Linda Schele Drawing from Tikal, Altar 5. Disinterred bones rest between two kneeling dancers.  Late Classic. Current Location: Museo Nacional de Antropología y Ethnología, Guatemala City, Guatemala. copyright FAMSI. An Indexed Bibliography of
Prehistoric and Early Historic Maya Human Osteology

Marie Elaine Danforth, Stephen L. Whittington, and Keith P. Jacobi


Carmack, R. M.
  1981The Quiche Maya of Utatlan.
Norman,Oklahoma: University of Oklahoma Press.
Only scattered information of interest
Fry, E. I.
  1956Skeletal Remains from Mayapan.
In: Current Reports No. 38 - Department of Anthropology. 551-571.
Washington: Carnegie Institution of Washington.
Primary emphasis on Maya skeletal biology
Goff, C. W.
In: Diseases in Antiquity. edited by D. Brothwell and A. T. Sandison 279-294.
Springfield: Charles C. Thomas.
Only scattered information of interest
Guillemin, G. F.
  1967The Ancient Cakchiquel Capital at Iximche.
Expedition. 9(2): 22-35.
Only scattered information of interest
  1968La sépulture d'un chef à Iximché.
Archaeologie. 23.
Unable to locate and review this work
  1969Exploration du Groupe C d'Iximché (Guatemala).
Bulletin de la Société Suisse des Américanistes. 33: 23-33.
Only scattered information of interest
Guillemín, J. [G.] F.
  1961Un entierro señorial en Iximché.
Anales de la Sociedad de Geografía e Historia de Guatemala. 34: 89-105.
Only scattered information of interest
  1965Iximché, capital del antiguo reino cakchiquel.
Guatemala: Publicaciones del Instituto de Antropología e Historia.
Only scattered information of interest
Kennedy, G. E.
  1983Skeletal Remains from Sarteneja, Belize.
In: Archaeological Excavations in Northern Belize, Central America. edited by R. V. Sidrys 353-372.
Los Angeles: Monograph XVII. Institute of Archaeology, University of California at Los Angeles.
Primary emphasis on Maya skeletal biology
Littlehales, B.
  1961Treasure Hunt in the Deep Past.
National Geographic. 120: 550-561.
Only scattered information of interest
Massey, V. K., and D. G. Steele
  1982Preliminary Notes on the Dentition and Taphonomy of the Colha Human Skeletal Material.
In: Archaeology at Colha, Belize: The 1981 Interim Report. edited by T. R. Hester, H. J. Shafer, and J. D. Eaton 198-202.
Center for Archaeological Research, The University of Texas at San Antonio and Centro Studi e Ricerche Ligabue, Venezia, San Antonio.
Only scattered information of interest
Pendergast, D. M., M. H. Bartley, and G. J. Armelagos
  1968A Maya Tooth Offering from Yakalche, British Honduras.
Man. 3: 635-643.
Only scattered information of interest
Ramos Rodríguez, R. M.
  1978Algunas observaciones sobre los enterramientos humanos en el sitio "El Rey" (Can Cun).
Anales de Antropología. 15: 251-265.
Only scattered information of interest
Robles Castellano, F.
  1980Entierros encontrados en la Estructura 7-a.
In: Informe anual del Proyecto Arqueológico Cozumel: temporada 1980. 58-61.
México: Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia.
Only scattered information of interest
  1981Entierros hallados en las excavaciones de las estructuras monumentales de San Gervasio, temporada 1980.
In: Informe anual del Proyecto Arqueológico Cozumel: temporada 1981. 106-115.
México: Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia.
Only scattered information of interest
Trik, A. S.
In: The Ruins of Zaculeu, Guatemala. edited by R. B. Woodbury and A. S. Trik 77-111.
Richmond: United Fruit Co.
Only scattered information of interest
Vargas P., E., and P. Santillon S.
  1992Sistema de enterramientos en Tulum.
Estudios de Cultura Maya. 19: 67-112.
Only scattered information of interest
Wauchope, R.
  1942Cremations at Zacualpa, Guatemala.
México: Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia.
Only scattered information of interest
Weeks, J. M.
  1980Dimensions of Social Differentiation at Chisalin, El Quiche, Guatemala, A.D. 1400-1524.
Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, State University of New York at Albany, Albany. University Microfilms International, Ann Arbor.
Only scattered information of interest
  1983Chisalin: A Late Postclassic Maya Settlement in Highland Guatemala.
Oxford: International Series 169. British Archaeological Reports.
Only scattered information of interest

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