-Ol-Mat | Schele and Mathews 1993 | Ah-Ne-Ol-Mat | Schele and Mathews 1998 | Ah Neh Ol Mat | Drew 1999 | Ah Ne-Yol-Mat | González Cruz and Bernal Romero 2000; Bernal 2000 | Aj Ne' Ohl Mat | Martin and Grube 2000 | Aj Ne O'l Mat | Grube, Martin, and Zender 2002 | Aj Ne' Yohl Mat | Martin 2003 | Aj Ne Yo'hl Mat | Guenter 2003 | Aj Ne' Ol Mat | Mathews 2004 |
| Other Names and Titles | |
The standard Palenque Emblem Glyph is present in all four references to Ajen Yol Mat, but no other titles occur in the surviving mentions of him. |