Site: Palenque | Schele Number: 171 | Description: Panel from the temple of the sun. both text and image rest on a double-headed band decorated with earth symbols. the smaller person at left stands on a kneeling figure who is decorated with marks that identify supernaturals. the left-most person holds a jester god/personified flint figurine that rests on a tiny bench. the person on the right side of the panel stands atop a kneeling supernatural decorated with "k'uhul" (god) symbols. this larger person offers a k'awiil figurine. at center, god l (left) and an unidentified god hold aloft a large bench embellished with jaguar and serpent motifs. atop the bench are two crossed lances and a shield decorated with the face of g-iii. glyphs recording supernatural locations flank the shield. | Current Location: At Site | Architectural Feature: Panel, Tablet | Chronological Era: Late Classic | Notes: The text at left records events in mythological time and the right-most text describes historical events. | Culture: Maya | Iconographic Features: Accession; God Gii, God K, K'awiil; God L; God G-iii, Jaguar God; Jester God | Publications: L. Schele, "Accession Iconography of Chan-Bahlum in the Group of the Cross at Palenque." In Art, Iconography & Dynastic History of Palenque, Part III, Proceedings of Segunda Mesa Redonda de Palenque; 1976:Fig. 12 L. Schele and D. Freidel, A Forest of Kings: The Untold Story of the Ancient Maya 1990:234-261, Fig. 6.13 M. Cohodas, "Iconography of the Panels of the Sun, Cross, and the Foliated Cross at Palenque: Part III." In Art, Iconography & Dynastic History of Palenque, Part III, Proceedings of Segunda Mesa Redonda de Palenque; 1976:159, Fig. 2 Notebook for the XVIth Maya Hieroglyphic Writing Workshop 1992:177-198. | See Also: Schele Photos for "glyphs" | |
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