Link to enlarge Masculine head from Palenque Chiapas after Michel Zabé WHO'S WHO IN THE CLASSIC MAYA WORLD
Peter Mathews
Akul Mo' Nab' II    An early king of Palenque (born AD 523, ruled AD 565-570)PAL 006

Also Known As
Topic 8Berlin 1965
Cauac-Uinal IILounsbury 1974; Greene Robertson et al. 1976
Cauac IIBerlin 1977
Chaacal IISchele 1978, 1986, 1986a; Greene Robertson 1983; Schele and Freidel 1990; Bassie-Sweet 1991, 1996; de la Garza 1992
Ah Nabe Chaacal IISchele 1981, 1984, 1987
Chaac IIKelley 1985
Akul-Ah Nab IIMathews 1991; Schele and Mathews 1993
Akul Anab IISchele and Mathews 1998
Akal Mo'Nab' IIDrew 1999
Ahkal Mo' Ts'an Nab IIGonzalez Cruz and Bernal Romero 2000; Bernal 2000
Ahkal Mo' Naab' IIMartin and Grube 2000; Martin, Zender, and Grube 2002
Ahku'l Mo' Naahb' IIGuenter (2003)

Other Names and Titles
Different names for Akul Mo' Nab' II occur in both the Tablet of the Cross and the East Tablet of the Temple of the Inscriptions. Two of them (texts 3 and 4) involve the same pair of glyphs, which read tu-??-li-u-??. In text 4 these glyphs are immediately followed by Akul Mo' Nab' II's name, so there is no doubt that the first pair of glyphs refer to him. It is possible that they are his child or birth name, and that he used them to distinquish himself from his grandfather Aku Mo' Nab' I. The other name of Akul Mo' Nab' II is in text 2. The dates of the passage make it clear that the reference is to Akul Mo' Nab' II, and the text calls him 'the grandson of' Akul Mo' Nab' I, but his name in this example is unique: the glyph reads yi-ti-??-li. It is unclear whether this is another name or some kind of title. Only one of the references to Akul Mo' Nab' II includes an emblem glyph: it is the standard form of the Palenque emblem glyph, and it occurs in the East Tablet of the Temple of the Inscriptions (text 5).

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