Site: Nasca | Clados Number: 78 | Culture: Nasca | Description: Göteborg Staff, G.E.M. 35.32.180 | Chronological Era: Early Intermediate Period (EIP), Nasca 3 or Nasca 4. | Iconographic Features: From left to right. 1. row: unidentified impersonator, Killer Whale impersonator (?) marked by hunger, Anthropomorphic Mythical Being impersonator with arched headdress (representing Double-Headed Serpent ?) holding a knive with obsidian blade (see CL 55); 2. row: Feline Man impersonator marked by hunger and holding trophy heads, Bird impersonator with wing holding trophy head, impersonator with fox skin headdress (see CL 1) holding trophy hand with both hands while tip of extended tongue is touching the trophy head (trophy-head taster format); 3. row: Spotted Cat impersonator, unidentified impersonator marked by hunger, unidentified impersonator with wrapped snake turban holding sweet potato, staff (club?) and bag with trophy head, unidentified impersonator. | Related Themes: Click link to see related item(s) CL 55, 1 | |
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