Site: Nasca | Clados Number: 288 | Culture: Nasca | Description: cup bowl, ID number missing, M.N.A.A.H.-Lima. | Chronological Era: Early Intermediate Period (EIP), Nasca 5 Phase. | Iconographic Features: Feline Face consisting of a feline head and two human arms. It holds clubs, spears and forehead ornaments. Snakelike streamer (= extended tongue) emerges from the mouth, terminating in a circle depicted with Rayed Face enclosed. The circle in turn bifurcates into two bubble-like extrusions, each containing foxes. Fox legs attached to the extrusions (indicating moving forward?). Two rodents close to the head of Feline Face. Interpretation of Feline Face as celestial body. | Related Themes: Click link to see related item(s) CL 94, 95, 110, 103, 104, 105, 106, 260, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 289, 290. | |
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