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Results 1 - 1 of 1 for "Panel from Temple XIV, with enlarged details of captions surrounding figures."
Site:  Palenque
Schele Number:  150
Description:  Panel from temple xiv, with enlarged details of captions surrounding figures. k'inich kan b'alam ii, wearing giii attributes, dances on a register marked with water iconography. the kneeling female is probably lady tz'akb'u ajaw, kan b'alam ii's mother; she offers a k'awiil manikin.
Hieroglyph:  Yes 
Architectural Feature:  Panel, Tablet
Chronological Era:  Late Classic
Notes:  The text first mentions giii in the first part of the text; it then leaps forward to historical time, describing an event by members of the palenque triad and k'inich kan b'alam ii.
Culture:  Maya
Iconographic Features:  God Giii, Jaguar God Of Underworld; Music, Dance; God Gii, God K, K'awiil; Water, Underworld; God Gi, Hunal-ye
Publications:  Maya Iconography 1980:300
L. Schele And M. Miller, The Blood Of Kings: Dynasty And Ritual In Maya Art 1986:272, Fig. VII.2

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