| Also Known As | |
Topic 4 | Berlin 1965; Kelley 1976 | "Casper" | Schele 1978, 1981, 1984, 1987; Kelley 1985; Schele and Freidel 1990; Bassie-Sweet 1991; Mathews 1991; de la Garza 1992; Schele and Mathews 1993, 1998; Martin and Grube 2000; Grube, Martin, and Zender 2002 de la Garza 1992 | Ti Pok'in Ich | de la Garza 1992 | Ch'away | Gonzalez Cruz and Bernal Romero 2000 | Ch'ahom ("possibly another name of Ch'away") | Gonzalez Cruz and Bernal Romero 2000 |
| Other Names and Titles | |
In Texts 5 and 6 “Casper II” is named as a Toktan Ajaw. Text 7 names him both as a Ch’ok and with the standard Palenque emblem glyph as a K’uhul B’akal Ajaw. In Text 8 a possible reference to the Palenque kingdom exists in the glyph b’ak, which follows the possible reference to “Casper II”, though on balance I believe this reference is dubious. |