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Results 1 - 15 of 92 for "glyphs"
Site:  Copan
Schele Number:  1068
Description:  Detail of 7- and 9-place glyphs from motmot altar
Architectural Feature:  "altar"
Chronological Era:  Early Classic
Culture:  Maya
See Also:  Schele Photos for "glyphs"

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Site:  Copan
Schele Number:  1089
Description:  Detail of bloodletting and/or conjuring glyphs from stela 6.
Architectural Feature:  Stela
Chronological Era:  Late Classic
Culture:  Maya
Publications:  D. Freidel, L. Schele and J. Parker, Maya Cosmos: Three Thousand Years on the Shaman's Path, 1993:310, Fig. 7:17
See Also:  Schele Photos for "glyphs"

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Site:  Palenque
Schele Number:  110
Description:  Limestone flanged incensario stand. frontal view of human face wearing headdress. columns of hieroglyphs on the flanges flank the face. mentions three accessions and a war against calakmul.
Current Location:  Palenque, Museo De Sitio, Inv. No. 10-458700
Hieroglyph:  Yes 
Chronological Era:  Late Classic
Notes:  Text begins on panel illustrated in sd112 (far right image). date of 8 ix 12 zotz recorded on left panel. see sd111 and sd112 for alternate views. found in building 1, group iv, palenque. for a similar object, see bodega of palenque 1979:no. 303. inked by mark van stone.
Culture:  Maya
Object Size:  34.5 cm x 24.3 cm
Iconographic Features:  Tlaloc War Headdress
Publications:  Schmidt, P., M. de l Garza, E. Nalda eds., Maya, 1998:551, Fig. 131
K.H. Mayer, Mexicon 29(1) 1997:cover, 2
See Also:  Schele Photos for "glyphs"

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Site:  Palenque
Schele Number:  113
Description:  Stone fragment of inscription, main section, temple xvi panel.
Hieroglyph:  Yes 
Architectural Feature:  Panel, Tablet
Chronological Era:  Late Classic
Notes:  See sd 108 for composite reconstruction of panel. fragment missing columns to left; for identification, drawing begins at j2. palenque eg at j3. seven miscellaneous glyphs drawn to right of panel. inked by mark van stone.
Culture:  Maya
See Also:  Schele Photos for "glyphs"

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Site:  Palenque
Schele Number:  118
Description:  Limestone panel from temple xvii, with glyphs and two figures. a captive kneels before a standing warrior who holds a flint spear and wears a war headdress. the large text to the left records an event at palenque that occurred in ad 490 by ahkal mo' naab' i. the small text above the kneeling figure gives the name of a person captured. the text to the far right describes an event involving kan b'alam sitting on a jaguar-covered bench or pillow.
Current Location:  Palenque, Museo De Sitio
Hieroglyph:  Yes 
Architectural Feature:  Panel, Tablet
Chronological Era:  Late Classic
Notes:  Lc of yields a cr of 9 ik' 0 mol. ahkal mo' naab' i's accession is 5 kaban, 0 zotz' ( the capture event recorded as 3 ? 13 kayab has been variously interpreted as,, or the seating event may have been on 10 chuwen 4 sak (interpreted as either or ahkal mo' naab' i also known as chaacal i.
Culture:  Maya
Object Size:  1.75m x 2m x 10cm
Iconographic Features:  Warfare; Tlaloc War Headdress
Publications:  Gonzalez Cruz & Fernandez Martinez, Arqueologia Mexicana 2(8), 1994:60-62
Garcia-Barcena, Arqueologia Mexicana 2(10), 1994, :6-11
Texas Notebook 1998
See Also:  Schele Photos for "glyphs"

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Site:  Palenque
Schele Number:  119
Description:  Fragment of limestone panel known as "the bundle sculpture" with glyphs and figures, recovered from the fill of group xvi. three figures carry a large bundle; with a fourth profile just visible at the lower left. the large glyphs give the date 1 april, 731, while the small glyphs between the two figures on the left record the name of ahkal mo' naab iii. all three figures wear tall cone-like headdresses of either paper or fabric.
Current Location:  Palenque, Museo De Sitio, Inv. No. 10-479218
Hieroglyph:  Yes 
Architectural Feature:  Panel, Tablet
Chronological Era:  Late Classic
Notes:  Lc of 9.14.?.10.17 4 caban with a patron of zip yields (4 caban 10 zip). ahkal mo' naab iii also known as chaacal iii. see also sd498.
Culture:  Maya
Object Size:  40.0 cm x 29.0 cm x
Iconographic Features:  Tribute
Publications:  Gonzalez Cruz & Fernandez Martinez, Arqueologia Mexicana 2(8), 1994:60-62
Garcia-Barcena, Arqueologia Mexicana 2(10), 1994:6-11
Schmidt, P., M. de l Garza, E. Nalda eds., Maya 1998:626-627, Fig. 427
See Also:  Schele Photos for "glyphs"

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Site:  Palenque
Schele Number:  123
Description:  Bench 1 text, palace. the eastern text carved on bench placed on top of illustration; the south text in center; the west text on bottom. the south text forms the body of the cosmic monster; the skeletal saurian head on the west end of the bench's south side has venus glyphs fixed into the eye and ear, the east end displays an upside-down quadripartite badge.
Current Location:  Palenque, Palace, South Subterranean Building, South Room
Hieroglyph:  Yes 
Architectural Feature:  Bench
Chronological Era:  Late Classic
Notes:  The text records the date
Culture:  Maya
Iconographic Features:  Bicephalic Deity; Quadripartite Badge; Cosmic Monster; Astronomy
Publications:  M.G. Robertson, The Sculpture of Palenque Vol. III, 1985:Figs. 418-423
See Also:  Schele Photos for "glyphs"

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Site:  Palenque
Schele Number:  136
Description:  Tablet of the 96 glyphs. this carved panel records the dynastic history of palenque from (a period ending in k'inich janaab pakal's reign) to (a period ending in the reign of k'inich k'uk' b'alam ii).
Current Location:  Palenque, Museo De Sitio
Hieroglyph:  Yes 
Architectural Feature:  Panel, Tablet
Chronological Era:  Late Classic
Notes:  Found in rubble at east base of palace tower; the panel may have originally been set into center of tread of first step of southern staircase of the tower to function as bench seat.
Culture:  Maya
Object Size:  137.5cm x 58.5cm x 3
Publications:  K. Josserand, "The Narrative Structure of Hieroglyphic Texts at Palenque." In Sixth Palenque Round Table, 1986, 1990:26, Fig. 9
J. Porter, Seventh Palenque Round Table, 1994:11-18
Texas Notebook 1985:92-93
Robertson 1991:78-79
See Also:  Schele Photos for "glyphs"

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Site:  Palenque
Schele Number:  138
Description:  Text of hieroglyphic stairs, house c, palace. records k'inich janaab pakal's birth and accession, and the sacrifice of a calakmul vassal early in palenque's history. also noted is an eclipse (associated with a "yitah" of itzamnaaj b'alam ii of yaxchilan) and a visit from an ajaw from tikal. a series of prisoners (also recorded on house c, east court panels and on temple of the inscriptions panels) are named; text concludes with the dedication of house c.
Current Location:  Palenque, Palace, House C
Hieroglyph:  Yes 
Architectural Feature:  Stair, Alfarda
Chronological Era:  Late Classic
Notes:  Glyphs a1-a5 record janaab pakal's birth on 8 ahaw 13 pohp; b5-a6 note pakal's accession on 5 lamat 1 mol. the eclipse and dedication of house c occur on 7 chuwen 4 ch'en.
Culture:  Maya
Iconographic Features:  Warfare
Publications:  L. Schele, Seventh Palenque Round Table 1994:1-10, Fig. 1
I. Calvin and S. Stearns, "Temple of the Inscriptions, West Panel." In U Mut Maya, 1987, 1988:9-14
See Also:  Schele Photos for "glyphs"

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Site:  Palenque
Schele Number:  139
Description:  Fragment of a limestone panel. profile of a male facing left who wears an elaborate counterweight earflare and a large bead necklace. his upswept hair is held with a headdress like that worn by itzamnaaj or god d. the associated glyphs name k'inich janaab pakal, palenque ajaw.
Current Location:  Palenque, Museo De Sitio, Torso And Glyph Fragment Bod. No. 1144 (palacio P-no. 42(a3) Escombro Div. Cruz Fol. Pal 1954)
Architectural Feature:  Panel, Tablet
Chronological Era:  Late Classic
Notes:  Torso and glyph fragments were found at the north end of the northwest court of the palace. mayer (1995:28) reports that the panel is part of a private collection in brussels; however, the torso and glyph fragment are listed in the bodega of palenque (1979:no. 81). see sd143 and 141 for fragment details.
Culture:  Maya
Object Size:  34.2cm x 15.5cm x 5.
Iconographic Features:  God D, Itzamnaaj
Publications:  Maya Cosmos 1993:dustjacket, frontispiece
Mayer, Maya Monuments Supplement 4 1995:28, Plate 142
L. Schele and P. Mathews, The Bodega of Palenque, Chiapas, Mexico 1979:No. 81
See Also:  Schele Photos for "glyphs"

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Site:  Palenque
Schele Number:  140
Description:  Composite reconstruction of limestone panel fragments. profile of a male facing left who wears an elaborate counterweight earflare and a large bead necklace. his upswept hair is held with a headdress like that worn by itzamnaaj or god d. the associated glyphs name k'inich janaab pakal, palenque ajaw.
Current Location:  Palenque, Museo De Sitio, Torso And Glyph Fragment Bod. No. 1144 (palacio P-no. 42(a3) Escombro Div. Cruz Fol. Pal 1954)
Hieroglyph:  Yes 
Architectural Feature:  Panel, Tablet
Chronological Era:  Late Classic
Notes:  Torso and glyph fragments were found at the north end of the northwest court of the palace. mayer (1995:28) reports that the panel is part of a private collection in brussels; however, the torso and glyph fragment are listed in the bodega of palenque (1979:no. 81). see sd143 and 141 for fragment details.
Culture:  Maya
Iconographic Features:  God D, Itzamnaaj
Publications:  Maya Cosmos 1993:dustjacket, frontispiece
Mayer, Maya Monuments Supplement 4 1995:28, Plate 142
L. Schele and P. Mathews, The Bodega of Palenque, Chiapas, Mexico 1979:No. 81
See Also:  Schele Photos for "glyphs"

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Site:  Palenque
Schele Number:  164
Description:  Text segment (glyphs k2-k9) from east panel, temple of the inscriptions. formula for period ending/accession phrases; records accession of lady yohl i'knal and katun ending.
Current Location:  Palenque, Temple Of The Inscriptions
Hieroglyph:  Yes 
Architectural Feature:  Panel, Tablet
Chronological Era:  Late Classic
Notes:  "t.i. east panel section 1" written at bottom of drawing. inked by mark van stone.
Culture:  Maya
Publications:  L. Schele and P. Mathews, The Code of Kings: The Language of Seven Sacred Maya Temples and Tombs 1998:Fig. 3.10
See Also:  Schele Photos for "glyphs"

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Site:  Palenque
Schele Number:  171
Description:  Panel from the temple of the sun. both text and image rest on a double-headed band decorated with earth symbols. the smaller person at left stands on a kneeling figure who is decorated with marks that identify supernaturals. the left-most person holds a jester god/personified flint figurine that rests on a tiny bench. the person on the right side of the panel stands atop a kneeling supernatural decorated with "k'uhul" (god) symbols. this larger person offers a k'awiil figurine. at center, god l (left) and an unidentified god hold aloft a large bench embellished with jaguar and serpent motifs. atop the bench are two crossed lances and a shield decorated with the face of g-iii. glyphs recording supernatural locations flank the shield.
Current Location:  At Site
Architectural Feature:  Panel, Tablet
Chronological Era:  Late Classic
Notes:  The text at left records events in mythological time and the right-most text describes historical events.
Culture:  Maya
Iconographic Features:  Accession; God Gii, God K, K'awiil; God L; God G-iii, Jaguar God; Jester God
Publications:  L. Schele, "Accession Iconography of Chan-Bahlum in the Group of the Cross at Palenque." In Art, Iconography & Dynastic History of Palenque, Part III, Proceedings of Segunda Mesa Redonda de Palenque; 1976:Fig. 12
L. Schele and D. Freidel, A Forest of Kings: The Untold Story of the Ancient Maya 1990:234-261, Fig. 6.13
M. Cohodas, "Iconography of the Panels of the Sun, Cross, and the Foliated Cross at Palenque: Part III." In Art, Iconography & Dynastic History of Palenque, Part III, Proceedings of Segunda Mesa Redonda de Palenque; 1976:159, Fig. 2
Notebook for the XVIth Maya Hieroglyphic Writing Workshop 1992:177-198.
See Also:  Schele Photos for "glyphs"

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Site:  Palenque
Schele Number:  189
Description:  Text of the west panel from the temple of the cross (glyphs a1-f17). records the activities of mythological characters (including first mother-lady beastie and gi-first father) before 4 ajaw 8 kumku and birth of u kix chan, holy lord of palenque, in quasi-historical times (e10-f17).
Architectural Feature:  Panel, Tablet
Chronological Era:  Late Classic
Notes:  For east section of text see sd190.
Culture:  Maya
Publications:  L. Schele and D. Freidel, A Forest of Kings: The Untold Story of the Ancient Maya 1990:Fig. 6:14
See Also:  Schele Photos for "glyphs"

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Site:  Palenque
Schele Number:  190
Description:  Text of the east panel from the temple of the cross (glyphs p1-u17). text continues from the west panel with accession history of the palenque rulers to k'inich kan b'alam i (q10-u17).
Architectural Feature:  Panel, Tablet
Chronological Era:  Late Classic
Notes:  For west section of text see sd189.
Culture:  Maya
Publications:  L. Schele and D. Freidel, A Forest of Kings: The Untold Story of the Ancient Maya 1990:247, Fig. 6:14
See Also:  Schele Photos for "glyphs"

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