Linda Schele Drawing from Tikal, Altar 5. Disinterred bones rest between two kneeling dancers.  Late Classic. Current Location: Museo Nacional de Antropología y Ethnología, Guatemala City, Guatemala. copyright FAMSI. An Indexed Bibliography of
Prehistoric and Early Historic Maya Human Osteology

Marie Elaine Danforth, Stephen L. Whittington, and Keith P. Jacobi


Anjard, R.
  1981Mayan Dental Wonders.
Journal of Oral Implantology. 9: 423-426.
Only scattered information of interest
Cifuentes Aguirre, O.
  1974Protesis dental prehispánica en Guatemala.
Revista Guatemalteca de Estomatología. 4: 7-13.
Only scattered information of interest
Coe, W. R.
  1965Tikal, Guatemala, and Emergent Maya Civilization.
Science. 147: 1401-1419.
Only scattered information of interest
Donaghey, S., D. C. Pring, R. Wilk, F. P. Saul, L. H. Feldman, and N. Hammond
  1976Excavations at Cuello, 1976.
In: Archaeology in Northern Belize: Corozal Project 1976, Interim Report. edited by N. Hammond 6-59.
Cambridge: Center of Latin American Studies, Cambridge University.
Only scattered information of interest
Fowler, W. B.
  1984Late Preclassic Mortuary Patterns and Evidence for Human Sacrifice at Chalchuapa, El Salvador.
American Antiquity. 49: 603-618.
Only scattered information of interest
Hammond, N., A. Clarke, and C. Robin
  1991Middle Preclassic Buildings and Burials at Cuello, Belize: 1990 Investigations.
Latin American Antiquity. 2: 352-363.
Only scattered information of interest
Hammond, N., D. Pring, R. Wilk, S. Donaghey, F. P. Saul, E. S. Wing, A. V. Miller, and L. N. Feldman
  1979The Earliest Lowland Maya? Definition of the Swasey Phase.
American Antiquity. 44: 92-110.
Only scattered information of interest
Haviland, W. A.
  1972A New Look at Classic Maya Social Organization at Tikal.
Cerámica de Cultura Maya. 8: 1-16.
Only scattered information of interest
Housely, R. A., N. Hammond, and I. A. Law
  1991AMS Radiocarbon Dating of Preclassic Maya Burials from Cuello, Belize.
American Antiquity. 56: 514-519.
Only scattered information of interest
Ichon, A.
  1980Síntesis y conclusiones.
In: Rescate arqueológico en la cuenca del Río Chixoy 2 - Cauinal. by A. Ichon, M. F. Fauvet-Berthelot, C. Plocieniak, R. Hill II, R. González Lauck, and M. A. Bailey 187-210.
Guatemala: Misión Científica Franco-Guatemalteca. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique R.C.P. 500. Editoria Piedra Santa.
Only scattered information of interest
López, R. F., and G. Martínez Hidalgo
  1992Excavaciones en el Montículo A-IV-2, Kaminaljuyú, Guatemala.
In: V Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueológicas en Guatemala, 15-18 de julio de 1991. edited by J. P. Laporte, H. L. Escobedo Ayala, and S. Villagrán de Brady 3-11.
Guatemala: Museo Nacional de Arqueología y Etnología.
Only scattered information of interest
Mata Amado, G., and R. D. Hansen
  1992El diente incrustado temprano de Nakbe.
In: V Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueológicas en Guatemala, 15-18 de julio de 1991. edited by J. P. Laporte, H. L. Escobedo Ayala and S. Villagrán de Brady 115-118.
Guatemala: Museo Nacional de Arqueología y Etnología.
Only scattered information of interest
Popenoe, D. H.
  1934Some Excavations at Playa de los Muertos, Ulua River, Honduras.
Maya Research. 1(2): 8-85.
Only scattered information of interest
Robin, C.
  1989Preclassic Maya Burials at Cuello.
Oxford: International Series 480. British International Reports.
Primary emphasis on Maya skeletal biology
Rue, D., A. C. Freter, and D. A. Ballinger
  1989The Caverns of Copan Revisited: Preclassic Sites in the Sesesmil River Valley, Copan, Honduras.
Journal of Field Archaeology. 16: 395-404.
Only scattered information of interest
Saul, F. P., and J. M. Saul
  1991The Preclassic Population of Cuello.
In: Cuello: An Early Maya Community in Belize. edited by N. Hammond 134-158.
Cambridge: Cambridge University.
Primary emphasis on Maya skeletal biology
Shook, E. M., and A. V. Kidder
  1952Mound E-III-3, Kaminaljuyu, Guatemala.
Washington: Contributions to American Anthropology and History No. 53. Publication No. 596. Carnegie Institution of Washington.
Only scattered information of interest
Velásquez, J. L.
  1993Un entierro dedicatorio a finales del preclásico medio en Kaminaljuyú, Guatemala.
In: III Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueológicas en Guatemala, 1989. edited by J. P. Laporte, H. L. Escobedo, and S. Villagrán de Brady 199-208.
Guatemala: Museo Nacional de Arqueología y Etnología.
Only scattered information of interest
Young, D.
  1994Analysis of Human Skeletal Remains from Operation 2031, Colha, Belize.
In: Continuing Archeology at Colha, Belize. edited by T. R. Hester, H. J. Shafer, and J. D. Eaton Studies in Archeology 16: 59-63.
Austin: Texas Archeological Research Laboratory, The University of Texas at Austin.
Primary emphasis on Maya skeletal biology

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