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1096 records searched.

Results 1 - 2 of 2 for "selden codex"
Schele Number:  7103
Description:  Detail from selden codex, page 1 with scene of the lineage founder, 11 water smoking-ballcourt being born from a split mountain.
Chronological Era:  Post Classic
Culture:  Mixtec
Iconographic Features:  Axis Mundi, World Tree
Publications:  L. Schele, "The Olmec Mountain and Tree Creation in Mesoamerican Cosmology," in The Olmec World: Ritual and Rulership, 1995:113, Fig. 24a

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Site:  Mixtec
Schele Number:  7309
Description:  Detail from selden codex page 2. the lineage founder, 2 grass, is being born from a twisting world tree.
Chronological Era:  Terminal Classic
Culture:  Mixtec
Iconographic Features:  Vegetation
Publications:  L. Schele, "The Olmec Mountain and Tree Creation in Mesoamerican Cosmology," in The Olmec World: Ritual and Rulership, 1995:113, Fig. 24b

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