Site: Palenque | Schele Number: 128 | Description: Reconstruction of bench 8 (also known as the del rio throne). each leg is carved with the image of a young lord sitting on a bench and holding aloft a waterlily blossom. both lords wear net headdresses that identify them as bakab or pawahtuns. although the center of the bench has been broken, still remaining is a left-facing individual wearing a large bead necklace and headdress composed of a waterbird eating a fish. | Current Location: Left Leg Is In Palenque, Museo De Sitio; The Right In The Museo De America, Madrid. Bench Fragments Identified As Bodega Nos. 481, 485, 486, 487. | Hieroglyph: Yes | Architectural Feature: Bench | Chronological Era: Late Classic | Notes: Fragments of bench recovered from palace, southwest or tower court, and house e. see also sd514 and sd515. | Culture: Maya | Iconographic Features: Seat, Bench, Throne; Bakab, Pawahtun | Publications: L. Schele and P. Mathews, The Bodega of Palenque, Chiapas, Mexico 1979:No. 140 J. Porter, Seventh Palenque Round Table 1994:11-23 M.G. Robertson, The Sculpture of Palenque, Vol. III, 1985:90, Fig. 431 M.G. Robertson, The Sculpture of Palenque, Vol. II, 1985:Figs. 92, 94-102 | See Also: Schele Photos for "Palenque" | |
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